

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs


Today is christmas eve, and tomorrow is christmas, an event where family and friends gather to enjoy a day together, gift each other presents, while also smile and laugh together.

Today was a day the family of Kali would have a good gathering and a night filled with laughs and fun. But unknown to Kali a new arrival of troubles would waltz right into his doorsteps and plant It's troublesome inside his home.

At the moment it is still daylight and is 4:00 right now, around 9:00 the guests will start showing up which is really only three of them.

The girls decorated the house inside and outside arming it to the teeth christmas lights, mistletoes, bells, wreaths and of course the gifts.

While everyone was doing their own thing Kali was staring at the wall in the hallway, on the wall was a spider web like crack on it.

Kali only just woke up a while ago and saw it while he was about to pass it, for a day or two he spent messing around with his newfound skills, after a while he decided to call it a night and went to sleep late.

Of course he doesn't need sleep as KI was already a formidable energy that could give you benefits such as not needing to sleep for a while, but Kali found out that sleep once in a while is actually good for you as it relaxes yourself, and that it can be used to waste a few hours and pass time.

Back to the cracked wall Kali didn't know what to say, they only got this house a few weeks ago and it is already getting cracked and he believes that if things like this keep happening the place would crumble.

Now he kind of regrets giving those 3 the knowledge of using KI.

"WHO CRACKED THE DAMN WALL IN THE HALLWAY?!" Kali screamed out for everyone to hear.

Both boys and girls paused what they were doing and looked to the direction the voice was coming from, but then went back to what they were doing as if nothing happened.

Things like this happened so much that they deemed it a natural thing to happen, of course the boys were always the ones that gets the end of the stick and get punished, the girls would just enjoy the moment taking pictures and whatnot.

Kali walked down the stairs and saw that no one was giving him any attention, both boys and girls.

Kali looked to Chase who was pretty much the info giver and all.

"Chase tell me who it was or I'll make Zhang erase your entire data on your cameras." Kali threatened.

"Wha?!- it was Markus, or Charles, they were bickering a while ago!!" Chase screamed out.

*Pfffftttttt* Charles who was in the kitchen spit out a mouthful of coffee.

"Oh you're dead!! Your such a tattletale!!" Markus said before trying to run out of the house and went straight for the backdoor.

"Tsk fall down by yourselves, don't take me down with you!!" Chase screamed in reply.

"Markus come here!!" Kali screamed out, he knew Markus was the most likely to have done the damage with his hot headed self.

"No!! You'll hit me!!" Markus screamed before opening the backdoor, and he was about to run out he fell back with pain on his face.

It was like he ran into a big mass of wall, he looked to the door but there weren't anything there, but he knew what it was, it was a KI wall Kali made and blocked the doors with.

This is one of Kali's way of being the "Man of the House" as he would spread his KI and lockdown the house for no one to escape and such.

"It's futile you punk, and you know it." Kali said as he stood behind the startled Markus.

Markus was backed up against the wall, Kali walked up to Markus and pulled his ears with one arm and flicked Markus' forehead with the other.

Now Markus here would usually be the type that wouldn't take this type of treatment from anyone, but when he first received his "punishment" from Kali he was furious and did a lot to at least get one hit, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't do anything.

He tried breaking things but that only backfired on him as Kali "punished" him more, and so he gave up and walked out of the Dragon house, finding an old friend of his Markus slept there but when he woke up he was back at the Dragon house.

This happened a few many times and Markus seeing how useless it is to go against Kali he decided to get serious and told him face to face that he doesn't wanna get involved with him again.

Kali just listened but didn't say anything, when Markus was about to walk out of the door he was face planted by Kali's invisible house lockdown walls.

Kali's reply was that he was still his student and that he was under his wings and so he wouldn't let him go no matter the situation.

Since then Markus just stayed and faced this torturous life with hope of soon being free.

"Stay right there boy, you were involved so it is only fair that I do the same to you." Kali said as he sensed Charles trying to sneak away.

While this scene was going on for a bit Anna got involved and screamed at all three at how annoying they were.

Jack who was the tough and quiet kid was outside putting a Chucky doll on the doors wreaths for pranks and scares.

But before he finished putting it up he heard someone behind him cleared their throats, Jack looked back to find Sydney and Jean with shopping bags looking at him.

Jack just whistled walking away like he didn't do anything.

While this house was loud and full of colors there was a strange energy in the air, some could feel it while most couldn't, it just had this feeling of eeriness in it.

Kali for some reason couldn't feel it as this energy only felt natural to him, of course it was the same for the 3 KI practitioners.

But in the next moment it wasn't only this house but the entirety of New York that was shocked of the phenomenon.


The grounds shook as a loud ominous traveled to the ears of everyone present.

As the day started to get dark there was a long silence during this whole process, all the New York residents looked up to see the same city sized portal opening It's mouth again darkness covering the whole city, the snow slowly stopped falling.

Dogs started barking babies cried along with other noise as the feeling of despair came back to some like almost 2 years ago.

Seeing the house get dark the kids near the light switch turned them on giving some light into the house, the christmas lights became an amazing sight at this time of darkness.

Kali and the kids walked out and looked at the dark sky along with their many neighbors, some cried thinking it was the end for all while some preached about the day of judgment, there was a whole bunch going on.

Kali felt his phone vibrate, having a feeling who it is he picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah." Kali said.

He was a bit shocked, he had a feeling that this giant portal -which feels familiar- was the way he came into this world, yet it looks so different on this viewpoint looking up, It's kind of disturbing, and the feeling and noise didn't help one bit.

>GREEN!!< Fury on the other side of the phone screamed out, he was also staring at the giant thing.

There were many Agents and Resources around him, he did some work and made a contingency plan incase this ever happened again, and he would be ready incase whatever or whoever came out of that portal wasn't as friendly as Kali.

>Tell me this isn't your doing?!< Fury asked.

Deep down he kinda hoped it is, and if it is he hoped it was just Kali messing around with his powers, because if it wasn't then he would have no idea what is coming out of that portal.

"No...it isn't." Came Kali's simple reply.

He wanted to know what was going on, in his head he was screaming out "Old Man!!" in hopes of the Old God gearing him.

There was a thought of the newcomer as another reincarnator, or transmigrator, and he wouldn't like that. There is only one space in a fictional universe for a reincarnator or transmigrator, because if there is two of them then it would most likely be chaos since they would want different things in this world.

Of course there are those that have more than one reincarnator and all and they had some peaceful time together but Kali believe it won't be that easy.

>Tsk, then standby, you might be needed.< Fury said.

But what surprised them both was that after a minute the portal was gone, completely disappeared, no "meteors" fell, no giant monster came and no calamity hit New York.

"It's another blackout." Zhang muttered.

"Blackout?" Kali asked.

"The people call this the [Blackout] as it darkened the whole city in just seconds, the last one that happened a year and some months ago was longer than this and many incidents happened during that dark day." Zhang informed.

"Hmm." Kali thought.

"Oh... Fury, I don't feel anything...unnatural, but it would do good to keep an eye out, tell me if your cameras spot something." Kali said before hanging up.

"Alright guys, Let's go, for now just finish up for tonight." Kali said as they went back in.

They started preparing and getting ready for the party, they didn't make it obvious but they were curious and a bit worried about this blackout incident.

They knew how strong Kali is, or how strong he could be since they never really seen him go all out, and they didn't get scared easily since he was a walking tank that would protect them, but seeing Kali at this moment a bit serious and in some thought got them a bit worried.

There were rumors of an alien dropping down and destroying the ground before the government swarmed in and took care of everything, but that was only rumors there wasn't any confirmations.

Most of the residents of New York returned to their previous activities, but others were still worried and scared finding some type of shelter or protection incase whatever they imagined were to happen.

"Old Man, do you know something about this?" Charles walked up to Kali and whispered.

"Hmm? Maybe, but whats it to you?" Kali asked.

"Nothing I just wanna know if It's dangerous or anything." Charles said.

"No there is nothing to worry about, even if there was you wouldn't be able to do anything as you would probably be crushed before you have any chance of conjuring up your KI." Kali said as a matter of factly.

"Sheesh no need to make me sound so reliable." Charles said with a pout looking to the side with crossed arms.

"There is no need for worry boy, today is a special day now go and... do whatever it is you do." Kali said before walking to the kitchen getting a beer.

"Don't drink them all before the party starts." Anna said seeing Kali already at it.

"Yes yes mother, and It's not like you all will be having any." Kali said.

"Of course not, but I want there to be at least some left when our guests arrive, who knows they might want a beer or two as well." Anna said.

"Alright alright."

Sydney was planning the schedule for a few things we could do during the small time party, last christmas eve Kali planned things like card games and board games but since then the kids had more ideas on what the more they can do.

Anna on the other hand was the planner on decorations and such, the boys were lazing around but Anna would sometimes tell them to do some simple things like bring stuff or buy this and that.

Over to Natasha and Barton...

"You ready for tonight?" Barton asked.

"Yeah, It's been a while since I have gone to something like this, but I'm glad I was thought of." Natasha said.

She has been to many kinds of parries, big, small or classic or poor but she never really went as herself but an undercover assassin and such.

"Well of course you would be invited, you guys did have some time together after all." Barton said.


She paused her sentence as she gripped Bartons hand and put him on a lockdown behind him.

They were in one of the training area for agents, and they were having a combat spar on the matt. There were a few times they did this over the past week to get their skills and body back into shape.

"...was just a one time thing." Natasha finished.

Barton was on the ground with his left arm being locked behind him and Natasha had one knee on his back.

"Hah!!... is that how you feel? What about him how does he feel about it?" Barton asked.

Using his free arm he elbowed Natasha's open stomach before he rolled out to freedom.

"There is nothing to feel, that was only a time of relief for us both, and after that it was all work." Natasha said.

She would be lying if she said she doesn't want a man who could stand by her side and carry the weight of life with her, but she had thought about it day and night. She was here to balance her wrongdoings and do some good for once.

She thought the guy (Kali) was a but mysterious and she can barely read him, though she only had ever easily read those lesser man who has never been through hardships, but Kali he was a bit different to her. And with every scar the man had there was a story behind it, he might seemed to be the normal bodybuilding working man with all those kids but there were still more she wanted to know.

For example; his abilities, his skills, his experience in fights his mindset as he seemed to take most things as a game. She looked through Kali's file but she found nothing, he had things on there that made him seem like a simple man with a job as an agent but she knew there was more to it.

She usually wouldn't have access to any files since she is practically "new" and isn't trusted so she asked Barton to look into it hence her knowledge of it.

Barton and Natasha went back and forth for a bit with Natasha in the lead, she was a master combatant and whatnot, Barton is a trained agent as well but his expertise came from his bow and arrows.

"I think thats enough of that Barton, there is no reason we have to speak about it." Natasha said with another chokehold on Barton.

She let him go as he dropped onto the matt, he looked back to see her running back into the changing room.


Barton sigh thinking she was mad at him for brining up a subject he had no business in, he laid there on the matt before he did a flip into standing up.

When he entered the changing room to apologize to her she wasn't there, he walked to the bathrooms to call her.

"Nat??" He called but there was no answer.

"Na-" he called again but the bathroom door swung open and out came Natasha.

"Hey look I just wanna apologize for-"

"Are you okay?" Barton paused looking at her.


"Okay 'cause you look a little weary." Barton said.

"Yeah, no I'm fine It's nothing." She said.

"Alright, anyways I just wanted to apologize for bringing that up, I know it wasn't any of my busines-"

"Oh no It's fine, you don't have to apologize for small things like that." She said walking up to her locker.

"It's no big deal to me really." She said, she had a napkin with her that she was using to wipe her mouth with.

"You sure you okay Nat?" Barton asked.

"I'm sure, and how long does it take to get to the guys place?" She asked.

"I- oh I don't know." Barton said.

"I'll ask for the address." Barton said walking out of the changing room.

Before they knew it the air started giving off a weird energy and a loud ominous noise rang out through out the area.


The alarms on the place were ringing like crazy, there was a man on the speakers yelling out to be on standby and be prepared.

She quickly ran out just to see Barton moving to her direction.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I don't know but the whole place is going on red alert, come on!" Barton said.

They both ran up a few stairs and turned on a few directions before arriving outside what seemed to be an aircraft carrier on the sea.

The two froze like every other agent and staff on the carrier as they looked up, a bit away they could see the city but on top of the city was a giant dark circle like portal ready to suck the city up.

"What... is that?" Natasha asked with a shocked face.

"It's another blackout." Barton said.

She looked to Barton waiting for an explanation, she has been around the world doing "jobs" and a few times did she came to america but she never seen something like this.

Of course she has seen some things to should be impossible but not something like this.

"Most people call this the Blackout, it happened over a year ago and appeared above the city as well, there were a few people that knew what happened but the clearance needed to know anything of it was too hi-" Barton couldn't finish when it suddenly disappeared and daylight came back with the small snowflakes continuing to fall.

"And it seemed to be gone just as quickly as it appeared this time." Barton said.

As they spoke a bit about it the other workers and staff was still on alert but those who had work to do resumed.

Not long the two were being called by Fury to go to his office.

"You called?" Barton said.

They walked in to see Fury sitting on his boss chair with Agent Hill next to him.

They were given a small break after their last assignment, and with this break they used the chance of going to Kali's party to have some free time.

But being called here gave them a feeling of that not happening.

"Yes, I did." Fury replied.

"I hear you have plans to head to Green's?" Fury asked.

"Yeah, he was having a small christmas party." Barton said.

"Good, attend the party." Fury said.

The two raised an eyebrow at this, since they were already going there was no need to say it unless he is giving them another assignment.

"When you see Green, ask him what the hell is going on! I want an explanation on why another dark city wide portal appeared in New York!" Fury almost screamed out.

"Kali? Why would he know anything about it?" Barton asked, Natasha felt the same way.

Fury stood up and leaned on the table with his hands on it looking at the two.

"Because he was the reason the first blackout happened, thats where he came from." Fury said.

The two were shocked, but it took a minute and thought about it, and things started to make sense, because you don't have that much scar and be able to live to talk about it, that wasn't it as Kali also had some strange out of this world abilities.

"So he was the alien?" Barton pondered.

Having some lost thoughts, he went on an assignment with an alien.

"No not exactly, he said he from earth, just not this earth. But we don't know if anything is true." Fury said looking at Barton then to Natasha.

Fury knew about the relationship Natasha and Kali had at Budapest, and he had some thoughts about using her to get a good foothold on Kali if he had any feelings for her.

Being the smart professional she is, she had some thoughts of her own and she made the same thought Fury did which she sigh on.

After a while they were taken to one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s building in New York and stayed there for a bit before they grabbed a S.H.I.E.L.D. car and drove to the address Kali gave them.

At the Kali's house...

It was over 9 right now and the last two guests are late, everyone was finished with their preparations already and was lazing around.

Logan came early and was already taking most of the booze, he would never come but Kali convinced him with a fridge full of beers.

Both him and Kali was at the backyard, Kali was in the middle of trying to learn how to control his new abilities more better when Charles came to the back with Logan announcing to Kali that he was here, and early at that.

For a while they realized how nice it was being aline in the backyard alone, it was night and a bit dark which was pretty comfy for both, they brought out a few cases of beers and stayed there drinking for a while waiting for Natasha and Barton.

Kali spoke about his new discoveries to Logan as they talked back and forth of what he can and can't do, Kali showed him a few things like flame on mode and such.

"How is it not burning your clothes?" Logan asked.

"Oh that? To be honest I don't know but I have this feeling that because the clothes is part of me and my KI isn't reacting to it by touching and leading to fire on it." Kali explained.

"Sure, whatever that means." Logan just pushed it aside wondering why he even asked.

"Here want a cigg?" Kali gave him a cigarette but Logan gestured that he doesn't have any lighter or anything.

"Hehe watch and learn my brother." Kali said as he put his hands near the cigg in Logans mouth and snapped his fingers.



A small fire the size of a finger conjured up out of Kali's fingers lighting Logan's cigarette.

Logan was genuinely shocked and spoke of how truly useful that is, Kali just smiled with a smug.

He also explained his affinities with lightning, Kali tried to do the things he did with the flames but it was harder as he doesn't know exactly how the lightning elements work or how to start one.

He used the taser Charles brought for him and he was able to start a weak electrical like aura around him, but it wasn't strong enough to be called the power of a lightning god.

As they went back and forth with each other Logan started to ease up with his tough growling act and started to have a genuine conversation like old friends, Kali explained to him that he knew many things but his true past self was lost and that was something Logan understood of.

As time passed Kali and Logan got a bit buzzed then they should be, Anna came complaining a few times but that only went through one ear and came out the other.

Kali noticed that both Natasha and Barton haven't arrived yet, by then Kali thought they wouldn't show but then remembered that Barton asked for the address a while ago so he decided to wait more.

The kids got bored and started a few car games of their own and a few other things.

While everyone was busy doing about their own thing the doorbell rang.

Charles having the job of doorman and welcoming the few guests, he opened it to see a handsome good looking young man with a gorgeous slender looking redhead.

Charles froze for a bit staring at this gorgeous woman, he suddenly shook his head thinking about someone else, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"You must be Mr.Barton and Miss Natasha?"

"Yeah, sorry we're late we were lost." Barton said.

"Please there is no need to worry about that- oh sorry uh come in come in." Charles invited them.

When everyone saw them the girls were looking at Barton seeing how cure he was, the guys on the other were gulping as their eyes were roaming around the face and body of the new redhead.


A sharp clap sounded as everyone looked at Charles.

"Don't be rude you idiots cone greet our guests." Charles said.

Each of them introduced themselves nicely making sire not to make Kali look bad and make a fool of themselves, but not everything is perfect as there are still some idiots.

"Me? My name is Mannix, a man of the people, a man of- agh!!" Mannix couldn't finish when Zhang with no expression smacked Mannix which corrected his brain made him more behaved.

The two find this funny and quiet enjoyed the silly acts, Natasha didn't mind the looks or the way Mannix was behaving as she had this expression a lot and learned a few to deal with it, most of the methods are harmful but she wouldn't do any of them to these kids.

After a while of back and forth convo Barton asked for Kali.

"Oh those two are in the back messing the yard up." Anna sigh saying this.

A few noises and shakes happened, when they went back to check it a bit of the found were burned black and a few fore still dancing about.

Charles showed them the way and walked to the back, when they arrived what they saw was a nice backyard mostly green, that was until black spots started appearing around the place and in the middle of it were two drunk bastards speaking -screaming- to each other about whatever it is.

"...so I pierced his chest repeatedly and..." Logan said bringing his claws out to make the story more believable.

"Hahahhh that's why I'm such a big fan, I'm just glad you're not those naive idiots who thinks violence won't solve anything!" Kali said a bit unbalanced.

Around then were some if not hundreds of beer bottles around them, the two seemed to be drunk like there was no tomorrow.

"Kali!! Barton and Natasha are her-" Charles couldn't finish when Kali already screamed.

"OHOHOHOHHO YOU GUYS ARE HE- WHOA!!" Kali jerked up and tried to walk to them but tripped due to being drunk.

"Ah, wow I didn't notice I was this drunk... hahahahah!!" Kali said he looked back as he and Logan stared at each other before laughing off.

"Please give me a moment." Kali said slurring his words a little.

Kali stood there with his eyes closed, suddenly yellow like smoke started steaming out of him.

"Whooh!! That feels better." Kali said.

He started walking towards Natasha and Barton normally as if he was never drunk.

"Uh... is this a normal thing?" Barton asked Charles who stoof there seemingly not shocked of the whole matter.

"Ugh trust me buddy you have to start looking at these kinds of actions as a normality or you'll just be having heart attacks left and right." Charles said as he walked back on the house leaving the two.

"Hahaha cone here!!" Kali reached out and held the two in a bear hug, Natasha on his right arm and Barton on his left.

"Hahaha come come, sit we me and Logan and have a few drinks before we start anything."

They walked to Logan and sat down on the extra chairs.

"What happened why were you guys late?" Kali asked, though he only sounded curious not offended anyhow.

"Well we were a bit alarmed and held back by the giant wormhole that appeared on top of the city." Barton said, he was also focused on how Kali would react about the topic.

"Yeah I was a bit surprised too, never knew how scary that thing actually is." Kali said.

"Are you? You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?" Natasha asked.

"What makes you think I would kno-... oh *gasp*" Kali gasped over exaggerated.

"Did eyepatch tell you my secret?" Kali asked.

"Do you know something?" Barton asked.

Logans ears were perked up also interested in what that was and why.

"Maybe..." Kali said.

"Well? Is it anything dangerous?" Barton asked.

"No, yes... I don't know? The giant butt hole isn't anything to be worried about, what comes out of it is what needs to be worried about." Kali said.

"So it was true, you came out from the first one." Barton said.

"Yes yes, a crazy old god threw me off of that black hole." Kali said.

"God? What god?" Natasha asked a little worried.

"Just an old geezer, look I ivited you guys here for a family friendly time not so you could interrogate me and such.

How about this when the whole things over I will tell you whatever you wanna know, It's not like I'm hiding it, at least not to others except for you guys.

I mean come on I never would have invited you to my own home where my kids sleep just because I felt like it, I did it because I consider you guys friends and all." Kali said, though he was trying not to blush so he just looked serious but it was failing a bit.

"You're right I'm sorry about that." Barton said.

Natasha didn't say anything but she smiled which was good enough to know that she was also sorry.

"Good here have a beer." Kali said.

He waved his hands and two beers flew into his hands, he flicked his finer knocking the caps off before giving it to them, the clinked their glasses before they started another small party talk forgetting about the whole Christmas eve party.

"...Oh and here try these apples and tell me what you feel about them." Kali said.

Kali telekinetically plucked two apples from the bug tree and gave it to them.

To say they were shocked was a great understatement, because when they took that bite and swallowed it their bodies became lighter and felt more healthier than ever.

"What kind of apple is this?!" Barton almost screamed out, he felt his body giving off a warmth comfortable feeling before he felt lighter and stronger, as if in peak condition.

"Hahahahah I call them GREEN APPLES!!" Kali said.

"But their red." Natasha said.

"No I don't mean the apples I meant the name, you know my last name Green? Oh whatever's I'll just find a better name for it." Kali said.

These were the apples he grew using the KI, when he saw the apples he didn't really think much of it and left it before experimenting on his new abilities, not long Charles came back and saw the tree.

When Charles saw the tree he was really lost and thought he was in the wrong house, when he saw Kali and Kali explained how it appeared Charles never saw Kali as human again.

When Charles saw the apples he enhanced his legs with KI before jumping to pluck an apple, thinking it was just an ordinary apple he froze on the spot as he suddenly felt energetic and healthy all of a sudden.

When Charles explained this to Kali, Kali freaked and did more experiments and after a while he found out that because the tree was grown using life KI, it enriched the properties of what an apple does.

When Kali explained this to the kids all they heard was "Magic Anti-Tired Fruit."

And with that they ravaged the trees emptying it whole, the girls was the worst as they grabbed almost all of them and bagged them before shamelessly taking it to their own house.

The boys complained since they were late to get any, Kali cried on the side finding it funny. He wasn't angry that the girls took it without asking permission since he knew he could grow more.

When he touched the tree again and gave the tree some KI, more apples started growing, which the boys tried to pluck all of them.

Kali just smacked every one of their heads, saying that this is their house and the tree is theirs and that there was no reason to pluck it all in one day.

With this Kali thought about making gardens of fruits of all kinds, apples is said to make you healthy, but what about other fruits like bananas which have benefits of helping your muscles and sleep.

Thinking through this a thought suddenly popped up and he thought about one thing that was similar to these fruits: [Senzu Beans].

"Hahah like it? I plan to make a garden of fruits and vegetables like these, with enriched benefits hahahahah." Kali laughed out proud of his work.

They stayed there moving from topic to topic when Barton finally used a chance to asked about whats on his mind.

"Green, remember what you taught me? The KI arrow?" Barton asked.

"Oh yeah, how are you with that so far? You should be able to do it no problem since you have large amounts of KI." Kali said.

"Yeah It's amazing, the benefits of using this thing works really well, I don't know if you know this but I was able to use this KI? to make by body stronger and faster, and it became incredibly useful in my assignment." Barton said as he clenched and unclenched his fist repeatedly.

Logan and Natasha couldn't see anything but Kali saw the KI flowing on Bartons fist.

"Well of course that should be the most basic thing you could do with KI, and there is three most basic and easy techniques you could use this KI on, I like to call them [KI Enhance] which is the most basic enhancing your body into a stronger and faster force." Kali said.

"[KI FORCE] which you can use for a number of things like telekinesis." Kali said as he made a few bottles around float.

"And then [KI Form] or [KI Matter] which is kind of the same thing, and this is the the category that the arrow I showed you was in." Kali said as he made a green KI arrow.

"Or something else you imagine of?" Kali said making a Mjolnr hammer, a sword and a KI cat.

"It's really up to what you can imagine." Kali said.

The three were shocked at this show of abilities, they don't know what to say, the guys even made a CAT out of KI.

"Wait so KI form is the last one, is it also the hardest to do?" Barton asked.

Barton really want to learn how to make this energy arrow, if he did than it would be really helpful since he would always run out of arrows.

The [KI Enhance] that Kali said was already helpful in almost everything that required strength in, he could even take out the strongest agents in the agency using strength, it was just out of this world for him.

And he couldn't believe that humans always had this ability, when Kali told him about it he did not believe it one bit, but just to waste time he followed what Kali told him to do and he was able to sense and use KI to an extend which was already overwhelming.

"Well no It's not exactly the hardest, I think it has more to do with what you are good at, and I know you could do it since you probably seen an arrow everyday and know every inch of it but with all that years of training and experience you have in S.H.I.E.L.D. you have one of the biggest KI I have seen." Kali said.

"What about me?" Natasha asked.

"Or me?" Logan asked as well seeing how this could be helpful and wondered if a mutant could also use it.

"Well if I were to say the one that hold the most KI over here... IS ME!! Hahahahahah... no no laughs? Alright."

"The one with the biggest KI I feel is you, Logan and then you Nat, and Bart even though you have the lowest amount here you still have a large amount and you could still use it." Kali said.

"And we could learn it too?" Natasha asked.

"Hahaha of course, I mean I taught it to my kids and now they're superheroes Hahahahahah." Kali said.

Nat had an eyebrow raised as she doesn't know what he is talking about, to which Barton explained to her catching her up.

"Oooh and Logan if you learned it? Ohohoho how much stronger and faster you will become." Kali said with stars in his eyes, he was fanboying imagining how much stronger and faster Logan would be, easily messing up the hulk wouldn't be a dream no more.

Logan had a grin also wondering how it will be.

"So you said there is three basic for KI, is there another level or?" Barton asked, he was truly curious of how much this KI cam do.

Plus he could explain it to Fury if he ever asked.

"Oh I haven't shown you guys huh?" Kali said.



Both Barton and Natasha almost jumped back startled.

"Bending elements is the next level." Kali paused looking at the faces of the two.

"But thats not it, think flight, teleprtation, beams, telepathy, extreme enhancements or even controlling ones life force." Kali said.

"But at the moment I'm stuck with the elements, fire is easy to control and conjure but others such as lightning, water, earth or even the air is not easy since I don't know how KI could work with them." Kali said.

After some time of amazements form the three and Kali explaining Anna walked out and started screaming.

"Old man!! Stop running a circus show back there, the party was supposed to start an hour and a half ago." Anna screamed out.

"Alright alright."

"We better go or that annoying girl will lose her voice." Kali said as he stood up with everyone.

When Kali saw Logan standing up and walked normally even though her drank more than Kali, Kali smiled and looked and Logan thinking how badas this guy is.

"Alright peeps, the food is all ready so please help yourselves drinks are still in the fridge and so but if your are under 21 don't drink any alcohol." Anna announced.

Markus and a few guys clicked their tongues hearing they can't drink.

"We have a few activities for tonight like card games, board games and ..." as Anna explained Kali noticed something new in his line of sight.

Charles was sitting on one of the chairs with Jean sitting in front of him between his legs, they were sitting like a couple, Kali looked at Charles and made a psst calling for him.

"Whats going on over there?" Kali whispered getting the attention of Charles.

"Oh yeah, we are kind of together now, remember when you called me to get that taser for you? Yeah the date I had was with her, and then on we went on a couple more dates." Charles said.

Kali wanted to ask more but he knew Jean and some could hear them so he didn't ask if the relationship was serious, risking it.

"Okay... no closed doors in my house." Kali said, but whoever heard him knew what he meant by it.

"Dude!!" Charles whisperingly screamed.

You could also see Jean with a tinge of red on her cheeks doing some blushing, others were silently sniggering at the situation.

As time went on it was almost midnight and time to give out the presents.

The food was already gone, Kali would always cook with the other when it is a holiday dinner or so, and so it ended up a delicious feast as everyone ravaged the food.

Natasha and Barton knowing how good Kali's cooking is also ate a lot, Logan who didn't even care about table manners was devouring and so was almost everyone, Kali looked at the moment and smiled loving this scene, he took out his phone and took some pictures just liked he would whenever he wanna remembers something.

After dinner there was a few board games and card games, there were a few teams that were made but with the insistent of the girls it became a boys vs girls game and so all of the girls and some boys had a few games.

The games was going on with a tie but the boys won most, that was until Natasha decided to step in and help out the girls, after that the girls team slayed unstoppably.

Kali who had Hannah with him on the table with Barton and Logan were at the kitchen table having drinks laughing at the losing boys who kept trying but they couldn't win against Natasha.

With her years of experience in different areas in her missions she was almost unstoppable, she went undercover numerous times and she had to learn to play all kinds of card games to play the role she wants.

Soon it was 11:00 almost midnight, the others were doing their own things, Natasha the undefeated champion was in the hallways and steps looking at the house, but what she was focused on the most was the frames on the walls.

She saw the memories of the family in this house, she saw a frame where all the kids were in it and Kali was in the middle raising Hannah high up in the air.

She saw a picture of only the girls, and another frame of only the boys.

There were also ones from other events, like the frame where Paula took a picture of everyone in front of the big new house.

A frame of Kali, Roberto, Anna, Jun Lee, Kera, and Valentina with their chef uniforms on.

A picture frame of Charles and Markus having a fight, a picture frame where Chase had a signed picture of him and "Nightwing" posed as if they didn't know each other.

There were also pictures where Kali was making Hannah float and pretend she was flying, and in the background you could also see Anna freaking out about it.

Natasha felt warm with all these pictures on the walls, and she felt it was nice to have a family like this.

She paused seeing another frame but there was no picture in it, she could however see her reflection on it and wondered why there was no picture on this frame.

"That one is reserved for todays picture." Kali said as he walked up behind her.

"Todays picture?" Natasha said without turning back.

"Yeah, comes new friends and family, I like to hold onto moments like these because you never know when you lose them." Kali said.


Natasha sat down on the stairs looking right at Kali who was standing in front of her.

Kali on the other hand was being tortured more or less, that night he had with her in the night skies and on the bed was undoubtedly one of the best days he had in his life, and he had feelings for this woman in front of him but she is holding back as she had other important things in mind than being in a relationship.

"What?" Natasha smiled and asked seeing Kali just staring at her.

She didn't know but Kali thought of that simple smile as deadly, just that smile was making his heart churn and he didn't know what to do.

"Haha would it sound crazy if I said I can't stop thinking about you?" Kali said, though he made it sound like a joke, as if picking up a girl.

"Haha you have a nice family." She rolled her eyes before saying ignoring that comment, she looked down the stairs seeing the kids still playing games and such.

"Yeah, I'm lucky to have them." Kali said.

"So how have you been holding up? Fury treating you alright?" Kali asked.

"Yeah, in fact he is already sending us to an assignment, and that is to ask about the giant wormhole in the skies." She said.

"Haha is that a question for Fury or for you?" Kali asked.

"It's for Fury's papers, and I wouldn't mind knowing along the way." Natasha said.

"Yeah, I thought about just telling Fury, but if you want I can tell you maybe over dinner? Or a night out with just me and you and I'll tell you all you wanna know." Kali said.

"Hmm that sounds nice, maybe you could cook?" Natasha asked teasing Kali.

"I'll cook, you want me to cook? I'll cook." Kali said immediately.

"Hehehe." Natasha giggled.

They went back and forth Kali was making moves and didn't think much of it as pushing it, Natasha seemed to be having fun with Kali teasing him.

"Alright everyone gather around, it is a few minutes before midnight and we got one more thing to do before then." Anna said.

"Well we could talk more later, come on." Kali and Natasha walked to the living room and stood behind the couch giving Anna attention.

"Now before we go into the midnight gifts Chase would like to show us something so we will give him this chance." Anna said.

"Wait gifts? We didn't bring any-" Barton was a bit worried.

"Ah no worried, if we wanted guests to bring gifts we would have asked." Kali calmed him down.

"You sure?" Natasha whispered next to him.

"Yeah don't worry about it its a small thing, I had it covered." Kali said, but it was really Anna and Sydney who had it covered as he was just lazing around giving out commands ignoring the annoyance of everyone.

"Alright everyone." Chase said as he stood up getting everyones attention.

"So as most of you know I like to record things, and I record almost every day and brought it onto one video, and I didn't really think of it at first but I decided to do this to sho... and the funny moments along with...as, so I took them out of the video and... and after that I thought if I should out credits on since I've thought abo-" Chase was about to continue when the crowd was annoyed.

"Dude you talk too much!!"

"Okay we get it just play the damn video!!"

"Shut yer trap Chase, just do what you are trying to do."

The crowd started getting rowdy as they threw stuff at Chase as if telling him to get off the stage, there were shoes, hats, pillows and others being thrown at Chase to hurry it up and stop talking.

"Okay okay, fine." Chase said as he put up his hand in defense before catching a shoe and throwing it back at the kids.

Chase put a VHS tape on the player and turned the old school TV on.

The video started with Chase holding the camera and pointing it at Kali who was eating breakfast on the table and started asking:


"So old man, tell me, who is your favorite out of all of us?" Chase asked.


"Yeah, don't tell me your one of those no favorite people." Chase said.

"Oh no no not at all, I do have a favorite and It's Hannah." Kali said.

"And why is it Hannah?"

"Because she is quiet, she never complains, she doesn't cry a lot, she is cute, and most importantly, she is ADORABLE. Oh did I mention she is cute?" Kali said.

Chase didn't reply and just walked away as he pointed the camera at his own face.

"And that, is the boss of the house."

After that it turned into pictures and videos of their time together from sad, funny, anger and embarrassment they all witnessed the video and liked it.


After the video everyone was clapping admitting how nice the video was and praised Chase and his work, until they heard a sniffle.

"*sniff* *sniff*"

They turned to the source to see Kali looking to the side making sure no one see his emotions as he was a little emotional with small tears welling up.

"Aww the old mans crying." The girls said.

"Crying?! Hah! Me?! Crying?! Didn't you know I cooked today? The onions must have started burning my eyes now." Kali said.

The kids started laughing and teasing him, Natasha who was next to him had a small smile and was lightly laughing.

"Alright alright, shut yer traps, carry on." Kali said.

"Hahaha alright, for the last, we announce the name of the presents." Anna said.

Anna was the announcer and Sydney was the giver, Anna would say a name to who the present belongs to and Sydney would grab and give.

"The first one goes to...Tina." Anna said.

While they were announcing and all Ronny walked up to Kali and stood with him and looked at him, Kali saw him and smiled.

"Ron, how are you boy?" Kali said as he patted the boys shoulder and gave him a small squeezing hug.

"I an fine, here." Ronny said as he handed Kali a box the size of an adult hand wrapped in a small bow.

"Oh? You got me a present? You shouldn't have." Kali said and opened it, inside was a silver chain necklace that seemed to cost quite a bit.

"Oh, wow, Ronny you really shouldn't have."

"It cost hundreds." Ronny said as if It's a natural thing.

"It cost what?! Boy, I told you guys to not spent money on stuff like this, there is no purpose on buying these kinds of things, there is no need to flex."

"It's gift." Ronny said with his Russian accent.

"Well I mean, thank you first of all, I'm happy you brought something expensive?" Kali said not entirely sure how to feel about it.

"In exchange you teach me." Ronny said.

"Teach you? Teach you what?"

"You teach me boxing, like you teach Markus and Charles how they fight." Ronny said.

"You wanna box?!"

"Yes, boxing is man sport." Ronny said.

"Hahahah your damn right it is, but is this what you wanna do? As a career and all?"


"Hmm alright, but I'm only gonna train you to box I won't train you in and super abilities, boxing is a sport of fairness and honor to be at the top." Kali said.

The boy was a simple minded kid and growing up alone he doesn't exactly have a normal common sense in things, for example he gave an overpriced necklace and would expect some exchange to be made.

But he likes to fight and he was always following the life of boxers and watching fights, Kali didn't know that he liked it so much he would wanna be a pro boxer.

"Yes." Ronny said before walking away.

Kali looked at the chain before shrugging and put it on, he looked good on him, at least he thinks.

He turned to Natasha on the side and asked.

"Do I look classy?" He said with a smile.


Outside of the house you can hear their voices under the night sky, and in front of the house was a man.

This man was over 7'6 and had hair like a lions mane, his hair was white and reached all the way to his lower back, there were also some oh his front.

He also had a thick white beard around his jaw, he wore what looked like a Japanese yukata where he left his chest exposed.

This man also had frightening inhuman scars on his body and most likely had more if it was shown, on his face was an "X" mark on his left cheek.

He stood there hearing the laughters and noise inside the house, the man slowly walked to the door.

Kali on the other hand couldn't feel anything and was still having fun in the house.

All was noisy and fun until three firm loud knocks sounded on the door, it wasn't loud or anything but it made everyone go quiet.

"Did we have another guest?" Anna asked.

"It's probably the neighbors comjng to complain about Ki's loud mouth." Markus said, Kera on the other hand tried hitting him but he dodged all effortlessly.

"Charles your the doorman."

"Tsk shut up, why don't you go and do it." Charles said as he pushed Chase up to open the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Alright alright I'm coming." Chase said.

Kali on the other hand had his eyes wide open, he didn't like the fact that he can't sense anyone by the door or that he couldn't feel anyone coming to his doors.

"Wait don't-" Kali screamed out but it was already too late as Chase was staring at a man who was so tall he could only see his mouth while hise nose up was covered bu the doors top.

Chase paused as it was a bit intimidating to face a giant who had scary scars on his chest.

Natasha and Barton was shocked at Kali's sudden scream and got ready for danger, Natasha brought out a weapon from out of no where and aimed at the door.

Logan had his claws out as well, not being able to sense anyone by the door was a bit worrying.

Everyone went on alert, Charles, Markus and Zhang jumped chairs and sofas to get a clear idea of whats going on.

When they saw the man from his mouth down they thought it was pretty uncommon for people like that.

They looked to Kali and was surprised to see him with a shocked and scared look, seeing this they knew the man at the door wasn't someone to underestimate.

Kali walked to the door and waved his hands as Chase was telekinetically floated away behind him.

And with a shocked face Kali asked:

"What are you doing here?"

Got some questions:

Are there any girls here?

Because every time I’m in WN I think I only ever see guys, at least in the fanfic sections.

Last question:

Are you guys attached to the kids yet?

Because I want to know when to accidentally kill them off at.

And guess who the new arrival is? Does it have something to do with what that giant city wide blackhole?

Find out next time on [Emerald]❇️

Karstagcreators' thoughts