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BlackWriteWhite · Anime & Comics
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Volume 1: Chapter 2

Five year's later

July 3 1975.

"Tony wake up" Greg said softly, he gently shook his brother to wake up. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, inherited from his mother.

"I'm up" Tony abruptly woke up, he looked at his brother and remembered that today will be the day which they're father would bring them both to the company. Tony rubbed his sleepy eyes and immediately washed himself.

"Breakfast is ready, Mom's waiting for us downstairs" Greg said, he helped Tony in changing his clothes after the bath.

They both walked down the stairs, "Morning Mom, Dad!" Tony greeted. They both sat at their seat and ate their breakfast in bliss.

After eating breakfast. The twins looked at their father with gleams visible on their eyes.

"Take the stuff you'd like" Howard said looking at his cheerfull sons. It's been three year's since they were born, and for Howard the twin's were his greatest creation in all his life's work.

"We've got everything we need" Greg said, while checking his backpack and Tony's if they forgot something.

"Alright let's go" Howard and the twins walked to the car and sat.

"Bye Mom" Tony said his goodbyes through the car window, while Greg just smiled and nodded his head. Maria kissed their foreheads and waved her hand goodbye.

"I can't wait to go to the company dad!" Tony said pumping his fists cutely, while Greg just smiled like he always does.

Howard ruffled both their hairs, "You'll both get to see Dad's greatest inventions" Howard said with utter confidence while Tony kept admiring him.

Gregory or should I say Liu Feng stayed silent, he looked at the window enjoying the scenery.

When they arrived, Tony ran out of the car and admired the company with his eyes. "Cool!" Tony exclaimed with utter respect.

"Haha, I know right?. One day the two of you will run the Stark Industries, so both of you show some pride" Howard said, Tony kept on admiring the company and Howard while Greg was busy looking at the people coming inside and outside the company. 'Time to create a business relationship with these people'.

"Brother you coming in?" Tony asked looking at Greg.

"Yeah I'm coming" Greg ran near to Tony's side and the three walked inside the company.

Many employees greeted the three, which even boosted Tony's pride, Greg also felt pride as if he's trampling the employees to his feet.

Greg shook his head. 'Seems like I also inherited the Stark Pride'.

Howard looked at his two boy's. "My secretary will show you around the company, I still have work to do" Howard said.

Tony drooped down. The secretary guided the twins to the company, while they were busy. Greg sneaked out of Tony and the secretary's view.

"Hello are you Mr. Smith?" Greg asked the man in front of him. Greg analyzed Smith from heads to down.

"Ah yes I am, why do you ask boy?" Smith asked, he's actually here in Stark Industries to create a proposal or should I say ask for funds for his publishing company.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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