
[DC] Keep your head down!

It was an innocent survey on Heylel's phone. It asked 'Would you like to make a character to reincarnate into DC?' And he replied with an innocent answer, 'I would not.' Well, whoever made that survey did not seem to like that, which brought him—now her—here, a gun in hand staring down at an angry Batman, as she kicked away the body of Joker's girlfriend who was at the moment very dead. He was glaring at her. She cowered but still spat out, "It was self-defence." [Sociopathic MC] [Cover's mine] [With recent reviews I think I need to clarify something, this is not an OP/cheat fic. The MC is a child and it will take time for her to get stronger or to make any impact whatsoever(would you listen to a child?)]

SthUnlimted · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Hellfire Invasion: Case Red(1)

"So a force field that zaps us and uses her as the battery? That's... annoying," Dick concluded as he stood by the rest of the usual assortment.

Batman just huffed before looking up at the damsel who was floating in mid-air Dr Fate and Zatanna were there too, doing some magic bullshit to free her, confirming the scene he turned to the Army men standing by him, he gave them a nod, "Thank you for your support."

The two looked happy at that if nothing else, they looked dead tired though and probably wanted this to be over with so one of them began, his voice very recognisable, "If there is nothing else—" But I cut him off, shouting over him, "You guys ran the Art right?"

Those in attendance jumped a little, perhaps they had forgotten about me being there or perhaps they simply weren't expecting me to speak, whatever the case, the men got over the shock and nodded, "Yep, we were the ones putting the rounds down range."

"Thanks for that," I gave them a small bow, "Saved me a lot honestly."

He raised a bow and then a look of realization dawned on him, "Ah, you were the rider?"

"Yep," I said looking up at him trying to meet his eyes, and since I was sitting by the edge of the stone platform, my legs dangling down, I had to strain my neck a little to even meet his eyes.

He tilted his head a little before scolding, "Young and reckless. Never met someone willing to drive through hellfire."

"First time for me too," I shrugged, "Not a very pleasant experience let me tell you that."

A small smile cracked through his lips, "If this were fun then jumping off a plane without a para shoot would be too."

I mimicked his smile, trying to get along, "Hey, if you can fly I bet it would be."

"If only," He agreed before turning back to the broody boss and bowing out, "We will be off then."

He didn't wait for an answer, stepping off the platform with his second-in-command, something which the rest of the leaguers were waiting for, Batman chief among them as he immediately turned to Nightwing, "What made you think this was a good idea?"

Night wing covered for us, "Nothing just..." His words slurred, Batman pressed him, his tone still calm like waves, "There was a reason we retreated. You should have gotten approval for his operation."

Jason standing by Nightwing's side jumped to his defence, "A reason you refuse to tell us. Even now."

Wonder Woman took to Batman's side, "There isn't one but many. Few you now know and few you do not."

Jason snorted, "Of course," He looked like he wanted to take a swing at the woman for even saying that.

This time it was Damien who went in, "Father, while I believe—" He corrected himself, "Know that you had reasons for retreating from combat, but you had failed to provide us with the same."

And damn was this looking like a riot, a mutiny against the Bat.

Flash didn't lag behind his teammates as he gave his two cents, "League protocols kids. Remember them."

He didn't elaborate, the bastard, just throwing out words I had no idea about, well I could guess but that was beside the fact.

"What he means to say is, During emergencies, the chain of command must be adhered to and any operations must be pre-approved," My eyes snapped to the woman standing next to me, who had spoken the words all the while looking down at me, perhaps she had noticed that I didn't know them, so I gave her a nod, "Thank you Hawkgirl."

She returned it, her eyes moving back to the crowd only to notice that a lot of eyes had been drawn towards us, more specifically me, "Vandal, I want a detailed account of what happened on your side."

"Yeah? Right now?"

"Right now," Batman ordered I nodded.

"Well the initial it was supposed to be a three-pronged assault, mine was just supposed to be a distraction. Then it devolved and now we are here," I explained as concisely as possible glossing over all the important bits, trying to play it all off.

But dear old Bats didn't appreciate it, "Details."

I shrugged, "Fine, it was a three-pronged attack. Robin from the Sky, Nightwing from the ground, and Red Hood from the underground," A sign left me, "None of them succeeded. Well, Hood's did but we didn't know that, we had no communications."

I wanted to end it at that but all eyes were still on me, no, some of them were, most were behind me, at the demon that was walking up the stairs, even the other Heroes that were not a part of this meeting, just helping with the cleanup were staring.

"So I saw no other option, either we failed and left Raven again or I struck forward since I had no one on me..." I let my words go, and a Demon kneeled behind me putting a hand at my bent armour as I continued, "In the process, I learnt something new about my power," And then I let it rip it out, just tearing the bent-away armour.

A few hisses rang out as they realized the state of my flesh underneath the metal, with my whole body being twisted and curved in at wrong angles, something which soon enough all rearranged itself.

Though I had to admit, seeing the process was probably quite disturbing. A child's flesh moving, worming and willing till it finally set into a shape. A terrible sight I am sure. Not that I cared, as I concluded, "You know the rest."

Batman heaved a sigh he looked fed up but still asked, "And this is your power? To control corpses?"

Green Lantern face palmed, "So Zombies? Fucking hell."

"Puppets," I corrected, "Well that and more," Pulling my bare palm to the side of the thing I closed my eyes and pushed my mass sending it into the puppet—contracting me back into my ten-year-old form.

"What is that? Family-friendly necromancy?" Reopening my eyes I could see him shaking his head, I shrugged, "Don't know the mechanics. But it has a lot to do with dead bodies." Well, dead meat. Important distinction there.

None of those present looked pleased with my words. I had even returned to my younger form to look more innocent, a ruse that appeared to have failed, so I offered a consolidation, "Right if that is all, can I send these things back underground?"

It was almost funny the way Wonder Woman snapped, "No! They shall be given a proper rest. You will not define the bodies any further."

A command much more than a statement, but hey, I wasn't gonna fight her over it, well, I was gonna sass her over it though, "What did you think I meant?"

Her eyes widened for a second, "Oh," then almost with a cheer she...encouraged, "No delay in good work, get to it."

Turning my neck back to our former battlefield I willed them all underground, sending them to dissolve under the sand. It was a loss, sure, but it helped maintain that nothing I had done was out of malice.

Still, as I sent away the last ones I felt a pang of pity in my heart—what a waste of perfectly good meat.

Oh well, I wheel my neck back towards her, "So, anything else?"

She just shook her head before her eyes trailed away to the desert where my puppets had buried themselves, "May the afterlife treat them well."

But they were already dead though for a while even...you know what? Sure. May the afterlife be good to them.

Putting my thoughts off her I eyed Batman, he stood silently as the entire thing proceeded, not even batting an eye, "How did the barrier fail anyway?"

He looked over and then at Jason, well, Hood, who took over for answering, "The underground...hive thing? It was the mana supply. Apparently. Probably."

Good on you then. I turned my gaze back around to Batman, "Well anything else or do you want me to be here while you grill them all?"

He just calmly shook his head essentially shoeing me away.

So I stood up, but not everyone wanted me gone, "She should stay, at least until you spill the truth. Why did you withdraw?"

"Need to know basis Nightwing," He answered. Not one of them was pleased by the answer, something Jason voiced out, "Yes, and we are still asking."

It was almost a full minute that they started at each other before Batman related, "A lot of people were compromised and we had discovered that you keep your memories of the time you were mind controlled."

Fantastic explanation, 100 points, makes total sense. Cryptic asshole. "We were all checked by Zatanna and Fate. It should not be a problem."

"And Zatanna was one of those who were compromised, we wanted to be ahead of the demons so we didn't spread our plans," Batman waved his hand and turned away as if saying he was done with this conversation.

Dick disagreed, "You promised to trust us, to tell us when things went sideways."

"Circumstances dictate action Nightwing, now dismissed, all of you involved will receive your punishments when you report back to the watchtower," He started walking to his Batwing. Wonder Woman's brows furrowed and her lips sank into a frown, anxious, she followed after him.

The rest of the leaguers dispersed too. Probably not knowing what to say.

"So, that was a thing," Green Arrow joined putting a hand over Nightwing's shoulder, "Don't worry kid, it's always the same with him. Well, he has gotten a lot better."

Nightwing nodded, "I know," before turning to me, "Wanna ride to the manor or the tower?"

Kicking off my side I walked up to him, I had wanted to eat some actual good and where better? "Manor. But what about Raven?"

He looked up at the girl who floated above us, "Trust Zatanna and Fate. They will see us though."

My eyes turned to the Titans crew that was sitting by the edge of the platform. Far away from us. A jumbled mess of emotions that lot was. But again, not my problem.

Then my eyes turned to Damien, "What about you brother?"

He tilted his head giving it some thought, his eyes finally resting on Raven, "We have unfinished business here."


This fucking asshole.

No, don't show it. Play it off.

I sighed and turned to Dick, "He's right. I will ride with him."

Dick shrugged his eyes too falling on the Titans, he probably wanted to go and cuddle his girlfriend but ultimately decided against it, "I guess I will go to the Watchtower then. Get chewed out."

A chuckle leaked out of me on that one, "Aye. Good luck and for the record I was against this plan from the start."

His lips shifted to a smirk at that, "Well Daddy's princess, he is just as mad at you as he is at us. We succeeded here so you don't see it. Say we didn't, you would have."

"Yeah," I began with a depressed tinge, "At least we were successful here..." Then smirked, "Some more than others."

His smile suddenly turned bitter, like someone had shovelled some shit onto his tongue.

Damien in contrast just shook his head, "Children."

I laughed, "And what did you think I am?"

He snorted, a playful shake of his head, "Someone who took common sense out back and made a flesh puppet out of it."

Cartoonishly I froze then with an exaggerated blink I looked at him, "You joked."

He gave me the most, 'Are you fucking kidding me look,' he could, "You speak as if I haven't before."

Ignoring him I turned to Nightwing who quickly followed my antics and also made a bewildered face, "...How? What have you down with my smart-ass brother!?"

Damien looked at us and sighed, "Infants."

A wind-down chapter.

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