
[DC] Keep your head down!

It was an innocent survey on Heylel's phone. It asked 'Would you like to make a character to reincarnate into DC?' And he replied with an innocent answer, 'I would not.' Well, whoever made that survey did not seem to like that, which brought him—now her—here, a gun in hand staring down at an angry Batman, as she kicked away the body of Joker's girlfriend who was at the moment very dead. He was glaring at her. She cowered but still spat out, "It was self-defence." [Sociopathic MC] [Cover's mine] [With recent reviews I think I need to clarify something, this is not an OP/cheat fic. The MC is a child and it will take time for her to get stronger or to make any impact whatsoever(would you listen to a child?)]

SthUnlimted · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

A stormy day(2)

A white pawn was slayed by my black bishop pinning his only knight to his king's side, his other one having been traded in for one of mine. He pushed his bishop forward adding a line of threat for my bishop should I decide to take his knight, which would then be converted into a trade.

"You seem good at it, you play this?" I looked up at Hammer, and nodded, "My new family is fans of the game," My lips moved as I struck out to take that trade, forcing his bishop of the central tiles into a defensive stance just a step from his king as he captured my bishop.

The game had been carried out for a bit, I was pushed off the center losing both of my central pawns in the process. He had board control, but with a few good pins, he was forced to back out.

It was now just a complex of supports and threats on the board. One whose resilience was much shallower on my side than his. One, maybe two good knocks, and I was out.

"So, kid how has the school been treating you?" The man asked, "Good," I gave him his answer. Would I have ever given him another answer? No.

Shifting my eyes back to the board, I killed off a pawn only to see him pulling his rook from the left in a castle with the king, "What do you think of Gotham, from my understanding you... have had a different life than most here," There was a tone of wariness in his voice, his resting hand clenching, was he worried about offending me?

Killing off another of his pawns the center was free, "It's a weird city, I don't understand. There is enough money in this one city to fund the entire national guard but the crime here is just...you know."

He pulled back his slightly out-of-position queen, "It is because there is so much money in this city. There is so much wealth, and so many people that it causes crime."

Lifting my focus from the board, I crumpled my expression into one of confusion, "Really?"

"Well, that and a massive wealth divide," I knew, I've had first-hand experience. From zero balance to the world at my fingertips.

[A/N: Some of the most economically unequal counties in the world.]

Sliding forth my Queen I struck again, attacking a now unprotected pawn and degrading it off the board. His expression shifted down before reforming, "You play like a snake."

I blinked, not understanding this man's words. "I am just taking advantage of your undefended pawns."

"Like a snake," And what's that supposed to mean? Is this the same learning about a person through how they play bulls*it?

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"How you play—" I interrupted him, "Is a reflection of who you are. You got a training montage to accompany that?"

He laughed, "It usually works on kids."

Kids, anything works on those immature minds.

"It seems I have betrayed your expectations then?"

"I don't know," He looked back at the board and moved his other room next to the other one, "When I first received you, you gave the expression of a picture of innocence. First impressions can be deceiving."

My hands which had moved to strangle another of his pawns pushed—frozen as I heard him, I let my lips contort into a frown, "And what expression do I give off now?"

He shook his head, "Your father asked me to monitor your performance just like his son."

Not a surprise, he is a parent, this is a teacher and I'm a student. Still, he continued, "We expected you have—" He paused, but with a sigh, he continued, "—a few issues, your homeroom teacher was even asked to watch over you."

He didn't look like he was happy saying it to my face, admittedly telling a child she would have problems fitting in with her peers was harsh.

"But you fit in, immediately, you didn't even take a second to adjust. And that no education to speak of before this, felt like a lie—instantly top of the class."

Keeping my expression the picture of calm, I threw out some well-rehearsed lines, "Did father tell you about my life before the adoption? Before the orphanage?" Yep, it's my all-encompassing excuse.

"Some," He admitted, "Hard life—that was it if we go by the file."

"Well, I grew up on the streets before being adopted. Keep your tongue silvered and arrogance down if you want to live. Words of wisdom from a friend down there."

"I see. Still, it's a school we run, and I hope by the time you graduate, you stop seeing your friends as tools," Doubt that, "I don't."

"Well, let's get back to our game."


[A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this out, just exams are taking their toll and I am barely getting enough sleep.

I will try to keep up but no promises till next week.]