
[Cosmic Chronicle]: Cosmic Champion

“By participating in the Cosmic Champion testing, you will receive payments, and if you are able to discover new information, or any problems or bugs You will receive even more!” This is the advertisement for the game that is currently creating a controversy “Cosmic Champion.” At first, many people think this game is suspicious and unreliable, but when they heard the words from the people who had tried the game, some began to change their minds and wanted to give it a try. “Just play it and get money, right? I don't see any problem at all.” That was the thought of a young man named Zeke, Zekiel Ramon, who want to stand by himself without relying on his parents. But the new world that Zeke encounters may hold secrets? We invite you all to join the adventure and unravel the great secrets of all things together! Special power? love? Violence? secret? hope? Courage! Cosmic Champion will lead you to the beginning of a new saga that readers have never imagined before! Expected total number of episodes: 30-70 episodes.

PalmDSG · Fantasy
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26 Chs

[Outdated] Episode 12 – An Unexpected Help

"What was that howl? It was so powerful I'm getting worried that it might be a harm for us."

After carrying the patient far enough, Zeke asked Carl curiously as they were panting and carefully put Adria down to begin an operation.

"Another boss monster maybe? Let's ignore it for now! We need to treat Adria first!"

Carl stood up and placed his slime bag on the ground then took out the Soldier Sting..

"Do you know how to make potions? I thought only Adria knows that?"

Zeke came closer to help him. The wasp corpse was very big and tough, he wondered how Carl was gonna make an antidote from it.

"Well, I used to help my fellow field doctor before, but this is gonna need some times to make the serum. You go check on her."

Zeke nodded and left Carl alone. He walked to Adria and put his hand on her cheeks, forehead, and neck to check her temperature.

"It's a little warmer…"

[You've got the sting of a Soldier Sting. Weapon could be crafted from the material.]

The device notification rang out from Carl's wrist.



Zeke heard the notification then came to check Carl. What he saw was a gross dissected lower part of the wasp.

"That's why I told you to check on her, haha."

"You want this? Your weapon just broke, isn't it?"

Carl handed Zeke the sting after cut it from the body.

"Thank you. System, what weapon can I craft from this?"

Zeke received the sting then called the device making the screen popped out.

[The sting of a Soldier Sting.]

[This sting is very tough. It will not be easily crooked even getting hit by a large stone. Because this sting has just been taken out from the body, you can still see little venom oozing out.]

[You can craft a Rapier type weapon from this material.]

[Would you like to craft the weapon now?]

"A Rapier?"

"Most rapier I knew from games couldn't be used to cut….I wonder if it'll benefit from my skills?"

"What am I nitpicking for? I don't even have a weapon here. Let's craft it!"

Zeke was hesitant at first. He was afraid that the new weapon won't benefit from his skills then he threw those thoughts away because right now, he needed a weapon more than before.

[Crafting completed!]

[You receive Mr.Sting, A rapier type weapon!]

[Because the material still had some venom on it, Mr.Sting received an additional temporary passive skill!]


a rapier type weapon made from the sting of a Soldier Sting. It's fairly tough and won't be easily crooked even if hitting hard surfaces or stones.

This weapon possesses no active skills.

Passive skills exclusively only for this weapon,

- Sharp Sting, this weapon will always deal critical damage.

- (Additional) Soldier Sting's Venom, upon successfully piercing this weapon into enemies' tissue, the venom left within the weapon will cause the enemies to become paralyzed.

Because there is only little venom left, Soldier Sting's Venom passive skill can only be used 3 times.]

The sting disintegrated into shiny particles and seeped into the device on Zeke's left wrist then after a few seconds, a bright light with human's arm size shone in front of Zeke then it slowly faded into a weapon.

The weapon had a very similar design to a rapier, long straight pointed sting instead of a metal blade, the hilt was sweeping forward potentially able to protect the entire hand when gripped, and sloped up to the blade forming a perfect shape. The whole weapon was in black color but slightly faded into brown at the blade point.

"Wow…it looks beautiful more than I thought…..But… seriously Mr.Sting?"

Zeke grabbed the weapon before it fell down. He slightly cringed at the name.

"System! Can I use my skill with this weapon?"

[Lightning Sting is available with a rapier type weapon.]

"Oh wait… its name already answers, isn't it…silly me!"

"The real rapier could be used to cut though…. This one only for thrusting huh?"

Zeke tried to check the edges and found that they were blunt, unable to cut anything at all. When he touched them he felt a little weird like he was patting something smooth like a beetle's horn.

He then tried to swing the weapon around to test it out. He found that it was very light. He could say that it was even lighter than the starting sword.

"Done! Here! Have her drink it now!"

While Zeke was busy checking out his new weapon, Carl had finished making an antidote. He handed him a clear liquid in a small tube.

"Adria, here's an antidote. Open your mouth."

Zeke received the serum and carefully lifted Adria's head up.

Adria slowly opened her eyes and saw Zeke with the potion. She then opened her mouth slowly.

"Slowly Slowly….that's right. You're gonna be alright."

Zeke carefully and slowly poured the clear liquid into her mouth. He could feel that her neck was hotter than before, so he tried to comfort her.

"I'll set up our camp here. It can't be helped but we shouldn't move her unnecessarily."

Carl took out the camp set from the multi-purpose bag.


"Please take care of Adria for me."

After taking Adria to rest inside the tent, Zeke grabbed his new weapon and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?! There's a boss monster out there, we need to stick together!"

Carl asked worriedly. Although they were in the perfect spot for disguise now, who knew they might get attacked soon.

"That's why I need to go! I'm gonna patrol the surrounding to make sure nothing will attack us."

Zeke convinced making Carl nodded in agreement after being silent for a few minutes.



A dark creature was stabbed to death in the chest. It let out a strange scream similar to a snake and all the fog exuded from its body dispersed into the sunlight. Blood spurted out from its mouth.

"He killed a human?"

It was like fates being tricky, Zeke happened to see D'Atch was holding a human with his sword on their chest.

Zeke couldn't hear what the murderer said because of the distance. He was hiding in a bush after all.

The man then went wandering around the wrecked area, Zeke followed him from behind quietly.

"Human corpses?!"

When he looked at the way D'Atch did, he exclaimed in surprised.

"He did that?....but why he also looked surprised….I need to capture him and get some information!"


Zeke made his mind and was about to attack, but the tri-horn wolf interrupted.

"What the hell?... that must be the boss monster from earlier!"


"Damn it!"

The culprit threw his broken sword away as the wolf was rushing in.

"Goddamn it! I planned I'll attack after he took that boss down…guess I have no choice then!"

"Lightning Sting!"

Desperate from failure of his plan, Zeke raised up his new weapon then activated the skill as he rushing out of the bush behind D'Atch.

"You again?!"

The wolf was about to pounce at D'Atch but its paw got pierced by Mr.Sting making it immediately jumped back.

D'Atch saw his savior was the man he fought many days ago, so he was confused why Zeke was there and rescued him.

"After I'm done with that thing, you're next!"

Zeke turned around and pointed his rapier at D'Atch's face.

"I know you want to avenge me but you were the one who killed those slimes first!"

"Besides, the slime queen already forgave you! If you attacked me here, that means you want to start a war!"

D'Atch sternly said with a serious face. When he thought back to how those young slimes got massacred, his fury began to swell up again.

"Oh really?! Why should I spare an alien who killed a human just now?! Those corpses must be your victims, huh?"

Zeke shouted back without taking his eyes off the wolf.

"You saw that? I didn't-"


Before D'Atch could explain himself, the tri-horn wolf rushed back in again.

"Stay there! I'll handle this myself!"

Zeke quickly ran to the side preventing the wolf from hurting the culprit and prepared to counterattack.


The wolf followed Zeke then swiped its other paw at him.

Even with his calm mind, Zeke was almost got scratched because the wolf was very swift.

"Wait…Didn't I hit it with the sting? It should be paralyzed isn't it?"

"System! Why is the wolf not being paralyzed?!"

Noticing that the wolf was limping after attacking, Zeke recalled about the special passive of his weapon.

[The Tri-horn wolf is an alpha wolf with superior body, it's fundamentally stronger in every aspect. A stronger venom is needed to apply.]

"So it is ineffective?! This is gonna be a tough fight!"

[Negative. You could paralyze the wolf by hitting the exact same spot again. It will shortly paralyze the wolf for a while.]

"Hell! How am I suppose to do that?! Let alone this guy would let me hit the same spot again!"


As Zeke was arguing with the device, he didn't realize the wolf was already swiped its claw at him again.


"I'll buy you some time!"

D'Atch blocked the claw just in time.

"I don't need your help!"

"Then I'll just run away and let you have some fun with the doggy?"

While D'Atch trying to fend off the wolf, Zeke considered carefully as he trying to calm his mind.

"Fine then. Any plan?"

"I'll try parrying its claw then it'll lose its balance. You stabbed it when that happened."

"You have a weapon, the dog won't try risking its head with biting for sure."

Zeke thrusted his weapon at the wolf while it's busy pushing with D'Atch. The wolf quickly pulled its paw back and jumped away to dodge the rapier.

"Parry? A skill from Sark Doul? But it can be used on large enemy.."

"Are sure it'll work?"

"Dunno! It's coming! We have no choice!"

As the true gamer Zeke was, he knew the skill "Parry" quite well. He was unsure that it'll work on this large size wolf.

The wolf quickly ran into both of them then it swiped its claw.


D'Atch switched the shield to his right hand then used parry when the claw was about to hit.




The strength of the alpha wolf was far superior than D'Atch. When his shield hit its paw, an explosion noise could be heard. He could hear his wrist bone broke from the impact.

[You successfully parried the tri-horn wolf.]

[The strength of the tri-horn wolf is superior than you.]

[Some of damage has been inflicted to you.]

[Parry causes the tri-horn wolf loses its balance!]

As the device on D'Atch resonated out, Zeke could clearly see the wolf's left paw was slightly shaking on the shield.

In the next seconds, the wolf tottered with its right paw as its body was about to fall the same way.


D'Atch shouted as he gritted his teeth enduring the pain on his hand.


Zeke stabbed his rapier on the wolf paw penetrating through to the first wound he inflicted.

The wolf fell down to the ground quickly with its limbs twitching slightly. It let out small whimpers and breathed heavily.

[You have successfully paralyzed the tri-horn wolf!]