
No, no, no! This can’t be happening!

Lu Hanbing blinked, his gaze flitting between Hirvan's back and Fu Yan's, confusion creasing his brow.

'Why… why do you like him this much to tell him who you really are?' he thought, depressed.

"Hurry up, Lu Hanbing!"

Hirvan called from upstairs, clearly unimpressed by the lack of movement.

Fu Yan, annoyed by Lu Hanbing's hesitation, turned back, grabbed his arm roughly and yanked him forward.

"Stop standing there like an idiot."

Reluctantly, Lu Hanbing followed, finding himself pulled between the two of them. Hirvan took charge, guiding him to the bedroom, while Fu Yan trailed closely behind, watching his every move.

Once inside, Hirvan began removing Lu Hanbing's torn shirt without ceremony, examining the bruises that littered his skin. Fu Yan hovered nearby, arms crossed, his face tight with barely controlled anger.