
[Cosmic Chronicle]: Cosmic Champion

“By participating in the Cosmic Champion testing, you will receive payments, and if you are able to discover new information, or any problems or bugs You will receive even more!” This is the advertisement for the game that is currently creating a controversy “Cosmic Champion.” At first, many people think this game is suspicious and unreliable, but when they heard the words from the people who had tried the game, some began to change their minds and wanted to give it a try. “Just play it and get money, right? I don't see any problem at all.” That was the thought of a young man named Zeke, Zekiel Ramon, who want to stand by himself without relying on his parents. But the new world that Zeke encounters may hold secrets? We invite you all to join the adventure and unravel the great secrets of all things together! Special power? love? Violence? secret? hope? Courage! Cosmic Champion will lead you to the beginning of a new saga that readers have never imagined before! Expected total number of episodes: 30-70 episodes.

PalmDSG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[Outdated] Episode 17 – Comically Large Sling!

"This thing is so marvelous!"

Upon hearing the device's explanation, Rosetta was amazed while poking the device.

"Hah! ….. Why is it so heavy?!"

"I don't understand about the Active and the Passive?"

D'Atch, who was holding the hammer with a support from Rose earlier, tried lifting it with one hand only to found that the hammer was very heavy. It was like trying to swing a 15-20 kg dumbbell.

[Active skills are skill that need to be commanded to take their effects while Passive skills are skill that automatically take an effect.]

"Command? …"

"Af' Sp'lui!"

He grabbed the hammer once again and shouted what seemed to be 'Earth Splitter' in his language.

[Aaf Sploo E? That's not how it works, silly!]

Rosetta tried her best to contain her laughter in the background.

"But, when I used Parry, I shouted and it worked, right?"

[Parry is your skill while weapon skill requires the user to be available to use said weapon!]

"So if I can't lift this up or swing it around, I won't be able to use the weapon skill?"


"Should I come back to the den and ask Rube for help?"

Hearing how the weapon skill works, D'Atch's mind was blank. Rosetta saw him lost in his thoughts while sitting on the mound for a few minutes, she had no choice but to ask for help from the slime queen.

"No. Don't bother her. Let her rest for a bit.."

"First of all, could you move those trees above? If we intend to break this small hill down, those trees might be destroyed too. You wouldn't like that, right?"

The man pointed at the trees above the mound.

"Right…I completely forgot about them because I was too excited about the hammer.."

"Siblings. I am sorry to tell you that we are in need to destroy your food source here….I'll have to move you guys down…"

Rosetta slowly walked up to the hill then spoke to the trees with a sad face as she rested her hand on each of them.

"Sister, why do you have to break this small hill?"

At that moment, shimmering green light globes erupted from one of the trees and then a small and adorable nymph formed by those green globes.

"Sis, what makes our kin have such a worry on her face like this?"

Another one of the trees suddenly shed all of its leaves and the next moment those fallen leaves grouped forming a teenager boy figure.

"I had no idea you guys could already manifest!"

Rosetta embraced the approaching young nymph and satyr.

"What the endless sea?"

Hearing unfamiliar voices, D'Atch slowly came up and saw the young.

The young nymph had an appearance just like a smaller version of Rosetta. She was in her lovely leaf and bark dress while the boy was only in his leaf pants with his torso naked.

"They are the other forms of these trees."

"I didn't expect them to already be able to manifest."

D'Atch was speechless. Although Rosetta had told him about other trees could manifest in different form just like her but he didn't expect them to be young.

"They are still young? But the tree?..."

He saw those trees were pretty in large size, so he was confused and surprised that their second forms were children.

"We trees live longer than animals, remember?"

"They might look like a big tree to you, but they could grow more!"

The boy and girl saw an unusual purple organism, they immediately hid behind Rosetta and occasionally peeked while he was talking to their sister.

"What about the other three?"

There were 5 trees in total on the mound, D'Atch only saw two of them so he asked for the rest worriedly.

"Th…They have yet to be able to form…."

The boy answered timidly.

"Could you help sister Rose move them down?"

D'Atch crouched down and asked both of them with a slight smile.

"Sister Rose…you will take down our homes just for this purple stick?"

Hearing the man request, the girl did not respond anything to him. She only hid herself not daring to look at his eyes.

She then looked up and asked the older nymph.

[Ha Ha Ha! Purple STICK! HAHHHHHH]

The device couldn't contain its laughter making the young trees shuddered in sudden.

"Shut up!"

D'Atch slapped the device on his wrist.

[The kids are watching!]

"Sister needs to break this pile of dirt down to make a veryyyy beautiful plant grow faster!"

"Veryy beautiful plant? Is it our kin?"

"Sister Rose is not sure…would you like to see it?"

Rosetta crouched down and lightly pinched the cheek of the young nymph while the device protested in the background.

"…. Why does sister Rose need to grow the plant faster?"

The boy asked innocently.

"You see, there is a very bad bad plant disease starts spreading around, and sister Rosetta needs to kill it very fast~"

"Would you five please?~"

Rosetta asked kindly with her refreshing smile making the two young looked at each other for a few moment.

"I trust you, sister!"

"We will help you kill this disease!"

The girl and the boy approved one after another.

"Thank you so much!"

"Uhm.. By the way, Rose? I know you could control the trees around but how are you gonna move an entire tree?"

D'Atch was very curious how would the trees move themselves.

"Remember when you were almost got buri- ahem."

"I will uproot them and tie them with some vines then let them fall down carefully."

Rosetta almost spoke about that time when she was trying to kill D'Atch, but then she saw him made unapproved eyes and slightly shook his head signaling her to not let the kids know how cruel it was, she then cleared her throat and changed the topic.

"I was imagining the trees could walk with their roots, but then I realized this is reality….the roots won't be able to withstand the weight…haha."

"Are you sure the trees won't get any damages? Besides….can you even handle the weight though? When they roll down you're gonna need a lot of strengths to hold the vines."

D'Atch was very worried that her slim body couldn't be able to hold the vines.

"Don't worry they won't get hurt!"

"I'm just gonna use this mound as an aid!"

"Please lend me this!"

Rosetta came closer to one of the trees then pulled down several vines and used her power to tied them together.

"Sister….It's scary!"

The young nymph was shaking as she came closer to hug her leg trying to stop her.

"Do not afraid. Sister used to do this with my main form once! You can trust me!"

Rose patted her head and comforted her but the young nymph was still slightly shaking. The boy wasn't so different from her as he had never done this before. He only observed everything from afar while slight shaking.

"Sister will begin with this once first then. You don't afraid as well!"

Seeing how uneasy the two was, Rosetta chose to demonstrate with one of the trees that couldn't manifest yet.

"Aren't you cheeky?"

D'Atch knew the reason Rose chose the tree that couldn't manifest yet to be an example because they couldn't scream or argue, so he teased her.

Rosetta did not say anything in respond except smile.

After that, she tied the long vines around the tree tightly then around the whole mound.

"I see. She's using the whole mound as a holder so that she doesn't have to bear all the tree's weight."

"Smart move….wait isn't this basic physics?"

D'Atch who observed everything complimented her.

"Since this thing is so heavy, let me use it then!"

Finally, after she finished tying the vines around the mound, she tied the rest tightly around the hammer.

"Trees are so smart…"

"I'll help you just in case!"

D'Atch offered to help lowering the tree to make sure that the vines won't tear half-way.

"Fine, then. But be careful for yourself."

Rose was silent for a brief moment, she was hesitant to refuse his offer but thought that he might be too stubborn so she accepted.

"Alright! You two step aside. Sister will move this tree now!"

Rosetta warned the young trees before waved her hand up to uproot the tightly fastened tree.

"Ready? When I push the tree down, hold the vine firmly, okay?"

Rosetta looked behind and asked D'Atch as she held the vine with her hand.

"Let's go!"

After hearing his confirmation, the nymph waved her hand forward and the tree started falling down.


As the tree was falling down, the vines tightened up. The man and the lady quickly pulled the string to slow down the falling tree.

"Careful Careful."

Rosetta said worriedly as she noticed that the movement behind her was a bit struggle through the string.

"Not so heavy, eh?"

Although D'Atch struggled a bit because he only held the vine with one hand, he was still amazed that the mound helped sharing the weight a lot making the work much easier.

"Almost there….slowly….Let's go!"

Finally, the two successfully transported the tree down without any failures.

"Woahhhh! That looks fun!"

The boy and the girl saw how easy and safe it was, their fears disappeared and an excitement burst.

"See? You can trust sister now!"

The girl nodded in an excitement.


"Yay!~ so fun!"

After almost an hour passed, the transporting of 5 trees above the mound succeeded.

The two young trees helped standing the trees upright with the power similar to their sister.

Rosetta and D'Atch was laying on the ground while panting.

They both rested for a few minutes from exhaustion.

"I actually envy Rube now…."

Rosetta lamented to her lacking in strengths.

"….wait! We can use this!"

Suddenly, the purple stick shouted in enjoy making the three curious.

"Rose, could you cut out this vine for me please? About this long!"

D'Atch asked the nymph to make him a new vine while stretching his arms out. The length was around 1 and half meters.

"Here you go. What are you planning?"

The nymph cut out the vine that were used to transport the trees and handed to him.

"Could you make this vine into a rubber? It has been used to transport heavy trees, I'm afraid using it like this it might tear."

D'Atch brought the 1.5 meters vine closer to the device.

[Of course. Put it there.]

The device shone a cone-shaped blue light forward then D'Atch put the vine in there.

[You got a comically large sling!]

The vine slowly dispersed into a long, thick, and brown sling rubber.


"Rosetta, find me two large woods and stick them firmly to the ground here please!"

D'Atch quickly ran to the side not far from the hammer and waved at Rose.

"There are no dead woods around here! What are you trying to do?"

Rosetta asked the two kids that were there any trees died down recently to get some large woods.

Unfortunately, they both shook their heads, so she shouted at him regrettably.

"No dead trees around here? Hm...…"

Hearing the bad news, D'Atch quickly ran back to them again. He looked at the recently transported trees and got a better idea.

"Please help me tie this rubber to these trees!"

After searching for the right angle, he found that one of the transported trees lined up perfectly with an unknown tree nearby. They were perfect for making a sling shot.

"The trees are gonna be alright, right?"

"Yes! I'll go get the hammer!"

While tying the rubber, Rosetta was a bit worried with his plan.

"Please pick this up for me."


After reaching the hammer, he asked the device to store the hammer.

"Alright! Now tie the middle of the rubber with this vine!"

When D'Atch came back with the vine that were used earlier, Rose had already finished the tie.

"Pulling again? I don't have much strengths left just so you know!"

As Rosetta tying the rubber, she reminded him with confused face.

"Don't worry! This time I'll be the one that pull more than you!"

"Done! Now what?"

When Rose finished the tying, D'Atch grabbed that vine and ran zigzag around a few trees.

"Here! Release it when I give you a signal!"

When he felt a slight resistance of the vine enough for Rose to easily pull, he then came back to her and handed the vine.

"I don't know what are you planning to do. But I feel like it's gonna be deadly crazy."

She said with a suspicious expression.

"Come on! We don't have any other method to break the mound!"

D'Atch explained as he walking backward to pull the rubber sling.

"Pull more!"


"I'll help, sister!"

Seeing Rosetta had a hard time pulling the vine, the young boy told the little girl to stay away then came closer to help her pulling.

[You're mad.]

After finally realized what D'Atch was trying to do, the device couldn't believe how crazy the man was.

"Agh! You should be ready too. Do not miss it!"


After pulling the sling with struggle for a while, D'Atch thought that it's finally a perfect amount to shoot, so he shouted to have Rosetta let go of the vine.


"ahahahaha flyyyyy~!"

The girl saw the purple stick flying toward the mound, she laughed in joy and excitement while pointing at him.

"Hammer in front of me please!"

[Above you!]

When D'Atch almost reached the mound. He asked the device to bring out the hammer. It fell in front of him from above.

"Thank you!"

"Earth Splitter!"

Luckily, he caught the hammer in time. The momentum from the sling shot allowed him to handle the heavy weapon.

After catching the hammer successfully, he then smashed it mid-air toward to mound while activating the weapon skill.


The Fang Hammer successfully landed on the mound grinding the whole hill into pieces.