
[BL] Quick transmigration : Destroy the happy endings

Bai hung grew up in a loving household: where the world was colourful enough to be rainbow. it was filled with warmth that flowed in the calming blue sky only to land on the water. That washed away all colors leaving a white- black world. Where he was betrayed in his dark moment by the people he called his family; that were after nothing but his life_ despite he just lose his parents._ And when life seem fitting again: his only source of life cheated on him with another man... leaving him in a deep depression that he attended the unthinkable. He became a transmigrator _ when he wanted nothing but rest_ he traveled world by world destroying the happiness of leads as a ... Villain. ................... Aleast; that was what he thought. This novel is totally BL. Disclaimer): book pic aren't mine...

Lizbreaker1174 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Arc 1

[ Arc 1 is about to begining : The Original title

( Forbidden love) A scene of the female and male love that sprout out despite their different class and specimen.]

Current title: the female lead had many hubbies


The glass room ooze of gas.

The held captive eyes were filled with nothing but terror; he knew what this gas could do.

He had witnessed it so many times and it had install nothing but the dreadful feeling of fear in him.

He screamed and pounce on the glass tube he was in: he wanted to break out and at least attack one of those evil people.

He wanted them to die from their own creation: but it was all a faulty effort as the gas covered his existence.

" _ Haa_ is a fail again." A man spoke ; feeling quite irritated by the waste resources. No one seem to give a damn to the man that was reduced to a bloody plum.

After all it wasn't the first and it wouldn't be the last either.



That was the last sound Bai hung heard before he opened his eyes and found himself in a completely new place that was completely covered in metallic color.

It was a box shape room; dim and extremely empty to be a noted as poor and too cold.

He refused to believe this was heaven: because it was too insignificant and completely lacking to be one.

Nor would he believe this was Hell; cause then it would be an understatement.

Then ; where the heck was he?

Bai hung tried moving around but it wasn't any use. The surface of the ground simmer like water when he took a step.

This didn't make Bai hung scared or anything; he just felt unsettled and exposed.

He couldn't help but thought of So Tae but shook himself for the thought.

" Hello." His voice echo back to him in remixed melody.

" Can't anyone hear me?!" The feeling of unease sprouts like cobwebs cloudy his mind.

Like he almost had and heart attack just trying to look at his side. Damn...

{ Hello ~~~~}

Bai hung stared quite guarded at the sudden intruder. How long had it's even been there?

{ Hello host; I'm system 00012.}

Bai hung glare satire at the huge book floating around. His guard dropping a little bit.

" Who are you?"

{ I'm your assistant}

" Where am I?"

{ In my space box.}

" What's happening?"

There was a short pause.

{ Host died and his legally now bound with me.}

Bai hung was stupefied and then angry.

He had always been an hothead but this time it was quite reasonable to be angry; anybody would be angry if they were in his shoes.

" Break it!"

The book became slient.

{ If I do that host would be destroyed...}

Bai hung suck in a cold breath.

{_ But_ if host could completely this mission... He can definitely go back. No only to your original self but host could also chose which time he wants to be reborn again.}

The face of his parents flash pass his eyes before he closed them; allowing the water beneath his feet to calm him down.

" What's the mission."

{ Destroy the happy ending of the main leads.}

" You want me to be a homewrecker?!"

The book became still but continues anyway.

{ This depends on the situation; host being an homewrecker it's an objection.}

Ignoring it's host sour glare it's continued.

{ In each world host would be awarded soul points, this wouldn't just only strength host but also improve host rank and update the system warfare.}

" If I fail?"

Both Bai hung and the book stared at each other.

{ You will die.}

Bai hung grits his teeth.

{ Now-now: world's are divided into 4 groups which are quite... How would I put it?_ Hmmm_ yeah; unrealistic in rhythm.}

Eyes roll.

{ Will have the F,D,H, SS }

Bai hung snicker but only for a second before returning to his porker face. A huge charge board appeared in front of him.




Bai hung

Age: 29

Intelligent: 6

Charm: 5

Skills: Grumbling; stealing; pickpocketing( no real descent job)


Hobbies : Nil

Relationship: Nil

{Affirmation about the host}

He's one heck of a butt pain.

Hidden skills: Nil

Final Conclusion : Thrash


Bai hung eyebrows keep twitching just staring at the chart. He wanted to scream: If he was so useless why don't they go find someone else?!_ hmph _

But kick against it.

The book was still ongoing about something and all Bai hung heard was_ BooGagaga_.

{ Is time for host to choose world settings}

Bai hung raised an eyebrow hearing that. " I can choose?"

{ Of course; we are making sure host doesn't feel restricted on his mission.}

Bai hung didn't believe any of that after checking the damn settings.

He strolled back and forth and at the end just pick the last one. He really wasn't educated in genres of novel. Just so you know.

Underneath: he chose: LGBT+ : Sumt: Adult: Yaoi : Fantasy. Then press submit.

Bai hung really didn't know why he chooses any of this but he always remember So Tae speaking about this kind of novel genres and how it got her excited.

And now he was curious.

" What am I doing?" He held his face in frustration of his actions but stop.

" Hey... I didn't add that?!" Pointing at the last six's selection on the chart board with some disbelieve _ Tragedy_.

Who then hell would want to encounter something tragic?

{ Take that as a new additional gift of anew level of adventure; I promised you host;you would love it.}


Bai hung could only hold his head; feeling sorry for himself. Can I exchange?...

{ Ok now; time to go~~~~}

" Stop doing that!"

{ Stop what...?}

Being such a cringe. Bai hung didn't say that loud ; he didn't want to die after all.

[ Initiating arc procedure]





[ 1]

A bright light shimmer ooze out with a diluted shutdown sound.

" What happened." Bai hung asked quite stunned.

{ Oh no! It's nothing... Just some wreck engine needed to be repaired; I promise to get this fix in a sec _ NO_ five minutes...}


{Ok now... I'm done. Would host like to give another try?}

Shaking his head_" I'm good."_ Bai hung wasn't feeling save anymore.

{ C'mon... Wait; I think i miss a spot. Now it's good~~~~ )

[ Initiating arc procedure]





[ 1]

{ Boohoo~~~~}


{ Hmmm... What I'm I missing?}

Coughing hysterical for smoke_" Don't you think should get a real repairer for this?!"_ blinking out tears.

{ Nah: just give me fifteen more minutes.}

Bai hung didn't know how long he had to endure this but he did repeatedly_ but_ he survived and now he's on his mission...

): To save the world.

{ Nah... To destroy happy ending}


[ Mini POV] Kwang ( Contain some sexual words and violence of action and word)

Skip if uncomfortable...

Rating: I don't know but I would place it in ( +17)


In a delusive state of having to drink more that supposed to; I giggled.

We walked out the bar. I could feel their grease hands on my waist and eyes ogling on my sober appearance.

Walking pass the streets light into the narrowed part of town. Can't we aleast get a room... I pretty didn't mind taking them all in at once... But having to do it on this place; doesn't really sit well with me.

" C'mon baby boy... We going to be gentle."

I hmm. They zip their pants and I scowl; can't this hygiene rate get any lower.

They strip me off my clothes and i allow them: but the sight of unkept dicks was only ruining my hunger for one.

They made me squat and for this position it seem to would be a threesome.

When I would have to suck in those dirty dicks ovally and orally. I was kinda of regretting coming here; if I would knew I would receive such treatment...

I would've asked my butler to find some nice hot toyboy to warm my cozy bed but now...

I could only hope they could fuck good _ aleast _.

Now I'm realizing something.

" Are you okay?" I turned sluggishly to the dark shadow with bright light halo behind him.

_ Huh_?

" Let's me help you?" He took me up in a princess style: covering my nakedness with an old coat.

_ Where was those cumbags who didn't know anything about hygiene?_

" You don't have to be scared; I wouldn't hurt you."

Couldn't really get what he was saying but his lips... His lips were captivating. The way they move and how he blink his eyes; his body warm; his strong arms wrapped around my helpless waist.

My body was wriggling to be fucked by him already.

I didn't really know what I said; cause the dude expression didn't sit right with me and my chest ache.

I probably sob cause I could remember he was trying to comfort me; too intrigued by his warmth and my sexual desires enough to cum a little.

He washed me up and placed me on his small bed and covered me. I really didn't know why he was caring for me but I didn't really care... I just wonder how his dick inside me would feel_ Before dozing off.

Sorry about the first page.(⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)

Lizbreaker1174creators' thoughts