
[Dropped] I Can Be Strong Through Debauchery?!

Disclaimer: The art in the cover is not mine, it is owned by its respective artist. Feng Lei was your typical ordinary boy who had given a chance to reincarnate to another world where immortals rode their swords while transversing the whole world, where strong preys the weak and arrogant young masters and idiotic villains are everywhere. Join Feng Lei as he slaps and kills those cliche characters from other xianxia novels!

Kahel · Eastern
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20 Chs

Young miss is here!

The breakfast of the Long family ended, they went back to their own business. Long Ao Tian was staying on his own room having a dilemma about his poor little brother while walking back and forth.

"System?" Long Ao Tian tried to call the system for 30th time hoping that it would answer back like the other sentient systems in the internet novels. Sadly, he got no response from it.

Exploring his system, he can only see Status, Mission and Inventory with five slots. Status allows him to see his and other's status of cultivation and other informations about him or the target. Mission as the name goes it's were missions are generated and lastly the Inventory having it will ensure that he can safely hide his five most valuable possession without worrying it to be snatched unlike the storage ring.

Long Ao Tian tried to select status and checked his own.

[Name: Long Ao Tian

Age: 18

Cultivation stage: 1st level of Body Tempering

Cultivation Technique: Middle level Earth grade - Black Tiger Body Technique.

Qi Cultivation base: 0.5/10


100,000,032 Spirit Stones.

15048 Taels of Gold.

3227 Taels of silver.

2 copper coins. ]

Looking at his the simple status panel that floating in front of his eyes Long Ao Tian shook his head, his predecessor is so lazy that his cultivation stage stuck at first level of Body Tempering.

Long Ao Tian sat on his bed and tried to cultivate the Black Tiger Body Tempering Technique. An hour passed but he can't gather any spirit qi to temper his body.

"What a trashy constitution even a random 6 years old kid can reach second level of body tempering with this cultivation technique, so this is the reason why he lost his motivation to trek the path of immortality and just indulged himself to sensual pleasures." Long Ao Tian muttered while feeling pity to the original Long Ao Tian.

Long Ao Tian gave up on cultivating using the traditional way because of his trashy constitution that was destined to be a mortal forever.

"I'll just complete this mission given to me by my golden finger." Long Ao Tian stood up from his bed and went out his room.

Outside his room, his trusty servants, Long Yi and Long Er was standing like a statue while guarding their young master's room. Long Yi is a tall and bald burly man with fearsome face that looks like some random thug in the streets while Long Er is scrawny man with long neatly tied hair, sharp eyes, nose that looks like a bird's beak and big front tooth, in short Long Yi and Long Er looks like your typical lackeys of a retarded villains in a xianxia/wuxia novels.

In their own view to their young master, Long Ao Tian is a kind and generous man. Long Yi and Long Er are brothers, they came from the smallest branch of Long clan from a poor province where the city folks calls them hillbillies. The two were picked up by Long Ao Tian when he's visiting their small village, they were orphaned after their parents were killed because of the bandit attack happened few days ago. Their life with their young master is great and Long Ao Tian treated them well, in terms of cultivation resources their young master Ao Tian didn't thrift them instead he fully supported the two which gained their utmost loyalty and respect to him. Too bad that their young master's odd constitution isn't suited for cultivating, because of this they promised that as long as they are alive and kicking they will serve their young master Ao Tian wholeheartedly.

"Long Yi, Long Er follow me. Let's play at Sweet Flower." Long Ao Tian said after opening the door of his room.

"Young master Ao Tian, I think we shouldn't go there today." Long Er said with worried look on his bird like face.

"Young master, I agree with my brother." The burly bald guy, Long Yi also tried to prevent Long Ao Tian from having fun.

"Why?" Long Ao Tian looked at the thug looking brothers with confusion written on his face.

"Your sister, Young miss Ling'er will be arriving today. I'm sure she will punish you if she found out that her beloved brother is in a brothel instead of welcoming her." Long Er respectfully said.

"Young master Ao Tian, it's only a day please be patient. If you can't resist your urge to play with a woman, I and Long Er will find a way to get Courtesan Mei here to secretly entertain you young master." Long Yi also persuaded their young master. Courtesan Mei is the most beautiful and hard to be bedded woman of the Sweet Flower brothel, she only plays guqin and play chess with her clients only few guys tasted her heavenly skills that makes a man satisfied for a whole year.

Remembering Courtesan Mei from his memory, Long Ao Tian was amazed on this Courtesan Mei's fame and also curious about her. From the first day he visited the Sweet Flower brothel, Long Ao Tian never saw her even her shadow.

"As if the two of you can do it, don't worry I will personally welcome my beloved sister." Long Ao Tian waved his hand then he shook his head.

The brothers were surprised that their stubborn young master agreed to them.

Long Ao Tian suddenly scanned, Long Yi and Long Er's status.

[Name: Long Yi

Age: 20

Cultivation stage: Peak level of Qi Gathering

Cultivation Technique: Low level Earth grade - Nine Revolving Suns Technique.

Qi Cultivation base: 1,904/1,999 to advance.


0 Spirit Stones.

3 Taels of gold.

25 Taels of silver.

560 copper coins.]

[Name: Long Er

Age: 18

Cultivation stage: 9th level of Qi Gathering

Cultivation Technique: Low level Earth grade - Nine Revolving Suns Technique.

Qi Cultivation base: 896/999 to advance.


0 Spirit Stones.

4 Taels of gold.

2 Taels of silver.

934 copper coins.]

"Here, cultivate diligently." Long Ao Tian handed a pouch with exquisite design to his lackeys. The Long brothers were confused.

"Isn't this your spirit stone pouch young master?" Long Yi's eyes widened.

"Yeah, there are a total of 32 spirit stones there. You guys should take 16 each, I think it's sufficient for you guys to break to Foundation Establishment." Long Ao Tian nonchalantly said.

"Young master please take this with you! Resources like spirit stones are too precious for us servants to use." Long Er's hands was trembling while holding the pouch of spirit stones. The world is still using copper, silver and gold as their currency while the spirit stones were a rare currency that anyone would fight you to get it.

100 copper coins is equivalent to 1 tael of silver, 100 tales of silver is equivalent to 1 tael of gold.

Like those spirit stones in xianxia novels it was made from the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, it contains large amount of spiritual qi that can be used in cultivating. A piece of spirit stone already costs 10000 taels of gold! Spirit stone mines where being manipulated by the top ancient sects of Canglan continent, if you successfully joined a sect that owned a spirit stone mine, your future will become so bright enough to make you blind.

Looking at the 16 pieces of spirit stones in their hands Long Yi and Long Er immediately want to give hugs and kisses to their Young master Ao Tian. Those spirit stones are worth 160,000 taels of gold! this amount alone can make their lives easier and build a middle class family for themselves.

"Just use it, it's useless to me anyway. You guys are already like my own blood brothers we grew up together for more than 10 years, be sure to be stronger I will be relying to both of you in the future." Long Ao Tian said then he went back inside of his room.

"I can secretly visit the brothel after I finished entertaining Ling'er." Long Ao Tian shook his head and Idled on his room.

Long Yi and Long Er where standing in front of Long Ao Tian's room, their eyes are watery and felt so emotional that doesn't fit their looks.

"Brother Yi, we shouldn't let down Young master's trust on us." Long Er said with resolute expression on his face.

"Yes, we owe everything in our current life to Young master Ao Tian, I'm willing to sacrifice my own life for him." The bald man said then he griped the bag tightly.

The thug looking brothers went back to their courtyard to cultivate and break through to the next level and stage.

Another hour passed, the guard that station on the Long family gate's eyes lit up.

"Young missus is here!!" The guard shouted to the servants inside to inform the old master and mistress.

A luxurious carriage with the logo of Green Cloud Sect stopped in front of the gateway.

Soon a beautiful looking big breasted girl went out from it, she is the Long family's young miss, Long Ling'er.

"Hump, Let's see what is that guy doing after I left him." Long Ling'er snorted.