

Rewritten: Loki: God of Tricksters

LittleVacon · Others
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48 Chs


"Breaking News: Japan has been hit by 50 Feet Tsunami. Dollar, the international hero. It is on the move. Let's hope for the best."


"I'm here to report to you.." The reporter seems crying as his eyes redden as he tries to read the report.

"Sendai, Japan has been hit by 50 feet tsunami bypassing the 30 Feet walls. Before the tsunami struck. Lots of people are panicking to save their lives. 20 Masked Men wearing dollar's costume is seen saving people."

In a video, a group of men wearing dollar's costume is running around hurling and saving people.

"We still didn't know if it's all Dollar as they seem very alike and move all the same. These men risked their life together with bands of mutants. Helping others."

In a video, a man is teleporting back and forth carrying people up. Then plants growing so fast and it lifted lots of people toward the buildings.

Also, you can see people pulling others up with a silk web rope.

"We see unity in this. All are doing what they can. Others are risking their lives."

Then a video of one of the crimson masked people holding a barrier of cars tightly by webs as the last man is lifted. His mask changes color to black like every part of his body. Then the barrier collapses burying him with it.

"I don't know what to say." The female reporter together with her partner is silently sobbing.

They see the remaining 20 slowly withering trying to save those that are already impossible to save with the cost of their lives.

"Thank you, Whoever you are‽ We love you." He said.


During the cleanup. They see bodies but 18 particular bodies are seems more important than others. They are wearing full black. You can only see some traces of cross in the mask.

People are sobbing seeing their states.

The two remaining are just standing afar.

Upon seeing them the people just nodded and let them pass.

The body is mutilated by the debris.

One Masked man created a fire in his hand and burns their bodies after removing the mask.

You can see the same face of an American person in all of them. (Tom Cruise.)

Crying intensifies as the body is burned.

The remaining two left after seeing their body is fully burned.

Their masks still have black crosses.