
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 33 - Nothing would change between us, right?

"...I'm scared."

"I am too…"

Who wouldn't be? We are still standing in front of the door, scared to even touch it. Guess that small interaction with our parents yesterday has traumatized both of us, huh. But, we should open it and talk to our parents again, otherwise, we will go back to square one again.

"Nee-san, get prepared."

"I am, I just can't bring myself to touch the door…"

"I'll do it. Don't worry and just follow me."


I went to the door, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door before opening it.

"Come in."

It was just a normal response, but hearing the same words as the beforehand sent both my sister and me into a trauma cycle until we regained ourselves after a while. I need to calm down, we need to calm down. We prepared ourselves for this, this is not the time to get distracted with traumas. Both Kaguya and Aurelia said that everything would be fine, so I should believe it.

We entered the room and bowed down, for respect and courtesy sake. We wouldn't normally do this since we are their children but now, we just felt like we should do this. I can't see them eye to eye right now, I'm scared to even lookup.

"Stop it. Don't do this."

We slowly looked up, scared, and saw our mother crying, our father looking away while holding back tears. Ah, I see, they were scared too.


"No, don't say anything yet. We- Ugh, we are sorry. I am sorry for talking like that…"

Our father apologized to us. And it wasn't just him, our mother apologized as well.

"Yeah, we are sorry. We shouldn't have reacted like that. We should have dealt with the situation properly… we are sorry."

We didn't know how to react. I don't know how to react to this. No one has ever apologized to me after abandoning me this sincerely. This is a new thing for me. All of the people who apologized to me after abandoning me, always have this uncertainty in their voices, something that I always detect no matter who they are, no matter who they were. But right now, I'm not seeing any of it from their responses. Yes, they are stuttering but it is from the fear of rejection of their children, not doubts. How am I supposed to feel about this?

I looked at my sister for answers and saw her crying. It was silent but there were tears. If this is her reaction, am I also supposed to feel like that? Or should I feel something else since I'm different from her? What am I-

Drip. Drips of water. I can hear water dripping down. It was close, very close. There wasn't a leak anywhere in the room and it wasn't raining so where do I hear waterdrops from.

Drip. Drop. The drips of water continued. I felt waterdrops on my hand. Where did this come from… I lifted my hand over my body to find out where the water comes from until I touched my face, it was wet. I feel it now, there is a rushing stream of water flowing down my face.

Ah, I see. It was tears. It wasn't my mother's, nor my father's, nor my sister's, no, it was mine. I didn't need to ask what am I supposed to feel about this. I already knew, I was already feeling it. I was crying as well. Is this how I'm supposed to feel?

Even though I have human emotions, there were some emotions that I couldn't feel anymore, some emotions that I couldn't feel in a certain situation, and yet, I'm feeling them again. Was it this easy to regain emotions? Or did I not lose my emotions, instead just suppressed them unconsciously? Either way, I'm crying, we are all crying. We are sorry, all of us were.

"We… are sorry… it is our fault-"

"No, it is mine! I dragged Tomo into this! I'm the one who should be sorry-"

Our mother hugged her and me, making us cry more. Is this what a family feels like? I don't know, since I never had a 'normal' family in my entire life. Maybe, just maybe, this is how it feels like to be in a normal family.

We cried. We continued to cry and apologize. We continued until we eventually calmed down. Until we were numb from crying a lot, especially my sister, who not only cried just now but also last night. Her eyes, eyelids, and all the surrounding skin were red and puffy from all of her crying. Seeing her like this makes me laugh a bit.

"Ok, let's start over. First of all, your father and I are sorry. We shouldn't have reacted like that when he first heard about it."

"It's ok. It's my fault to begin with…"

"...Dear, can you explain to us what happened?"


She proceeded to explain everything that had happened, from the beginning till the end. I was listening closely as well since I don't know everything that happened. My mother suggested that I should cover my ears and not listen to the entire story since it contains very disturbing content but I insisted that I should listen to it all.

Of course, they didn't listen but after a while of talking back and forth, I finally convinced them since I too deserve the whole truth. Also, I'm the one here who barely has any memory of it so I should at least know what happened.

I was very disturbed hearing everything that had happened. It's like listening to a p*rn of yourself made by someone, the only difference is that it actually did happen and you didn't know what exactly happened.

The longer I listen to the story, the more I was creeped out. Not because I can't handle s*x scenes or anything but it is because my sister explains everything in so much detail. Both her tone and way of speaking are like recalling a very good memory which creeps me a bit, I'm not into incest you know.

She also explains it in a way that is as if she was enjoying every second of what happened. She talks about how good it was when I was completely dominating her in so much detail that I'm concerned if I managed to 'mind break' her at that time. That's something I don't want to think about ever again. I think she hasn't realized it but me, my mother, and father definitely did.

Also, she cries or gets emotional every time we talk about this and I know her feelings are sincere at those times so her liking for what happened is really not normal. Although she did say that she enjoyed our time together…

She continued talking until she finished explaining everything. She immediately did get embarrassed and tried to hide it with a poker face as if she realized what she just said but her words and actions were sincere. Yeah, I'm getting mixed feelings.

Me, my mother, and my father looked at each other and we sighed. I think we need to seek therapy for this, especially my sister. After this, our father inhaled a lot of air as if to prepare himself for what he is going to say and started speaking.

"May I ask Fuyumi, did you change genders whenever it happened?"

"...no… I always fail to change my gender…"

"Ok… well, it already happened so there is nothing that we can do about it."

"Dear… don't end it there."

"Ok ok. Hmm… I mean, it is neither you guys' fault so no need to feel bad. Besides, nobles and royalty do these things sometimes so it is not so surprising-"


My mother smacked our father so hard that his head smashed the table. Wow, are all the females in our family this strong or what? Though, to be honest, I would have smacked him too if he wasn't my father and my mother hasn't smacked him already.

It is true that it is fairly common for royalty to do this, in fact, it is very apparent in history from my previous world, so I get what he is saying, but still!

"Ow… as I was saying, no need to feel bad, it is no one's fault. However, I do have a question. For both Fuyumi and Tomo."

"Starting from Tomo, how do you feel in this situation? After all, you didn't have any memories about it so are you fine?"

"To be honest, I am incredibly shocked that it actually happened but as you said, it wasn't anybody's fault so there is no need to blame anyone." or at least no one in this room. There is still the possibility that the constellations planned this.

"I'm fine… for the most part at least. I'm a little bit concerned about one thing if you know what I mean," I said while looking at my sister. "But other than that, I'm completely fine."

"I see. Well then, how about you Fuyumi?"

"...To be honest, after thinking about it for so long, I don't think I will fully recover from what happened. There might be some minor changes to my relationship with Tomo-chan but I think I will be fine for the most part."

That's normal. After all, I doubt anyone is going to recover if something like that will happen. There will be some changes but that shouldn't greatly affect us.

"Alright then, it is all good then. Well, let's just hope this won't happen anymore."

"I doubt that will happen again, dear. Oh yeah…"

Our mother whispered something to our father and he was confused and looked concerned for a while until he nodded about something and our mother smiled. She then signaled Fuyumi to come to her and she whispered something that made my sister get embarrassed while looking at me and sat down back in her chair after that.

I was confused as to why they were acting like that but I immediately figured out when my mother whispered it to me as well. God, no wonder she is whispering it rather than talking about it in front of us since this should be kept private.

"...If you guys decided to do it again in the future, we will allow it as long as the both of you are at the appropriate age and have finished school. In fact, we might accept the two of you to get married as well, just don't do it soon.~"

Man, did she really just say that?! They changed their minds this quickly, what the hell?! After a while, we quietly went out of the room embarrassed and were about to leave until I was pulled again by our mom and whispered something again.

"If you want, I can teach you some stuff~"

"Haha, I'm ok, I'll be fine. Just go back to your work."

"Ok then~"

Wow, that came out of nowhere! I don't know if the females in our family are just horny or if she was jealous since she did look jealous while listening to my sister. Either way, I don't want to talk about it, in fact, I might need to bleach my mind after this.

My sister and I proceeded to walk back to our rooms. I just followed her until we saw her room in the distance. I was about to leave until my sister hugged me out of nowhere.

"What is this about?"

"I'm just happy. I'm also saying thank you as well. If you didn't convince me to confess the truth to our parents, I would have probably been…"

"Yeah yeah." She hugged me more and just didn't resist at this point. Man, she is being cute right now, I always forget that she is still 13 years old since she always was reliable to us. I hope nothing will change between us…

"One more thing."

Hmm? What- Mmm!

"...This is a bonus. Well then, see you later!"

And she immediately ran back to her room, embarrassed. That crazy girl…

I slapped myself to see if I was dreaming or not. I am clearly awake… Thank God. Wait, should I be happy about this?

Anyways, I touched my lips because of what happened. I can still feel it, very clearly. Her soft lips... She just kissed me out of nowhere! I didn't have any time to react to that! Oh God, what the hell should I do about this…

As I was panicking about what just happened, I suddenly recalled my thoughts before, thinking that nothing would change between us after this. I thought that nothing would change between us. Oh god, am I going to be fine after this…