
Chapter 26

(Ashborn's POV)

Month. That was a time that I thought will take to complete negotiations with two countries, but Kaspian made a tremendous job and fulfilled the task in 15 days and snatched a lot of benefits for the guild.

Now Adventurer's Guild can build a few buildings in Elenoir and Darv. Those buildings will serve just for adventurers from those two kingdoms, this will continue until all three races finally make alliances and unite 3 kingdoms.

That was what we planned.

Dwarves immediately agreed to our terms after they heard that the guild is ready to use teleporters for trading since the Kingdom of Darv is located underground, they don't have as many resources and goods as the Kingdom of Sapin. Even though Sapin and Darv maintain a symbiotic relationship in the matter of resources.

Dwarves themselves will build adventurer's guild near Beast Glades border and make a tunnel to their underground kingdom.

Meanwhile, Elves will also build the adventurer's guild with the support of our resources, of course. With the special permission of King Alduin himself, 100 adventurers are allowed to cross borders between two kingdoms.

It would be more proficient to build a guild by myself. I have a lot of hard-working ants in my army, but Kaspian said that this will serve as a good improvement of the political situation between Kingdoms.

Also, Kaspian became more energetic since I gave him that beast-core. He is now on the Mid-Silver core stage and is close to breaking into the High-Silver core stage, but this wasn't the only thing that Kaspian gained from that Beast-core.

That core was infused with a little amount of my mana. I want Kaspain to work on 100% every time, diseases and injuries may give problems later, I decided and gave him my blessing, so poisons, diseases, and injuries won't pose a threat.

(Flashback Start)

"Mr. Ashborn, I want to ask you what core exactly did you give me?" Kaspian asked me.

I sensed that his core had different color so that meant he broke through the next stage, but Kaspian is a smart one. He probably noticed that he didn't just get to the next stage.

"It was beast-core and high-class one." I answered calmly.

"That's understandable since I broke through the silver-core stage, but I'm feeling way more energized. Besides while absorbing mana from the core, my mana-core cracked a little. I was worried about this, but later core healed itself. I don't think that any beast-core would have such effect." Kaspian said and I could understand where he was going.

"Yes, Beast-core was infused with my mana. Now you don't have to worry about serious injuries such as lost limbs because they will regenerate. In addition to that, you now have poison resistance... No that's an understatement. You have poison nullification and diseases don't pose a threat..." The longer I continue talking about my blessing more surprised Kaspian became.

"I don't know what to say Mr. Ashborn. But I'm grateful. I will work even harder from now on." Kaspian said happily.

"So how negotiations are going? ... "

(Flashback End)

And now we return to our main subject. Today I have a very important training session with Ellie since she wanted to learn what her bow could do.

"Brother! I'm ready." Ellie shouted from the second floor of Helstea Manor and soon run down on stairs.

"Are you prepared?" I asked her at which she nodded.

"Yes!" She gave me a salute.

"Okay, then we are going." I said and walked towards the doors.

"Wait, brother where are you going? Aren't we supposed to go that way, to the backyard?" Ellie asked, I shook my head and answered.

"You wanted real training with a bow, so we are going to a special place. Just don't tell mother..."


After flying on Hawky for some time, I and Ellie reached Beast Glades without any issues.

"Woah, It's soo beautiful!" Ellie exclaimed when we landed in Beast Glades.

It was truly beautiful. The land around was full of flowers, and small mana-beasts, but this was the only surface of Beast Glades.

Some dungeons are also beautiful, but all of them are full of dangerous mana-beasts. Unlike surface in dungeons is blood and a lot of it.

I got off from Hawky and Ellie did the same. I could see how Ellie's eyes were shinning from excitement so before she could run somewhere, I stopped her.

"Don't run off somewhere." Don't run off somewhere or soldiers in your shadow will kill everyone.

"Ellie, take your bow." Ellie did as I said and quickly took a bow in her hand.

"Since, this is your first training. I will just teach you how to control mana arrows so they always reach their target."

Most of the archers unfortunately don't have enough knowledge about magic and mana itself. If you plan to become a magic archer you should know how to form a mana-arrow, otherwise, you will be outmatched by any other type of fighter who could use mana arts.

Even if magic-archers know how to form magic arrows they can't control it. When arrows are released they reach a place where they were aimed from the beginning.

And right now I'm going to teach Ellie how to change the direction of the arrow in mid-air. If we are successful enough then Ellie should be able to control mana-arrow however she wants.

"Ellie form mana-arrow." Ellie nodded and quickly formed a mana-arrow that floated in around her hand, but I doubt it would harm anyone since mana wasn't solid enough.

'As expected of my little sister.' For Ellie, it was already incredible that he could manipulate mana on such a level.

"Now try to launch it at that tree." I said and pointed at the closest tree.

Ellie tried. She tried but couldn't launch mana-arrow, it was stuck to her hand and didn't move even a little. She tried to launch it with swing, but mana-arrow only dissipated.

"I can't launch it." Sighed Ellie after many attempts.


"So what should I do?" Ellie asked.

"Well, you have two options. Either will your mana to go where you want it to go, or just release mana so it goes where you swung your hand." I explained it to Ellie as simply as I could.

"Okay, I understand." Ellie said and begun her next attempts.

'I doubt that.' Anyway, I had different ways to teach Ellie how to control mana-arrows.

Surprisingly, Ellie really did launch few arrows into a tree but missed them all.

"Stop. Ellie if you will continue like this you will exhaust yourself mana lose." I told her and she quickly turned to me as if already knowing that I will finally teach her something for real.

"Okay, use your bow now." Ellie did as I said.

She took a stance and pulled mana-string towards her. Mana-arrow formed automatically, Ellie looked at me.

"Now to try to see how the arrow is formed." Ellie started observing the arrow. She also tried to sense how much mana was an arrow, She should notice how that mana-arrow was formed.

"So what can you tell?" I asked her a few minutes later.

"Well... The shape is better than mine, it's formed more accurately and a lot of mana is concentrated on arrowhead." As always it was an impressive feat for my little sister.

"You saw how true mana-arrow should be formed. This is the optimal way to create an arrow that can truly harm something and is easy to control. Try to form same." I said and Ellie again nodded, this time she understood.

She placed her bow on the ground and starting forming a mana-arrow. She started forming a mana-arrow from head to end.

"Continue like this Ellie. Even if you won't fully form mana-arrow, this way even not fully formed one can play a big role in some occasions since it has a sharp edge already."

After fully forming mana-arrow, in which Ellie used a lot of her mana. She again tried to launch it, but still couldn't. I don't blame her, she is still a kid what should I expect?

"Okay, look here Ellie." She looked at me.

I few mana-arrows floated around my hand. When Ellie saw this, her eyes sparkled. My arrows quickly started flying around me and Ellie at high speed.

"Do you understand what I'm teaching you, Ellie?" I asked.

"Oh, couldn't you show me that from the start?!" Ellie shouted.

"Go and show me results then." I remember explaining everything that I wanted to teach her... Ah, right. most children like illustrations more than reading actual text...

Ellie took a stance for some reason, then she put her hand forward and aimed it at the tree. She held her breath, and started forming arrow. in a few seconds, she formed an arrow. But she closed her eyes and later when she opened her eyes...

"What!? I missed."

"What did you expect when you closed your eyes..." I muttered under my breath, but Ellie heard it.

"But brother. I can't concentrate without closing my eyes." Since when she couldn't concentrate without closing eyes was a mystery even for me.

"Don't close your eyes. Maybe next time you will hit the target." Ellie seemed not to like the word 'Maybe'

Ellie, again and again, tried to launch mana-arrow towards the poor tree, but couldn't hit it. In the end, Ellie laid down on the grass from mana exhaustion.

"Brother... YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME NOT TO TORTURE!" Ellie shouted at me releasing all anger that she held for all this training session.

"You asked for it. You wanted to learn how to use a bow to launch arrows, but that bow of yours can't control arrows for you. Since your enemy won't wait for you to aim, you need to learn how to hit a moving target easily and this is the easiest way for you at least." I explained she looked at me with teary eyes.

"But that's torture..."

"Battlefield is torture for everyone..." Maybe that wasn't a thing that I should say. Fortunately, Ellie didn't bother about it.

"Okay, Try again." I forcibly refilled Ellie's mana pool, she got surprised at the sudden surge of strength.


"I did it, brother, I did it!" Ellie was running around me happy and satisfied.

She did really hit a tree, even if it wasn't enough to somehow damage the real enemy. For a kid it's is a tremendous achievement.

"So what now? Are we going home? I'm super tired." Asked Ellie while clinging to me.

"No. I still want you to practice with your bow." I answered, Ellie, looked as if her soul left her body.

'I know, this is too harsh for a kid, but... Just in case I need to teach her, how to protect herself.' I thought.

"So where are we going?" Ellie asked after regaining her composure.

"Where else? Into a dungeon of course."


Ahh sorry, guys. School really did make my life harder, in addition to that, I have training in my club.

I managed to write a chapter because I had time. I don't know if I will upload the chapter in few days, but don't be sad I got good news for everyone.

I and a few other authors collaborated and created another TBATE fic. To be exact: Me, SocioPhobia, Erebus512, and Psema collaborated and created new TBATE Fanfic.

It's posted on Wattpad and we will also start uploading it on Webnovel after reaching 15k words.


Here is the link.

Also here is the Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/AWjxEHht

There are a lot of FF Authors and good people who can always recommend new fics. So I suggest you join.
