
[BL] Quick transmigration : Destroy the happy endings

"You can change the world." " You can change your fate." As a villain. ______________________& Bai hung grew up in a loving household: where the world was colourful enough to be rainbow. it was filled with warmth that flowed in the calming blue sky only to land on the water. That washed away all colors leaving a white- black world. Where he was betrayed in his dark moment by the people he called his family; that were after nothing but his life_ despite he just lose his parents._ And when life seem fitting again: his only source of life cheated on him with another man... leaving him in a deep depression that he attended the unthinkable. He became a transmigrator _ when he wanted nothing but rest_ he traveled world by world destroying the happiness of leads as a ... Villain. ................... Aleast; that was what he thought. This novel is totally BL. Disclaimer): book pic aren't mine...

Lizbreaker1174 · LGBT+
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24 Chs

1.11 Around my fingers

The night was a long one.

Few weeks after the incident.

A riot had broke out. Hunger and cold was leading people crazy. They demanded the emperor should be dethroned.

Because he's an evil star, and bad luck was ruining Ais. It strange, that they didn't demand for food or warm clothes nor for warm water.

This people could trek to the capital city to havoc chaos.

Guards couldn't barely keep them in bail, as they tend to riot in violent ways.

It lead to a point that they began to kill anyone with a guard uniform and stew him with flame.

King Arthur couldn't keep quite anymore, he invoke a degree of killing anyone who riot...

It was war on violence.

Knights against commoners, it was bloody and rumors of Arthur was getting to the ears of other neighboring kingdoms.

Who had find a way to poke noses into the business of another Kingdom.

King Arthur had to be dethroned and beheaded.


' knock! Knock!'

" Come in."

The door creak open and Areola walked into the messy study room. Arthur was flipping through books and didn't pay her any mind.

Areola was complaining. This was the first time since 10 years, she stepped into Arthur study room.

Ironically, it reminded her that she wasn't getting any younger. And the intense feeling of feeling needed was still there.

It was hunting her sleeps and eating her up from inside.

" It belongs to Dustin era." Areola snap to reality but realized Arthur was talking about the huge painting on the wall.

It was a beautiful combination of dark elements. Vivid and contrasting with one and another that Areola could feel despair and pressured.

" Dustin era..." Her finger trail on painting.

A beautiful dark painting of a king on a throne made from heads of dead people but he seems more died than the bodiless heads.

" You made it, didn't you? Just like how you painted for me in the past." Areola giggle at the memory attracting Arthur to stare at her.

His beautiful omega wife, that was highly fertilize and caring. Despite she makes mistakes.

" You know Arthur, I always thought I dated two people." Arthur flinch and his face blacken, but Areola so took no notice continues.

" One of them loves music and art and other just love swords and me." She stared at Arthur with a sad meaningful smile.

" Which are you?" Arthur frozen up. Before he could say anything, the door of his study room was ripped opened by a wounded Gabriel.

" Your majesty..." He collapsed to the ground but Arthur was quick to caught him.

" Gabriel... Stay with me, stay with me." Arthur didn't realize how desperate and sad he sounded.

Gabriel wounded was severe that it was bad and hard to speak.

" Run... " He panted for air as his blood splash to the ground. It was now Arthur realized that half of Gabriel torso was ripped off.

His hand trembled as he held the boy face.

" Who... Who did this?" But Gabriel only pant silently still his heart stop beating.

Arthur couldn't process anything when the huge door of the palace hall was being hit.

Gabriel must have locked it to save him some time. He grip Areola hand to run but she fluck it away.

" Areo... What?!"

Arthur words died in his tougue. His Beautiful Areola was pointing a gun at him and it didn't seem to be her first time using it.

" Areola." His eyes dilated as he called her name in a confused whisper. The wooden door was breaking for the heavy hit it received. Arthur glance at it and the Areola that looked scary.

" Which are you? Because I only loved for one, and that is not you.."

" Areola..."

" Arthur, I'm sorry." She pulled the trigger but a shadow flash pass and Arthur was gone. Her bullet hit the wall.

The door was rip open and the angry mobs ran in. They all bowed to Areola who kept staring at the spot Arthur last stood.

" Find him, post his poster in all Ais. But, find him and bring him to me... Alive."

" Yes, Lady Cobber." They all spoke on union as Areola walked away. She opened her bead room which had a man in dark hood slipping tea.

" Kill him." He asked but Areola shook her head.

He appeared before her like a smoke and hug her for behind.

" You still love him?" Areola didn't answer and the hood man seem pissed.

He bite her neck and Areola kick him on his groin making him cry in pain, he released her and step back hold his manhood.

" Areola?" He cried in pain but only earn Areola cold stare.

" Arthur, have some dignity." She walked out of the room and the male laughed.

" It's Alix... Sweetheart."

His hood cap had long fell for his head so his appearance could be seem.

Black hair, phoenix eyes, chieles jaw and thick broad shoulders. He looked so much like Arthur but more muscular and manly.

He stared at the window, at the huge kingdom his brother had built during his absence.

All of them.

All of them was going to be his's, including the beautiful Queen Areola. So he was going to take his time.

His lips hook up as he vanished off to_who's-knows-where_.

But only a day later, a epidemic broke out, spreading rapidly within Ais.


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