
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 27 - To be honest, I don't want to be a girl

"Yup, this is what I expected. How about you do half of each exercise that we normally do?"

"Yeah, thanks…"

"Don't sweat it. At least you are doing better than what I did before. Just don't push yourself harder than you can do, believe me, I learned it the hard way."

If you are confused as to what is happening, basically I became weak, a lot weaker than before. The strength that I acquired while being a boy didn't really transfer to this new body of mine. In fact, there are a lot of problems with it.

First of all, the body structure. It's already been a few days since I became a woman but I'm still not used to using it. Running and such don't have drastic differences but everything else does. Plus, I'm not used to using a sword at this height. I mean, I do but that was in my previous life and body, not in this. Plus, a girl's body can't keep up with the training that we do every day, not to say that women are weak but you can't expect a newborn body or form to be able to keep up with this.

Now, for some reason, even though my original strength didn't fully transfer to this body, it did transfer some strength, right around half. So does that mean I'm half as strong as before? No, in fact, it is a little bit more than that. Normally, that would be a good thing since I could just do half as much as the normal training and slowly build up my strength but for some reason, even that is impossible. Something is making this body weaker than normal.

Also, I'm not used to having this strength in a body structure like this, so I'm still in the process of controlling it. In fact, I broke quite a lot of silverware and such because I wasn't paying attention to the strength I'm using. They did say it is really quite small compared to the damage that my brother did but it is still a lot.

Thankfully, there weren't any problems with casting magic or such, in fact, it probably enhanced it a bit but swords, eh not so much. Swinging a sword and moving around still needs quite a lot of work. It just seems harder to keep up than usual.

We continued training my body until the time was up and I was shocked to see the results. Despite only doing half of what we do normally, I took twice as much time as when I do all of it while I was a boy. No wonder my brother went into a berserk mode when this happened to him, this is utter bullshit!

My brother calmed me down and just cheered me on and said that I'll get through it eventually. I hope so because I'm about to go on a rampage if I don't. Now that I think about it, being a girl is making my way of thinking weird. I'm more irritable than usual and I crave more sweets than usual, which the latter, I don't mind that much but still, I really changed.

Thankfully, this only lasts for a month so I will eventually be done with this. I never thought I would see the day where I actually hate being a lady, my young and slightly perverted self, mostly because of teenage hormones, would be very sad about this, not that I would care though.

Of course, everything about my life is normal, it's just I have more problems to deal with. Now, I want to know why my body is so weird. If I have even half, no, even a quarter of my original strength, then I shouldn't have this difficulty, and yet here I am struggling for the life of me.

"Hey, [Knowledge]. Analyze my current body to find what's wrong with it."

'Aren't you being rude to your skill? You normally ask it politely or at least be nice to it.'

"Well, sadly I am not in a good mood right now and I can't afford to be kind, ok?"

'Jeez, calm down dude. Being a girl is not that hard.'

"Yeah, says the person who has been a girl her entire life."

'Hey! I periodically change into a boy sometimes, so I wasn't a girl my whole life.'

"Why would you do that though? Are you going around and incarnating yourself so you could flirt with girls or something?"

'H-How do you know that?!'


"Wow, I never thought that the Goddess of Time herself is a lesbian, good for you I guess."

'Hey, shut up! It's not my fault that girls are so pretty that I fall in love with them.'

"Can we please not talk about girls here."

'Ok, ok, fine. Also, I was wondering. What is your skill taking so long to analyze, it is not this slow, in fact, it is usually pretty fast.'

"Maybe it's because my body here is just that weird, who knows."


"What? Thinking of something?"

'Kinda. I was thinking about your swordsmanship earlier and it reminded me of something.'

"What is it?"

'Just do what I say for now.'

Hmm? That's weird, she never tells me things for most of the time but I guess it must be special then. I followed her instructions and went to the armory near where we do sword classes. I wonder what are we going to do here.

'Ok, so first of all. Do you see any weapon that catches your eye here, like your instincts are telling you to use it?'

"Not really. There are so many different weapons here but nothing catches my eye-"

I look around the room while being confused as to what she is saying until I saw something that interest me. Actually, three weapons. Daggers, a rapier, and a naginata. I was interested in them for different reasons.

"Daggers… yeah, that might be good to use. I mean, it is a common weapon that women used in medieval times so maybe? I mean, I never really tried using it properly so I should try it out at the very least."

"A rapier… goddamnit, I've watched too many animes but it might be good to try it out. Maybe I should use a bastard sword as well while training with this, I don't know, it's food for thought."

"And lastly, a naginata. How the hell do we have a Japanese weapon in here?! I never used a weapon like this or any polearm weapon before so this might be a good reason to try it out."

'Well, at least you now have something to be interested in while being a girl.'

"Did you plan this to happen?"

'Well, looking at your swordsmanship earlier, I completely forgot that women typically don't have that much upper body strength as men so I thought we should find a weapon that suits your current form.'

"But what do you mean by you were reminded of someone?"

'Let's just say I met someone special in the past who used a peculiar weapon choice and your strange movements just reminded me of that.'

"What weapon did they use?"

'A scythe. A very weird-looking scythe.'

A-A scythe?! Did she meet the Grim Reaper or something? Oh right, I forgot there is also the God of Death but did he use a scythe? I'm not sure. Or maybe it is one of the other Gods and Goddesses of Death. Either way, that is a pretty weird weapon to use.

I know that scythes are a pretty crappy weapon to use in actual combat but it might work in this fantasy world. I don't know, I'm still getting used to the weird mechanics in this world. Maybe something that is crap in my previous world would be pretty useful in this world. I mean, if you look at anime or movies, scythes are a pretty cool weapon to use.

I do wonder why she said the scythe looked weird… eh, I'll ask her later because I'm more interested in these weapons. Hehehe, I wonder who I can ask to teach me this. I would ask my brother but he looks more of a sword guy than a dagger and polearm guy so maybe not.

"God, who can I ask to teach me this?!"

'How about me?'


'Don't "eh" me. I'm being serious.'

"Hold on, you know how to use these types of weapons?"

'Of course! I was a God after all or a clone of her. Either way, I have knowledge about using these types of weapons so I can help. Besides, your skills will also help too, you know.'

"Wait, how the hell do you even know these types of weapons? I thought you Gods and Goddesses just laze around and look at us mortals."

'Rude. Of course, we do a lot of stuff. Besides, I'm not one of those Original Gods who were born or created as Gods. I was a human who became a God so obviously I have some experience of fighting.'

Eh?! I never knew that?! A human? Became a God? I guess there is nothing impossible in this world. I wonder if I could too… I mean, it is a fantasy world… Ugh, forget it. Let's just do this.