

cw : omegaverse, nsfw, adult ‘If your father is cruel I will save you when I become an adult.' He said, puffing out his chest. ‘When I grow up I will be stronger than you as a wolf.’ He added and they both laughed. He smiled ‘I will wait for you, may I know your name?’ ‘I am the strongest and scariest wolf in this forest, Adam Reyns!’ ‘Adam,' He quietly mumbled his name. The two of them linked their pinkies, an innocent covenant of the two little boys.

chacantsleep · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Prolog Barlow

He came out of the bathing pool, took a robe and put it on, the bathroom was right next to his chamber and there's other door that connected right to his room.

He opened the wardrobe, put on more comfortable clothes because today there were no other important activities. He had to find Julia and ask her about something, before that he had to eat, this was troublesome he wasn't even that hungry.

A knock on the door broke Jacob's reverie, he motioned the person out there to enter, a maid walked closer to Jacob, just enough distance for Jacob to hear her voice. "Your Highness, the food is ready. Do you want to eat in the restaurant or in the dining hall?"

"Julia, do you know where she is right now?"

"Princess Julia, Princess Jeanette and Queen Helena are in the dining hall, Prince Johan is playing with the other cousins ​​in the restaurant."

"Thank you Meni, I'll go to the dining hall."

The maid bowed before closing the door. Jacob hung up his robe and began to put on his clothes, the cramp in his neck getting better as it turned out that Julia had asked one of the maids to put some medicinal herbs in his bathwater. He felt refreshed, good thing, Jacob seemed to be able to hold his sleep for a few hours.

Upon entering the dining hall, the attention of the three women fell on him, the mother face hardened, scanning Jacob up and down, breathing a sigh of relief after seeing her son who wasn't injured at all after coming home from the war. Jacob's head immediately turned to Julia who was sitting near mother.

As if oblivious to Jacob's stare, Julia busied herself eating a plate of dessert.

Jacob pulled a chair and sat down, several servants placed the main course in front of him, but Jacob's gaze was still focused on his older sister.

Feeling the sharp gaze, Julia cleared her throat, "Can I eat in peace?"

"Can you just tell me that right away? I'm sure there is good news."

Julia put the fork and knife down on the plate, she rolled her eyes. "Eat that steak in front of you first!"

"Julia, come on!" Jacob grumbled, seeing his two children arguing at the dinner table, Queen Helena coughed.

"Jacob, what your sister said is right, eat first."

If he said he didn't like the food here, he would hear lectures from his mother— talking about how we shouldn't waste food since the cooks in this palace were very talented and gave their all to make nutritious food, so Jacob decided to obey, he didn't like to hear his mother nagging.

There was the sound of footsteps approaching from outside, suddenly the dining hall door opened with Johan standing in front of the entrance, his smile widening when he finally saw Jacob.

Seeing Johan running to hug his brother from behind, a grumbling sound from the side made Jacob aware of someone sitting next to him, older sister Jeanette— only Jeanette who behaved normal seeing Jacob came home from the war, one of the siblings he liked the most— Jeanette didn't treat him like a child.

"Have you guys forgotten that Jacob is already 21 years old? Soon the succession ceremony will be held, he is a future king! a future king! For God's sake!"

"He's still our little brother, right Jacob?"

Johan's embrace tightened, his brother always treated him like a child at the age of nine, Jacob tried to escape, he gave the perpetrator a sharp look.

"Julia I'm done eating, quickly tell me the news!"

Johan sat beside Julia, tilting his head like a small puppy, saying "What's wrong? What's wrong?" If possible their conversation should only be known by the two of them, Jacob knew what news Julia would deliver because only Julia knew his plan.

"Queen Yelan replied that she will invite you to her palace to hear your request."

Suddenly the clattering sound of plate meeting spoon stopped, Jeanette turned her face as fast as lightning to look at him, Johan who wanted to bite his food also stopped, Queen Helena had a bewildered face not understanding why Queen Yelan could be in this conversation.

"As expected, that's very good news Julia, when will she invite me?"

Ignoring all the confused looks from his family, Jacob suddenly grabbed the dessert plate, strawberry cake wasn't his favorite but somehow after hearing the news he had a craving for something sweet.

"Wait a minute! don't tell me you're trying to threaten Queen Yelan? I mean, I don't like their territory, but it's a territory full of hybrids! What are you going to do there? Will you be safe?" Johan put his hands down, concern clear on his face, but Jacob just looked at him funnily, not wanting to elaborate.

"Jacob, I don't know what your plan is but I suggest don't cause trouble with that territory, even though it's a small area they are suppliers of very potent medicines, their army is also strong. Our relationship with them isn't very close but for trade we are quite good, I don't want you to start making a mess early in your succession day." Jeanette added, their worries were of course well founded, Queen Yelan was the queen of the Grithda territory, a powerful matriarch who was able to rule all hybrids species to live together in peace.

Jacob had always heard of the queen's wisdom, he secretly admired her, unlike his father who was a traditionalist, Queen Yelan prioritized the diversity of the people, if his father was still alive and knew his plans, Jacob would probably have been beaten to death.

"Jeanette, take it easy. I'm not like father."

"I know, I know, still—"

"Dont be dramatic, duh, he's looking for his soul mate there!"

Kegh! The choking sound of water came from Johan, the clattering sound of forks falling from Jeanette's hand and a gasp came from the mother who covered her mouth with both hands. Jacob rolled his eyes at Julia who had just said that out loud, he couldn't believe this woman at all, even though Jacob had asked Julia to keep it a secret, thanks to her the atmosphere in the dining hall today would be noisy.

"Saturday, they will host you this week, yeah on saturday."

"Wait a minute Julia, can you explain that a bit more?!" Johan patted Julia's shoulder, whose hand was immediately slapped by Julia. "Don't touch my dress! Your hand is dirty!"


His steps stopped when he was about to leave the dining room, Jeanette called out to him, still with a face of astonishment and disbelief, Jacob took a deep breath. "I'm done eating, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted." He also ignored the screams from Johan who told him to elaborate what was the meaning of their conversation earlier. Calmly returning to his room so he could sleep, his heart was filled with joy after hearing the news he had been waiting for weeks, perhaps today he could sleep well. A rare genuine smile formed on his lips.