
[DXD] A Primordial’s journey in the Multiverse

Watch how our good friend Bael spreads his desire over Loli’s and conquers the multiverse

Spabsta · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Time Skip and Lemons [R-18]




"Hmm what to do..?"

"AHH! I know let me help the world get rid of a dangerous rapist."

Bael took his scythe and walked slowly towards zeus who was looking in fear as he was seeing a terrifying demon come towards him.

"W-what are you gonna do"

Bael looks down at zeus and then lower where his shlong is and when Zeus saw that she almost peed himself.

"Well ill do the world a favor soo.. I don't think you will need this little friend of yours right?" Bael asked with a creepy smile.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A scream that even people from hell heard resounded.

"Hehe don't worry even though you lost your baby maker, I will take care of your women for you, hmm Hera looks very beautiful perhaps she can be my wife now?" Bael said holding back a wide smile.

"Poof-" with that Zeus spat out some blood and fainted.


"Ahhh~ alright I've had my fun. Maybe I should go to sleep again and wait until canon or an interesting time period starts."

"Hmm, yeah let's do that I'll get Ophis and Akane to also sleep since it will be extremely boring without me kukukuku." Said Bael.

Bael then broke out of the Greek god realm, or more like left like he owned the place.

"Hahahaha that was so much fun!" Resounded some loud talking came from behind him.

Behind were the two Heavnly Dragons, Ddraig and albion.

A/N:- F I keep forgetting the white ones name is it albion? Such a unimportant dragon so I forget and also too lazy to check :(

"Oh it seems you guys had some fun huh?" Asked Bael

"Yes we did my friend! It's been ages since we last had this much fun." Said Ddraig.

"Yeah, the look on the Greeks faces when we destroyed everything was priceless!" Said Albion.

"Well good for you guys, this will most likely be the last time we see each other for a good period of time so take care of yourselves."

"Where you going?" Asked the both of them.

"I plan to have myself sleep for a while until something interesting pops up, I also plan for Ophis and Akane to follow me to slumber."

"I see, don't worry friend we will never forget about you!"

"Hahh that's good." Said Bael then leaving when he found Akane.


Bael's Realm/World.

Bael soon makes his way to his inner world with Akane in hand.

He flys toward the majestic gothic castle in the distance and goes in.

There he find Ophis per usual laying about being lazy eating sweets.

"When will you ever stop eating sweets my dear Ophis?" asked Bael.

"Never Crunch~" said Ophis munching a cookie.


Bael looks at Ophis and says.

"I'm planning on sleeping for a while, like what we did last time, I want to wait for an interesting time period or event to happen before we wake up. What do you say? Want to join me. I asked Akane before hand and she agreed."


"That simple?"


"But first there is only one thing I love more then sweets." Said Ophis putting down her cookies before making her way towards me.

"What is that?" I said with a smirk.

"Sex" with that me and Ophis make our way to the bedroom.

~Lemons starts here.

Bael sat on the bed with Ophis on his lap, they began to take off their clothes as they kissed with passion. Then he pushed her down, she was looking at him with heavy breath and cloudy eyes, Bael began to suck and nibble her small red nipples giving her great pleasure.

"Ahh~" Ophis let out a soft and tender moan, she began to caress his hair as he gives her a lot of pleasure.

Bael kissed her mouth again and again and then her neck, he slowly brought his mouth down, kissing her perfect and foneified abdomen. He stopped at her crotch, watching her beauiful and tempting cunt. Her cunt has a red tone around it and the lips are a nice pink color.

Ophis's eyes widen as she feels Bael entering his tongue inside her cunt, she began to release a hot air everytime she breath. Her face turned completely red and her liquids began to spill.

"Bael…" Ophis's eyes become even more cloudy.

"Yes, Love?" Bael asked without stop.

"Continue, you're doing great…." Ophis said as she caresses Bael's hair, Bael began to be more intense moving his tongue slowly uo and down, Ophis's eyes jumped feeling an organism. She unconsciously pushed Bael's head down.

"Ahhh" she let out a tender moan as she lifts her face, Bael's takes advantage and kisses her for minutes, then he kissed her ear, cheeks and her forehead for the last, both looked at each other with a lot of passion. Ophis nodded at Bael.

"Come on, rock my world again" Ophis flashed a warm smile as she hugged him, Bael kissed her again and said-

"Here I go"

He slowly aligned his cock with her little pink slit, Ophis moaned feeling the tip slowly entering her cunt.

"Yes! Yes! Take me!" Screamed Ophis as I continusly slammed into her as her back was to a wall and her eye catching legs were swinging in the air.

She had already climaxed a few times due to being rather sensitive and her tightness not helping her deal with my monster cock.

I should mention that when we have sex her switch always flips. I figured that out the last time we did it.

"Then take it" I growled with on final slam as I filled her womb.

"YESS!" Ophis exclaimed as she orgasmed intensely and clung to me with all four of her limbs.

We both took a moment to enjoy what just happened before I shifted.

"Haaa.. Haaa.. Haaa, that was wonderful." A heavily breathing Ophis said with a smile looking lovely at me.

"That it was." I admitted as my smile turned into a grin. "Ready for round two?"

"Come." She simply answered as she welcomed me again.

And it turns out I have a lot more stamina then her, we managed to go a whole day whilst fucking and let me tell ya. When it was over everything was stained. Not a single thing left out.

"Next time I'll wear you out!" Ophis said while passing out as soon as she said that.

"We'll see hehe."

Well I guess I should get to sleep then.

Bael goes over to the bed and lays down.

"Hey system, make me and them 2 sleep until something interesting happens."

[Very well] replied the system.

With that I instantly blacked out waiting to be awake again.




Thousands of years later…





A/N:- The end!!

Been a while since I updated on this novel so I did.

Mainly a sex scene tho since I honestly want a time skip and I can actually write more chapters. Canon soon but not next chapter.