
[Cosmic Chronicle]: Cosmic Champion

“By participating in the Cosmic Champion testing, you will receive payments, and if you are able to discover new information, or any problems or bugs You will receive even more!” This is the advertisement for the game that is currently creating a controversy “Cosmic Champion.” At first, many people think this game is suspicious and unreliable, but when they heard the words from the people who had tried the game, some began to change their minds and wanted to give it a try. “Just play it and get money, right? I don't see any problem at all.” That was the thought of a young man named Zeke, Zekiel Ramon, who want to stand by himself without relying on his parents. But the new world that Zeke encounters may hold secrets? We invite you all to join the adventure and unravel the great secrets of all things together! Special power? love? Violence? secret? hope? Courage! Cosmic Champion will lead you to the beginning of a new saga that readers have never imagined before! Expected total number of episodes: 30-70 episodes.

PalmDSG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[Outdated] Episode 15 – Tale of The Sovereign of The Endless Sea

[The physical condition of the Slime Queen is slightly in decline. The Dark Energy had partially seized her life energy. Resting is required to fully recover back to stable state.]

"Let's go back to the den first."

"I'll bring this too. Just in case."

Rubaegia had just gone to her slumber from exhaustion. Everyone could see that her body got smaller from continuous attacking and the dark energy. Thus, Rosetta made her a leaf basket for D'Atch to carry her back to the den.

The green little slime, who was hiding behind a small bush nearby when D'Atch rushed to save Rosetta, jumped on the basket and rested itself beside the queen.

After that she scooped up the mystical sprout from the ground and took it back together.

"What is this plant?"

After reaching the den, D'Atch put down the basket and let the slime kids and the nymph took care of her.

He inspected the Bond Sprout as it continued spreading tiny light orbs around.

[Bond Sprout. A miracle plant that was born from you three's friendships.]

"Right! You said that I awakened a skill earlier. What was it again?"

["The Miracle"]

[You can check the skills you possess here.]

The device opened up the skills screen.

[Active Skills]

- Parry.

[Passive Skills]

- The Miracle.

[The Miracle (Passive)]

- You are the embodiment of a miracle! Your existence shall create miracles! Anything is possible with a miracle!

"…..What the fuck?"

"Are you joking on me?"

When D'Atch tried tapping the floating skill screen, it showed the descriptions.

He then tapped on The Miracle passive skill and saw ridiculous descriptions. He thought the device was making a fool out of him again.

[No. This is your true skill.]

"Embodiment of miracle?! My existence can create anything in concept of miracle?!"

"This is stupid, right? That sounds like an ability of the supreme one! I'm nowhere near the great being!"

"you're joking me, absolutely!"

D'Atch couldn't believe what he saw at all. If he could create miracles anywhere anytime, that felt like he could create things at will like a god which is impossible.

[What is the supreme one? I've been hearing you keep saying things like 'supreme one' or that…..that Sovereign of endless sea thing?]

The device did not clarify but asked him about his belief solemnly.

"The supreme one is not a thing!"


"Well….I'm not that pious man but…."

"In my homeland, N'Prin, we believe in one supreme being. We refer to the supreme being as 'Supreme one' or the great being/one."

"We called the great one 'The Sovereign of the endless sea'."

"The endless sea is what we call this boundless place that filled with stars because we've never known how vast it is."

"We dare not assuming the appearance nor the gender of the great being, so we use the word 'sovereign'."

"The great sovereign sacrificed their great own body to protect us and everything in the endless sea."

D'Atch started telling the tale of his god slowly, one by one, as he pointed toward the space.

"The supreme being will watch over everything. And we believe that we were born by the sovereign."

"In life, we shall never hurt or exploit others, for that is the greatest sin."

"And in death, we shall return to the sovereign to serve eternally and gladfully. For that, is the greatest goal of our life."

He put his hands together and closed his eyes in gratefully manner.

[Pfft...sounds like you really believe in this tale, huh? Mr.not so religious?]

The device couldn't contain its laughter. It also made fun of him.

"Right, you're just a machine. How could you be as greatest as our supreme one?"

D'Atch tried his best to contain his fury then eyed the device scornfully.

[OH? I'm not as greatest huh? Then tell me the entirety of your tale! I'll smack all the fake parts away!]

"Huh! Why would I waste my time with the likes of you?"

"You don't believe what I do is fine, but making fun of it is really impolite of you!"

D'Atch sneered with a hint of fury in his voice.

[A fake fairy tale that becomes a religion for fanatics is not fine either!]

The device talked back seriously in a very annoyed voice.

"Why so angry?! Alright, let's stop talking about this thing. Religions can drive people crazy and even kill others."

"I don't want to have a fight with you."

D'Atch heard the device was getting angry so he cut the topic off to save the moods of the both sides.

[If you don't tell me I will never talk to you again!]

The device stated its ultimatum solemnly.

"What?! Why is it so important to you?... Fine. Fine. I'll tell you."

D'Atch could sense a little overwhelming feeling, so he yielded.

"There was a legend passed down from our ancestors."

"Back when the endless sea was just a nihility. No shining stars could be seen anywhere."

"The great annihilation occurred because the sovereign fought with the horrors and then the endless sea was filled with lights."

"Those lights gradually became stars you and I see nowadays."

"The sovereign of the endless sea then sacrificed the great body to protect the sea from the outer ones, ancient horrors that we believed to be the cause of the great annihilation."

"Those outer ones would never trespass into our endless sea because of the protection of our sovereign."

"That's why we truly grateful for the blessing."

D'Atch explained slowly. He had just noticed that Rosetta had already gone to sleep alongside Rubaegia for a while now, so he quietly walked away to not disturb them with his voice.

[Can you explain more clearly about the 'sovereign'? Anything special about it?]

"That is a long-lost history from our records and tales."

"But if I recall it correctly, the sovereign had no face."

"The faceless sovereign, I would say."

"Oh! And. I think the sovereign could create things at will too! Yeah that's right. We were talking about this…."

"How could my skill be on par with the great one…how shameful."

D'Atch shook his head in disbelief while murmuring to himself.




[The story you just told me. It's all just starshits.]

The device cursed casually making smokes flowed out of D'Atch's ears with anger.

"You're just a fucking human's device! How could you insult our belief!"

"If I insulted your god, would you all get angry too?!"

D'Atch spoke faster than the tri-horn wolf's speed.

[So sensitive….]

Somehow, it could be sensed that the device just shook its head in disapproval. D'Atch was so angry that he did not respond anything.

[Your tales mixed up so bad! It's just a mess!]

The device said hopelessly and disappointingly.

[Listen carefully! The faceless supreme one that you're so believe in, did not protect anything!]

[And the one that you said protecting 'endless sea' can't create anything at will!]

[Well, that one could. But not anything!]

"Why are you so confident huh? Where did you get those from? What do humans believe in?"

Hearing the device said made D'Atch snapped back even more and sneered back.

[…..I can only tell you confidently that you've been lied to for a long time!]

"Ho? I'm getting lied huh? How do you know, then? What makes you so sure that our great and grand legends are fake, eh?"

D'Atch kept mocking the device in disbelief.







"You what again?"

Before the device could finish its sentence, suddenly, the noise got cut off half-way.


[It would be too soon for you right now.]

"Hah! You're just trolling me again, after all!"

"Whatever! Let's head back inside. I still need to examine the plant."

In the end, D'Atch calmed down and walked back to the den to check more on the plant.

"The device knows something about the sovereign?..."

"What was it going to say?....."

He thought. Though he couldn't do anything about it as he was both unsure and convinced by the device somehow.

He decided to put it aside for now as there's something more important to do urgently.