
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 14

When I got up this morning I decided to just wear my prosthetics to school, it is nice to be able to reach the coffee pot. Well it was also better then sneaking my new ability to get a coffee cup, telekinetic it is a smaller form of it but it works the same, I can lift up to about 300 pounds and I have a distance of about 20 feet, without anything blocking my path. When dad got done talking to Eleazar said that it will get stronger once I turn. (I remember someone giving me this idea I just can't fine the comment probably because I am a dumbass but I remember it, When I do I'll edit this and give them the recognition)

Once my siblings and I got to are vehicle, I remembered my cane, hard to keep stead most of the time. As we where heading to school I couldn't help but be lost in my thoughts.

'I still think its weird Edythe would run away from her mate, Yes, Beau is a human but so am I, me and Jane worked out are problems.'

My train of though was interrupted by my phone going off, "Ahh speak of the devil" Alice tuned at me and bopped my head, "Don't be rude to your mate want me to tell her what you said."

I answered the video call.

Jane: How are you doing today Darling?

Drac: I am good, I am heading to school right now.

During our talk Jane had obviously taken the serums because she about the age of 17 or 18.

(So for reference the actor who plays Jane she was eighteen when they did breaking Dawn so that's what appearance wise I am going with.)

We talked as we where going to school, mostly about how Didyme was doing and how she was doing coming back to normal day to day things.

Jane: She is getting better, her thirst is what we mainly want to get back to a normal leve....

Someone snatched Janes phone

Marcus: It is good to see you my son, how are you.

Drac: I am good but I need to get going to school.

Rose: Lets go Drac we are going to be late.

Marcus: If you need to go, go but son make sure you come visit soon and thank you, Jane looks more happy since those serum.

Drac: No problem father, let me speak to Jane before I go.

Jane: Yes, Darling

Drac: How about this I'll come visit for my prom and then during the summer.

Jane: We can do that and we can throw a party.

Drac: I would rather you didn't.

Jane: Too late


"Did she just hang up on me?"

Looking towards Rose, she had her hand over her mouth snickering.

"Lets go or we really are going to be late."


Up to lunch the day was pretty much normal I got a few roaming eyes on my prosthetist, but most of the time I was in class with Eric, once we got to lunch I saw Edythe's mate Beau, he is a couple inches shorter than Emmett, brown hair and sky blue eyes. My train of thought was ruined by Tanner throwing a apple at me, luckily Rose caught the apple before it hit me and she threw it back at him, Rose must of thrown it a bit hard because the apple hit Tanner and the apple exploded once it hit him there just wasn't a apple no more. We all couldn't help but laugh at what just happened.

"That boy gets one more strike, because one more strike and ill call mother Suplicia and she can handle him." I said pulling out my phone

They all laughed for a few before realizing I wasn't laughing, " Your joking right?" Emmett asked

"Nope I ain't, Mother told me too if someone had a problem with me."

Then I started to laugh hard because they all looked too serious," I wouldn't do it unless the dickweed really made me mad." I said


When I go to my bio class that I normally had with Edythe I didn't know Beau was here too, He looked at me and then I took a sit next to him, put my cane to the side. He was looking straight ahead trying not to make eye contact.

"Hey man, you must be Beau Swan?" I reached my hand out towards him

"Yeah, Nice to meet you" He looked at my prosthetic hand "Nice design, you do those your self." he asked

"Yes, I designed the legs as well." lifting up a pant leg

"Nice, where have you been, you missed most of the week."

"Ohh that's simple I was In Italy, visiting some family."

"Really, I wish I could miss school and be in Italy for a few days."

We sat there and talk for awhile about myself and what Beau liked to do, he said his dad got him a 2002 Chevy Silverado as a homecoming gift. (Yes, I know I changed the truck sue me alright, Bella and Beau got the short straw when it came to getting a truck, I get the truck they had is like a tank, but its not that eye appealing, so I changed it.) He started to talk about Edythe, "Where is Edythe at today?" He asked

"She is in Alaska helping out some family." I said

He looked visibly sad, I could see the bond forming by his reaction, I say these two can go about another 3 or 4 days before they start to feel pain. Then Edythe won't have any choice but to be with him.

"Hey Beau, do you feel drawn to Edythe?"

Beau went as red as a tomato, he was blushing to all hell, he looked down, " Yeah, it feels weird but yeah."

Then at that moment the bell rang, I got up to grabbed my cane, " Give her sometime, she has never been in love before man."

(A/N) Hey sorry for not updating for a bit, to a few days to relax don't want to rush this story and kill myself out of wanting to write. Also I wont be posting for like a week, on Wednesday Ill be going on a trip to see some family and they don't have the greatest signal so I wont be posting but I wanted to get a chapter out, even know it is a short one I wanted to get one out. I'll be post more when I get back promise.