
[BL] Quick transmigration : Destroy the happy endings

"You can change the world." " You can change your fate." As a villain. ______________________& Bai hung grew up in a loving household: where the world was colourful enough to be rainbow. it was filled with warmth that flowed in the calming blue sky only to land on the water. That washed away all colors leaving a white- black world. Where he was betrayed in his dark moment by the people he called his family; that were after nothing but his life_ despite he just lose his parents._ And when life seem fitting again: his only source of life cheated on him with another man... leaving him in a deep depression that he attended the unthinkable. He became a transmigrator _ when he wanted nothing but rest_ he traveled world by world destroying the happiness of leads as a ... Villain. ................... Aleast; that was what he thought. This novel is totally BL. Disclaimer): book pic aren't mine...

Lizbreaker1174 · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Accused the Queen. You die

In the throne room. King Arthur sat alone. Magnifisting a grand superiority that made the kneeling elder shivering.

The expression of king Arthur wasn't looking good.

" Mr Garan, you are aware of the consequences of wrongfully accusing a royal blood." His eyes were really frighten at the moment.

The old man kneeling shiver more.

Death. Death was the key words for such crime.

It was believe here : wrongful accusing a noble or royal being was the same blemishing their name.

But would this old man dare.

King Arthur at this moment was really frightening and it made the old nervous.

After all, the person being spoke of here was the Queen; the beloved of the King.

Mr Garan begin to doubt himself. Part of him wanted to claim this as a joke and walked away but then...

He cleach his fist and grit his teeth remembering his now bedridden son. He pluck up courage.

" I-i dare not your majesty ."


" I came with evidence."


" The queen is involved in an illegal ordeal."


The grip of King Arthur was so hard enough to snap his throne handled and Mr Gran body crawled; he flich.

Cold sweat running down his face.

" Outrageous... How dare you accuse my Queen."

King Arthur was really so really angry. He could order the gurads to have this people executed for insulting his queen.

He was already started to miss her presence but this moment he was enraged.

" Peace your majesty..."

The bloodshot eyes of Arthur drift to the young man. Unlike his uncle, he didn't flinch nor stammer. He seem to just be arriving and had a lot of paper files with him.

He had a faint red mole on his forehead .

Their eyes met and Axis quickly broken his glance; he bowed with his knees; outstretched his hands with the flies on his palms.

King Arthur gave his shadow a glare and out of nowhere; a being appeared before the young man.

It took the files and reappeared before the King presenting the files and then it was gone.

King Arthur look through the file as the young man said his testimony against the case.

And the eyes of Arthur widen seeing the files content and the emblem seign. His hand trembled but he hid it.

" Cobber?" The King asked and the young man nodded.

King Arthur pass the file to shadow that once again disappeared. His expression looked sober.

" You saying that the cobber still exist; and your nephew was about to get married to their heir ?"

Both uncle and nephew nodded. " Yes your majesty ."

King Arthur eyelid lowered. " Then why did you bring this to me?"


King Arthur was in his office re-reading the files and others files related to the cases that his shawdom investigated.

He lean more to his chair and breath deep.


" Then why did you bring this to me? Why is the house of defence there." King Arthur stool for the throne .

And the kneeling people stood up still 90° bowing.

" Don't bother me with such trivial matters again; because next time, I wouldn't spar you." He walked pass the nephew and Uncle who secretly exchange glance.

Axis ran forward and kneeled before the way of the King.

King Arthur frowned at the young man action " What is the meaning of this, Garan Axismen?"

Some knight had their sharp sword pointing near Axis neck who reached for his bag and took out a scroll.

" Nothing your majesty; nothing except this... I found it among the things of the butler of the Coopers."

He bowed and lift the scroll above his head for king Arthur to take.

" Your Majesty; the house of the nobles are moving... They're taking sides ..."

Flash ended:

Arthur opened his eyes; in front of him was an open scroll containing the transaction of alot of nobles to an unknown sources.

If he's not mistaking; the source must belong to the Cobber.

But that wasn't the only thing his shawdom had discovered. Their were rumors about the Queen that King Arthur wasn't aware of.

Rumors might be baseless but this rumors just felt real.

The strange disappearances of omega's too. Many just disappeared but alot was by marriage to this starnge Copper's.

Desperate omega's get asked to get married and never seen again. Many families wouldn't think much of it, this families might assume that the Copper were being too possessive with their wives.

Besides; the evidence showed that this families get excess benefits for this Cobber.

But all this was too strange: the Copper; Arthur knew was destroyed by him 8 years ago and the last successor was shot down weeks ago.

So where did this Cooper came from and why wasn't he aware of it?

What is he missing?

Alot of houses seem to have sprout out without his awareness .

" Snake." He called out softly and a formless shadow appeared before him.

" You know what to do."

The shadows disappeared leaving King Arthur alone in his study room.

He gave the stroll one last long and then walked out with a huge coat on his royal attire.

" Prepared my carriage." I going to meet my queen.


The ride home was quiet. When Axis seem dazed; old man Garan can't stop complaining on how he wanted to rip the butler apart.

He was making a lot of movement and was grumbling here and there. It took him a while to realize his nephew wasn't listening.

" Axis, Are you okay?" Mr Garan asked, he shook his nephew so hard enough to causes a rock to feel dizzy.

But Garan sounded so concern; Axis can't complain. He stared at the window. It was sunset and the tall trees of the forest swift pass them.

Axis sigh; the wind blow his long hair spared for the ponytail. He seem lost.

Seeing this Garan couldn't help but be more concern .

" Is anything bothering you?" Mr Garan asked with his hand placed on his nephew shoulder.

Axis held his uncle hand and smiled weakling but his eyes welm up.

" Nothing uncle; nothing." He seem he wanted to cry so Mr Garan hugged him.

He pat the young man back..." Adam will live; don't worry. He's a strong boy."

The eyes of Mr Garan welm up too but something was different about his expression.

Rage. Mr Garan looked scary when he's angry and that is the face a crying Axis would never see.

The carriage rode but the atmosphere was sad and sober. It ride on the narrow slient road and not too long there was a explosion.

The carriage exploded leaving no person alive.


Still; if you still haven't get what's going on.

Adam was the son of Mr Garan late wife, but after the butler departure and the revelation of Axis encounter.

Adam Garan was found unconscious and it was later revealed he was poison.

By the tea; his father was supposed to drink.

It was also revealed by Axis who is a omega going to married to the Copper family; that the Copper he was going to marry into .

Wasn't the same Coppers that Garan family knew. The real heir of the Cobber was found by him.

Half died.

The famous Phyton criminal group has a large part in Ais.

It happens eight years ago: the top three criminal groups had a head on conflict with the imperial palace and it was a memorial war ongoing at that time.

Back then The Garan was the top health facility of the time and had connection with the Phyton's.

The aid of The Grana was what strengthen the relationship of the Grans and the Copper.

But all of a sudden. The top criminals territories vanish and it was only of recent.

The Copper contacted Grans to fulfill their long line promise. But this copper was fake.

In fact; the top criminals territories are fake. Some powerful people were infuriating themselves as the previous criminals masters.

How did Axis knew this.

Long story short : he meet master who told him this things.

At first he didn't believe but after getting to meet the real heir of the Copper that fell for a cliff and was in a shape worse than death.

He had to believe.

Him coming here to tell the king had a consequence.

Yes; a sad one both him and his uncle are aware of.


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