

cw : omegaverse, nsfw, adult ‘If your father is cruel I will save you when I become an adult.' He said, puffing out his chest. ‘When I grow up I will be stronger than you as a wolf.’ He added and they both laughed. He smiled ‘I will wait for you, may I know your name?’ ‘I am the strongest and scariest wolf in this forest, Adam Reyns!’ ‘Adam,' He quietly mumbled his name. The two of them linked their pinkies, an innocent covenant of the two little boys.

chacantsleep · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Awaited Day (2)

The days passed in the blink of an eye, Adam felt more and more restless the more days he was here, what he was so surprised about was that he still had not been transferred elsewhere, still in the guest room of this main building, and Adam felt he should have been moved somewhere else, perhaps to a building close to the knight's base so he could have a better look around the place

Shiloh, an omega who always came to visit him so they could eat together, said that 'it's not time for Adam to go to that area yet', and again Adam waited for Jacob, now a king, to call him. However for several days, after the coronation ceremony, it was as if he could not find the man even though they lived in the same building.

It could be that King Jacob was busy taking care of his initial duties as king, so he did not visit Adam, but to be honest the more he lived comfortably in this place, the more nervous he felt.