
World 4.17



The system flashed green and then a hologram containing two options popped out

{What is this?}


{Oh?! Really?}

It showed two options on the hologram.

'Press YES if you want to proceed'

'Press NO if you are not interested'

Yang didn't hesitate to press the YES BUTTON. And in an instant, his mind became occupied by the illusions he was expecting.

There was a two young boys, holding a wooden sword in an open field near the familiar place, Ishii Mansion. The day was fine and warm, perfect for an outdoor play.


Young Homura fell on the ground and then when he opened his eyes, Young Luca's sword was already pointing straight to his eyes.

The other male glanced at him while his broad shoulders were covering the rays of the warm sunlight "I won again.." Young Luca said

Young Homura, who was still sitting on the grassy land, chuckled "It's because you are cheating by reading my every move.." they both fell silent and then a lively laughed broke them

Young Luca reached out his other hand to the male "Stand up.." he pulled Young Homura up, as he shakes the dust from his pants.

"I can't even catch up with your techniques, Luca, you are so good at weaponry.." Young Homura's eyes almost dilated in so much adoration.

  While Young Luca blushed his heart out and lowered his head "Y-You don't need to say that to my f-face.." he uttered, fidgeting his fingers

Young Homura noticed his red ears, so he flicked it slightly "Luca, you are blushing when I'm saying something good about you.." he mocked the male "Your ears are so red right now.." 

The other male just stayed silent until they heard a familiar voice

"Master Homura!! Master Luca!!!" it was Tadashi

The two crouched down while Young Homura pulled the other male onto the thick bushes of blueberries. They both kept quiet, hiding themselves from Tadashi.

Young Luca shows a worried face "Why are we hiding again?" he asked in a very low tone of voice

Young Homura sealed his lips with his index finger "Ssshhhh...I don't want to take my afternoon lessons, I still want to play with you more and longer.." he said directly that made the other male blushed again

The bushes rustled when some bees started to hover in the sweet blueberries. Young Luca was so afraid of bees that he almost jumped out after seeing one, Tadashi then found out their hiding place.


The two ran away laughing, both catching their breaths. Their legs lead them to a familiar place.

{This place is very familiar..}

AUTHOR: Try to remember it

With furrowed eyebrows and a memory from the present, Yang remembered the place. It was the Mansion's Garden. The bench was there. But it surprised him after seeing a big and blooming magnolia tree above the wooden bench.

{I didn't know that there was a tree back then..}

AUTHOR: Maybe they cut it down to avoid reminiscing some memories from the past

Young Homura almost fell into the grass under the magnolia tree while Young Luca leaned on the branch. They were both gasping. The two stay silent until they finally recover from the long run.

"Look!! The sunset!" Young Homura exclaimed 

Young Luca didn't reply; he just moved towards the male and let their shoulders touch. The chilly wind brought them to reality. The reason Young Homura was practicing swords and training hard.

The silence instantly filled their hearts with sadness and grief. Young Homura scanned the other male's side view. Young Luca's silver hair was dancing with the wind, while the messy bangs above his eyes were gracefully showing his long eyelashes.

"What is it?" Young Lucas asked 

The other male remained silent, clenching his fist "Say,Luca..Let's run away.."

The sun slowly touched the horizon while the birds above flew away. The butterflies hovering above the flowers are now satisfied with the sweetness. The wind became chilly as the darkness embraced the surroundings.

Young Luca gritted his teeth, resisting the heavy emotions inside him. He glanced at Young Homura and smiled "What are you saying so suddenly? We're fated to each other" he made a languid smile "Even if we run away, we will never escape reality. Homura..You have to be strong or else you will fail to kil---"

A slap landed on his face. He didn't know if it's painful because his system became numb the moment they opened up the topic.

Young Homura stood up, clenching his jaw while the tears were welling beside his eyes "Pathetic!!!" he yelled with his shaky voice. His lips trembled 

His action stunned young Luca "H-Homura?" he stood up and tried to embrace the male but Young Homura pushed him away "How dare you say that to my face!!!???" his eyes were bawling out

The other male instantly froze with his widened eyes that showing sadness "H-Homura.." he lowered his head "I d-don't…" he paused 

"Homura!! I don't want to leave you! I don't want this! I hate this! But what can I do if I don't have the power to restrain the curse!!!...Homura!! Wake up!!! This is all for the best! For your people's sake!!"

Young Homura bit his lower lip in anger, then he delivered a punch straight to Luca's face, but Luca was alert enough to block it. He clenched Homura's fist and pulled the male towards his chest "Enough.." he whispered.

Young Homura slid down on his knees with Luca, he was clenching the male's shoulders very tight "L-Luca.."His voice was already hoarse

Young Luca was deafening, he was still resisting the pain inside him. No, Homura shouldn't see him crying, he needs to be strong for Homura. 

He slowly stroked the male's hair "Homura.." he called out "I am just a part of your dream, I am your nightmare.." he uttered

Young Homura squinted his eyes as he gasped for air, trying to hold back the sorrow. It was painful, shattering him to pieces.

A sobbing sound escaped his lips "I-I don't w-want t-to k-kill you.."


"Shameless!! How dare you defy your father!!"

The tiny body hit the ground with a slap on his face, his cheeks turned red and sore. His eyes welled up like a group of tears as it oozed. 

Young Homura gasped, "Father! Maybe we can do something about it! I don't want this!" he protested.

Ishii Dosei, Homura's father glared at him "Homura!! Are you really taking their side?! You are destined to kill that demon boy!!" he raged in anger 

Homura was stunned from what he heard, His father may be a righteous man but he will never let him call Luca a demon "He is not a demon!!!!" his tiny voice dominated the quiet room

He clenched his fist "You are the demon here!! You don't understand me!! You're always making me submit to you forcefully!!..Father, I hate you!!" then he dashed away, far from the place he wished he shouldn't be. 

He went to the edge of the hill. There was a figure of a young man waiting for him. 

Young Luca smiled at him "Homura, you've come.." then he reached out his arms for the male

Homura hugged him tightly "Luca, I couldn't convince him..what should I do? I don't want this to happen but Father never understand me, he was always hostile, and he didn't even----"

Young Luca pulled him towards his chest that caused him to stop "Homura, calm down...We are going to solve everything" he whispered, stroking his hair

Homura wrapped his arms around Luca's waist and embraced him tight "Luca, you know I like you..and I don't want to kill the person I love.." his voice became soft and sad

Luca didn't reply, he stayed silent while stroking Homura's hair in motion. He wanted the male to hear his heartbeat. It was thumping so fast inside his chest that he was feeling nervous. 

Somehow, Luca was already content with the little time of his life with Homura. He wanted to spend his time with him forever, but the curse was lingering inside him and someday it will become berserk. He will never let that day happen.

Two bodies parted away from their embrace. Their eyes met, signaling something that only the two of them know. The mellow afternoon breeze hit their bodies with a chill.

Homura's eyes were only looking at Luca, it was luscious and enchanting. He let the other male touch his cheeks, and within that small distance between their faces; they kissed.

A sweet kiss like the new bloom of magnolia flowers.

"Homura, let's escape then.."

Part two will be on the next chapter..

Thank you and I love you all!!!

yohan26_creators' thoughts