
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 12

When I woke up in the morning I couldn't feel Jane next to me I laid up and saw her reading a book. I smiled at her cause she did truly look beautiful. She looked at me and reproduced the smile back, she put her book down and came to my side.

"How was your sleep Darling?" she said softly

Rubbing my eye, "The best sleep I have had in a long time."

She smirked, "Because I was there." grabbing my hand to hers

I raised my eyebrow," Well the bed was soft too, but you added a lot to it."

Frowning which quickly turned into a smile, " I thought so."

I got dressed into a black, short sleeve button up with custom black dress pants that where resewn for my legs. Of course my cloak too, once I got done Jane and I went out to the garden. Felix was there with Demetri they where sitting at a bench talking, I wont lie they where pretty scary but last night when Jane and I talked she told me that those two where big softies once you got to know them. We went to a bench next to them, Jane sat down since I already had a sit, I greeted the two, I lit a cigar and Jane and I talked about what her schedule was going to be like today.

"We have a few trials today and of course your family is coming today, Why what's on your mind?" she asked

"I just need to speak with Marc... I mean my father about a few things." I said nervously

she smiled and played with my hair, "You not need to force yourself to call him father, take your time my sweet. I can take you to him if you want."

I smiled and nodded

Jane took me back into the castle and we went to Marcus office, we knocked and where told to enter, Jane gave me a kiss on my cheek and then apologized and told me she had a few things to do.

I entered and saw Marcus signing a few documents, he smiled when he saw me, Athena was also laying on a couch reading a book, she greeted me and went back to her book.

"What it is my child, is something wrong." he asked calmly

He got up and gave me a hug then went back to his sit," No everything is alright, I just had a few logistical question."

Athena interest had been peaked at that response since she was the strategist out of the three. I pulled out a few blueprints and gave them to them. They stared at them and Athena got a huge smirk on her face and sent a proud look towards me.

"What do you think of them." I asked

"Well I am definably impressed you though of these but why would you need them?" he said

"Well since it is going to be at least another year and half at most tell I change into a vampire I figured I need a way to protect myself."

"Done whatever you need I will help you my sweetie, I also want to see the look on any vampire that would try and hurt you with these. I hope you never have to use them of course but you can never be careful." Athena said proudly

The blueprint that they hand in there hands was one was for a strong taser weapon that would paralyze a vampire, the other was a revolver that would harm a vampire to the point it could kill if shot correctly. The major problem is that the prongs to puncture a vampire skin is the most hardest part.

"There is one problem I haven't been able to find a medal or alloy strong enough to puncture the skin of a vampire." I said sadly

"Ohh that's a easy fix sweetie, only other supernatural being can harm or kill an other." said Athena

Marcus nodded to her response, he kneeled down to me, "Would you like to watch a trial today."

A part of me was terrified but the other part was interested for the research and what I could learn. I nodded my head and Marcus and Athena took me to the throne room where another chair had be put next to Marcus and Suplicia, the throne was my size. Suplicia was there waiting for us, she practically smothered me in a hug and then she helped me into the throne, because there where a few steps that go up to the throne, my enemy a few inches tall. They threw a blanket onto my legs well what was left of them to keep me warm.

"Are you comfortable ?" Suplicia ask in a soft tone

I nodded, then they all took a sit in the thrones as well.

Next Felix and Demetri had brought in a man which was being held by the both of them. He had been killing too often and people where starting notice what he was doing. He look at me and said a few insult and then towards the King and Queen for braking there own rule, which in turn Jane had used her ability at it was fascinating to see it for the first time, I had stared had her too long because once she noticed, I turned away in embarrassment and she giggled a little. The King and Queen did agree that they are indeed braking there own rules but once they told him about my case he nodded.

Athena sat up from her throne, "But you did insult our child." she snapped her finger

Next Felix and Demetri ripped his arms off then Athena ran in a blur and pulled his head off and it landed on the floor. I was a little shaken but Jane noticed and came over and relaxed me so did Marcus. Felix and Demetri started to pick up the body to burn when Marcus stopped them, then he looked down towards me.

"There is your missing pieces my son, vampire skin it is tough enough to puncture the skin of a vampire."

After Marcus told them to get rid of the head they took the other parts to Marcus Office and then told them to get a workshop put together for me. Then I heard Athena growl, "I can't smell the filthy vegetarian's."

Suplicia hit her shoulder, "They are as much as Dracs family as he is to us."

When my other family got here, Esme of course jumped me the moment she saw me and started to hug and kiss me, telling me how much she missed me. Jasper picked me up and gave me a huge bear hug and I thought Emmett was bad.

Marcus had explained everything to the Cullen's most Carlisle and Esme, he told them about his bond with Jane and the parental bond with him and Suplicia and Athena. I was talking with Alice when I heard Edythe.

"Eww I wish I could unhear that Drakul." she said with a nauseating look

"What is it Edythe." Esme asked

"I don't know how to put it but our little boy is not a little boy anymore." she said trying to find the right words

Esme looked towards me and saw Jane and I looking away, she frowned, Carlisle had to remind her that they where mates. Emmett tried to give me a high five but I felt too embarrassed to even look at him, Rose hit him.

After a few Esme, came to me and played with my hair, " Are you ready to go home?"

"Not, really ?" I said which shock the other family members

"Why" Carlisle asked genuinely

"Well I just got here and I want to spend more time with Jane and I have a few projects I want to work on before heading back to forks." I said playing with my fingers nervously

Esme had stormed off and the Carlisle ran after her. I know she was just upset because I had been gone for a few days but I truly will come back I just had a few things to work on. After 20 minutes she came back to me and gave me a hug," You can have one more week." she whispered softly

"Okay thank you Mom, I will call everyday and updated y'all on my progress."

After my family left I did feel bad that they came to get me but I decide to stay a little longer, it did hurt that they came for nothing. I was happy they let me stay a bit long, I also was not worried about school, not like I didn't know the material.