

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Bonding Time

Kali was up there and was about to change, but he decided on showering and get it over with.

He set the trident leaning on his wall room, after his quick shower he snapped his finger as a rush of fire traveled through his body getting rid of the water he had left from his shower.

He paused at the mirror and was genuinely surprised, there were changes on him and he didn't really notice it.

His white hair was longer and reached his shoulders, his goatee turned into a small chin beard and he grew taller than 6'5.

If he had to guess he would say around 6'8 or 6'9.

He wasn't sure but he thinks the rapid growths are from the use of his KI, but there was still holes in the story as he didn't have any changes in the past when he uses his [Emerald] mode or overuse his KI.

Kali came up with a conclusion that it might be the old fools work and he will ask about it later.

Kali made a KI razor blade and fixed up his beard back into his petite goatee.

He also thought about putting his hair back into their original style, but stopped and thought it would be good for a change as he put his hair into a man bun.

When he was about to walk back down stairs he paused at the trident that was left leaning on the wall.

He stood there and pondered if there is anyway of carrying the weapon without looking like an idiot in modern society.


As if answering his answer the trident suddenly flashed and zoomed into Kali's forehead.

After it was gone the trident symbol on his forehead that usually appears on his [Emerald] form appeared and was glowing golden this time.

Kali stood there for a second and blinked, It's like there is nothing this thing can't do, Kali thought.

"You, my good friend, is awesome." Kali said.

After a few more seconds the golden trident symbol disappeared.

"Haha so thats what that was for, It's like it was meant to be." Kali laughed out.

After a few more seconds of admiring [Kraken] Kali walked back downstairs, he was ready to start telling off this old fool.

When he came down everyone was here but the old guy, the adults at the kitchen table and the kids watching the ongoing new of the incident.

"Where's the old fool?" Kali asked out.

"He's out back." Charles said pointing to the backyard.

Seeing him come down some of the guys came up and started bombarding him with questions about the fight.

"Was it really you that fought that thing?!"

"Was it strong?!"

"How strong are you really?!"

"Can you tell me about that giant creature?! Was it really as big as it is on TV?!"

"Since when can you do blue fire?!"

They asked, even Kera got up excited as well joining the boys.

"What creature?" Kali asked before ignoring them and walk to the backyard.

He saw both Natasha and Barton standing at the kitchen table looking at him expecting answers.

"Uhh just give me a moment." Kali said scratching his head and went out the backdoor.

"What the fuck?!" Kali screamed out.

In the back there was a small house that took up about 1/4 of the yard.

The giant apple tree that was as tall as the two story house was on the center and the crown leafs were so many and big it gave shade to 3/4 of the inner yard.

The house that suddenly appeared was on the back left of the yard and was only big enough for two small rooms.

Kali ran to the small house and kicked the door open, what he saw inside was a wilderness like interior, a lot of woods.

Wooden floors, wooden bed, wooden chairs, wooden tables, wooden doors and there was even firewood near the fireplace.

This was a place someone like Logan would live in, the inside of the place makes you feel like you are in the forests or something.

On the right side of the small house was a door leading to a bathroom.

On the side of the bed there was a simple small square wooden table, on that table was the man himself sitting there enjoying his tea.

"Oho hello visitor, so how do you like it?" Magnus said as he got up and stood next to Kali joining him in checking the place out.

"Who the hell said you could get comfortable on my back yard?!" Kali said.

"Oh come now, I'm not hurting no one and It's just a small space, unless you want me to make myself a room in the house.

But there would be many questions on how an extra room suddenly appeared and we don't want that now do we?" Magnus said.

"Well you just made a fuckin house back here!! Whats the difference?! It is the same thing." Kali said.

"Ah forget that, the point is I'm here to talk about, "why?"

Why would you summon the damn Kraken in the middle of the New York waters?! You know how destructive it was? It could have destroyed the city!!" Kali said.

"Oh stop yappin, It's not like you actually care about the city being destroyed, or the civillians getting hurt, unless the kids are involved anyhow you would really care, plus I know you enjoyed the fight, didn't you?" Magnus said with a smile.

"That was probably the first time you could ever do something and never hold back, right? And how about my gift to you? Did you like it?" Magnus said.

"Uuh..." Kali just stood there not knowing what to say.

"No need for thanks, and just so you know, this me right now, is just a small avatar of my real self, and even though it's not fully me I'm still enough for this marvel verse and more.

I could bring out an opponent for you with just a snap, but I thought, why not be an opponent myself." Magnus said as he started to take his upper kimono off.

Old man Magnus clenched his fists and flexed his abnormal muscles and looked at the shocked Kali.

"I'm not stupid you old fool, I know I don't stand a chance against you!!" Kali yelled out in panic.

"Hahaha of course you don't, though there is none to worry about, I am only using muscle strength and brought myself down to your measly level." Magnus said.

"Huh?! The fuck you say? Measly level?! Bullshitt!! Don't drop anything, use whatever powers you want and hit me with it, I ain't gonna cower!!" Kali said.

He was actually pissed that this old frail fart actually dared to badmouth his monstrous strength.

"Oh? You sure?" Magnus chuckled.

"Of course I'm sure, give me your full strength you frail little as-UGH!!"

Kali couldn't finish when he was at the receiving end of the old mans palm slap on his chest.

The hit looked like a simple palm slap but Kali's jacket was almost fully ripped, he was blown out of the house destroying the entrance and ended up inside the main house.

"Haha this is gonna be fun." Magnus said as he walked towards Kali with his upper body exposed.

Magnus looked at his hands and clenched it as if this is a whole new experience for him.

Kali who was blown inside the house scared everyone as they looked his way, as Kali started to heal his caved in chest and scratches he stood up slowly.

When he got up he could see the destruction that has been cause in his house.

The sink was broken and the water was firing off uncontrollably, the door was fine but the kitchen walls where the sink was, it all broke down.

Kali dropped to his knees and held onto his head.

"Aggghhh My kitchen?!" Kali screamed.

'Haha no worries, I'll fix whatever we break.' Magnus said through telepathy.

Kali saw Magnus walked in the broken down wall, Kali slowly got up again and took out a wood pierced into his side before tossing it.

'You better.' Kali said in his mind.

Logan who was near the kitchen let out his claws, Natasha got her gun out again and Barton grabbed some kitchen knifes.

Charles and Markus seemed to be hesitant as for some reason they didn't wanna get involved, Zhang who was the other power holder in the family walked up to Kali and stood with him getting ready to fight Magnus too.

Kali saw Zhang and smiled appreciating the boy, he patted Zhang's shoulder.

"I appreciate the backup boy, but I got some scores I wanna settle with this old fool." Kali said.

He grabbed a half full beer on the counter and drank it all before tossing it as well and ran straight tackling Magnus as they went back out into the yard breaking through another wall, yet the door was still there all nice and peaceful.

Kali taking Magnus with him and threw him on the body of the apple tree, he jumped hoping to get another hit in with his right.

But Magnus just grabbed his right and turned smashing Kali into the tree as it shook, apples fell.

As Kali slowly stood up he dusted his shoulders before taking off his ripped jacket, now both men stood there facing each other ready for a brawl of a lifetime.

Kali was loving the moment, because he actually get to use his full body strength on this old "father" of his, of course he enjoyed the fight with the Kraken but he used KI on that fight.

And using his body strength on the creature wasn't nearly enough, and using KI is a good way to let it out but having a good old brawl was in his opinion where the real MEN fight.

Old Magnus on the other side was also excited with this fight, it is a shock but this old god has actually never been in a fight before, at least not the physical kind.

He is a god above gods gods, where he is from he is in charge of many things and he is the type of god that does all work but no play.

Unlike the Norse, Greek and many other pantheons, Magnus is not a battle god, yet he is in every way more powerful than these beings combined.

Se when he said vacation he meant it, and this avatar himself will get to enjoy this moment of action with this man he adopted as a "son."

And lowering himself to the same level as Kali was a rush, they were both doing their best to top the other.

"Your back alright, old fart? I can't help but worry about your frail fragile bones." Kali mocked.

"Hah! My bones are at their prime boy, yours on the other hand, I could rip it out of you and beat ya with it, hahahah." Magnus said.

"Tsk! Try me!!" Kali screamed and ran at Magnus.

"I think I actually might!!" Magnus screamed back and also ran at Kali.

"This is a special bond between a father... and a son." Chase said.

For a while now he had been videotaping the whole thing.

The other boys on the sides were betting, most of the bets were against Kali, but who could blame them.

They thought of the old god as Kali's father, and they also thought that Kali learned everything from him and was taught by only this old father.

Anna was on the side lost, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to stop it but what the hell could she do, both her and Sydney was in charge of this years party yet these two old freaks ruined it.

Other than betting the guys were amazed with this fight, everything was involved from strength, speed, precision, tactics, mixed martial arts and more.

Like Logan, he was also watching with a wide grin, he admired the fight between these two.

He also figured they have been fighting many times before, even if It's against each other or against their enemies.

The scars and their fighting that seems to have long time experience gave that away.

Both Natasha and Barton was the same and were mesmerized.

There were many emotions shown during the fight, because this fight had them on edge being amazed, shocked, and wonder.

The thing is that these two don't dodge any hits, they either take it on filly or block it, such reckless styles they thought.

At the moment Kali was in a headlock by Magnus.

"Hahaha even in this level I could easily beat some humiliation into your thick skull." Magnus said.

"Argh!! I'll show you what humiliation is!!" Kali said.

Kali seeing the chance grabbed at the old gods long beard and pulled, with this moment of break Kali pushed off the headlock and jumped behind the dazed old god.

Holding a chunk if the old gods long hair Kali conjured a KI dagger aiming to cut the old gods hair.


He stopped just inched away from the old gods hair as another dagger appeared in the way of his green dagger.

With this moment of distraction Kali was kicked in the guts as he was sent crashing into the ground.

Finally getting the clear view, Kali saw that the golden dagger was also a KI dagger, and it was wielded by the old god.

As Kali slowly got up he spit some blood on his mouth and looked at the old god.

"Hmph second round it is."

Kali materialized a green KI western medieval like sword beside him before grabbing it.


The sword suddenly lit up on fire.

The old god Magnus seeing this smiled, he raised his hand up and gripped as a golden KI katana sword materialized in his hands.

Donning a smile, Magnus' sword lit up as well, but not on fire, it was lightning.


Kali stood there with wide eyes and a twitching eyebrow looking at Magnus' sword.

"Oho? Is someone jealous? Don't blame me because you can't use simple lightning." Magnus said with a mocking expression.

"Shut your saggy ass up!!" Kali screamed.

He jumped and brought down his sword on top of Magnus' head.

"Who are you calling saggy, you baby bottom!!"

Magnus raised his sword blocking the downward attack by Kali, Magnus tilted his sword making Kali's sword slide off behind Magnus.

With this chance Magnus aimed a swipe on Kalis side, but it was quickly blocked.

For a few minutes they went on and off hitting, blocking, misdirecting and feigning each other.

One distraction could tilt the balance of this fight they are having, Kali was having trouble and there was no room for anything but to stay on that lightning quick sword.

His flaming sword has It's advantage but it only has It's power and burning effect which is almost useless in this fight, Magnus on the other hand was always moving, Kali had to watch out for the next hit before the current one hit and it was frustrating.

At some point Magnus did a quick slash down which Kali was able to block, but he never felt any force on his sword, looking closer at Magnus, he saw him lower himself and his legs came sweeping trying to knock his legs off balance.

Kali seeing this jumped but as he was also in the air he miscalculated since Magnus was also up in mid air with him, his heels swiping the air and finally back kicked his jaw.

And with that the fight ended with Kali eating dirt grass and an old man laughing at him.

"Bahahahaha thats right eat them grass like the loser you are!!" Magnus held his stomach with his left and pointed at Kali with his right laughing at him.


Kali finally losing it jumped on the old man and pulled his hair and long beard.

"Hais you brat, there is no honor in this hair pulling, you dispicable-" Magnus screamed.

Magnus thinking of doing the same grabbed kalis man bun and pulled.

The fight quickly turned into a cat fight, pulling each others hair.

Feeling It's not enough Kali stuck his middle and index finger inside the old gods nose and pulled.

"Ay ay ay ay!!" Magnus getting free of the nose hold, grabbed onto the hand of Kali's and bit onto it, and then it was Kalis turn to scream out.


In just a few moments, the honorable fight turned dishonorable and both these two used every dirty tricks they can use in the book.

Looking at these two, the others can certainly tell that they are related and are definitely similar in their personalities.

I don’t know how I really feel about this chappy.

Tell me about your important opinions ya bastards.

Karstagcreators' thoughts