
[BL] The Invisible Prince

Alexander was just a normal high school boy, but then, he died. A woman, that seemed more like an angel, told Alexander that he could choose the world where he would reincarnate to. Having not much time to think, Alexander decided to reincarnate in a world where magic exists. He wanted to become an adventurer and live a life full of adventures just like a protagonist in a fantasy book. But, for his misfortune, Alexander was born as the King’s bastard, and have to live in secret. His own existence was a secret, almost no one knows about him. Even, though Alexander lives in the palace, he is more like a prisoner living in an isolated area, without being able to get out of there. Living a life full of dramas wasn’t on his plans, but Alexander was still determined to become an adventurer. Though, life isn’t guiding him to this way...

LenoAuthor · LGBT+
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62 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three


When Nicholas looked at me I was visible again.

"...Alex, is that you?" Nicholas asked, surprised.

I couldn't believe after so long I had met Nicholas again.

Quickly, Nicholas approached me and with his free hand, he held my arm, excited. "I knew it! I knew I would find you here if I kept coming!"

"You were… looking for me?" I wasn't really asking it, I was actually surprised by his attitude.

"Yes, since the day I arrived." Nicholas said with a proud smile on his face.

"But when did you arrive?" I asked, surprised.

'It has been just five days that I was locked in my room, then it means…'

"I arrived four days ago." Nicholas answered.

'I knew it! There is no way Prince Noah didn't know that Nicholas was coming soon. Prince Noah locked me in my room knowing Nicholas was coming and didn't even tell me!' I realized, mad.

"Are you alright, Alex?" Nicholas asked, worried.

"Y-Yes, I am fine…" I said, trying to calm myself.

Nicholas then just stared at me in silence for a moment. I felt a bit awkward and was about to say something to break this silence when Nicholas suddenly asked me.

"Did you find the letters I left to you?"

When he said that I realized why he had such a worried expression on his face.

"Yes, I did… and I apologize."

"W-Why are you apologizing?" Nicholas asked, confused.

"If I had gone to see you back then I wouldn't had make you wait and look for me for so long." I said, finally feeling the responsibility getting off my shoulders.

From the day I read his letters I swore to myself I would apologize to him.

'I'm still ashamed of the childish behavior I had back then.' I thought, embarrassed.

"There is no need for you to apologize, Alex. It should be me the one to apologize, I made you wait for me that day I don't know for how long. I should have told you in person not trying to send you a letter."

Even though Nicholas was so close to me it was hard to see his eyes that were staring at the floor.

"I am sorry." Nicholas said, finally looking me in the eyes.

I was surprised by his words.

I still remember the day I met Nicholas, I wouldn't believe that arrogant aristocrat boy I met that day would have such a thoughtful side.

"Nicholas, don't feel guilty. It's nobody's fault, after all, it was just a misunderstanding." I said, trying to comfort him.

But something in Nicholas' eyes made me believe he didn't really accept what I said.

"...Are you not mad at me, Alex?" Nicholas asked, after being in silence for a moment.

"No, why would I? After all you have done how could I even be mad at you?" I asked smiling, showing I didn't have any hard feelings for him.

Nicholas looked at me surprised, but then he smiled relieved. "I see."

I was glad to see Nicholas feeling better, but…

"Can you let go of my arm now?" I asked looking at his hand firmly holding my arm.

"I-I am sorry!" Nicholas said quickly releasing my arm. "I didn't realize I was still holding you…" He said, embarrassed.

'He was pressing my arm so hard while he was apologizing that I thought it would leave a mark.' I thought, looking at my arm.

I looked at Nicholas and realized his face was still blushing out of embarrassment and he was avoiding looking at me.

'Since when did he become such a shy person?' I asked myself, confused.

"Have you… been looking for me since the day you arrived?" I decided to ask, to change the atmosphere.

"Yes, I did!" Nicholas said finally looking at me again. "But, I didn't know how hard was to find someone here in the palace… Even after asking so many servants no one knew who or where you were." Nicholas explained, looking annoyed.

'That is weird.' I thought, confused.

If it was back then when I first met Nicholas it would make sense, since nobody knew who I was. But now that I am Prince Noah's servant, always following him everywhere, I doubt that no one in the palace would know who I am.

'Well, I've been locked in my room those days, maybe they already forgot about me, huh.' I thought, trying to find an answer.

"But why didn't you ask Prince Noah?" I asked.

'If Nicholas did things would have been way easier for him.' I realized.

"I did, I asked Noah if he knew anything about the boy I met the last time I came, but he said he didn't remember about you. That is why I have been looking for you by myself." Nicholas explained.

"This is weird… I am His Highness's personal servant, how could he forget about me that quickly?" I said, acting unsure, knowing pretty well that Prince Noah just lied to Nicholas.

'Why did Prince Noah lied to Nicholas like this, though?' I asked myself, confused.

"W-What?! Are you Noah's servan-" Nicholas shouted, surprising me, but then I quickly covered his mouth with my hands.

"Don't shout like that! What if someone hears it and finds us here?" I loudly whispered, mad.

Even if Nicholas has permission to come here to the royal library, still if someone notices that I am Prince Noah's servant and tell him that I was in the royal library with Nicholas and not in my room…

'I am in big trouble!' I thought, remembering how mad Prince Noah was when he punished me.

But then, when I looked at Nicholas again I noticed how red his face was. I quickly took my hands off him.

"I'm sorry for covering your mouth like this, Nicholas... I was just worried about us being found." I apologized.

'How mad he must be to blush like that? Nicholas is still a noble so he probably saw my attitude as rude.' I realized.

"I-It is fine… Sorry for being loud." Nicholas said still blushing and avoiding eye contact.

We were in silence again, for a while. Nicholas didn't want to look at me, and I didn't know if it was fine for me to say anything, since he seemed to be mad at me.

"Since… Since when have you been serving Noah?" Nicholas asked still staring at the floor.

"Sometime after you left I met Prince Noah again by coincidence, and after some events, Prince Noah decided to make me his personal servant." I explained.

"...Is that also why you are using these clothes?" Nicholas asked, looking at my clothes.

Just then I realized that it was the first time Nicholas saw me like this. When we met I just had my old worn clothes to use.

"Prince Noah gave me new clothes since I am his personal servant now I have to be well dressed." I explained looking at my clothes.

"Do you... Do you like him?" Nicholas suddenly asked.

"What? What do you mean, Nicholas?" I asked, confused.

"Do you like Noah, Alex?" Nicholas asked finally looking me in the eyes again.

'He is asking…If I like Prince Noah?' I thought, surprised.

"Well, Prince Noah is arrogant, hot-headed, and likes to boss me around all the time, still, I think like him… Yeah, I like Prince Noah." I said, smiling.

'He is a good kid.' I thought remembering all the good deeds he made towards me.

'Even if Prince Noah suddenly decided to punish me a few days ago, he still is the same person that consolated and helped me that day he found me crying alone in the hallway.' I remembered.

"...I see." Nicholas said in a weird tone.

I barely had time to look at his face, because Nicholas turned away and suddenly started to run away from me, leaving the royal library.

"N-Nicholas!" I shouted surprised.

I tried to follow him, but when I left the library Nicholas was already far away from me.

'What… What is going on?'

Hey guys!

Finally, Nicholas and Alex talked about their last misunderstanding... But it seems they made a new one?

LenoAuthorcreators' thoughts