
[BL] Quick Transmigration: Childhood Sweetheart System

Qi Qiu was a celebrity. He was a popular male god, even amongst all the other celebrities. But then he was kidnapped and thrown off a boat. With a brick tied to him. When he awoke, he did not see coral and fish or white hospital walls but pitch black. And a robotic voice saying [Welcome to the Childhood Sweetheart System.]

pettyprinxe · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Swimming with the Fishies

Qi Qiu smiled and waved, chuckling from time to time as he was interviewed.

"Male God Qi, do you have something to say to your fans?" The interviewer hummed.

"Thank you for all your support. I really appreciate it."

It was a normal occurrence for these interviews to happen, and nobody questioned it. Qi Qiu was really just that popular. He was holding the number 1. spot of The Most Beloved Male Celebrity on the charts.

Now that amazing, beloved male celebrity was on a boat. A boat in which smelled of blood and sea.

On the floor, a black-haired male looked up at the deck. Qi Qiu struggled to escape from his bonds, spitting out the gag.

Qi Qiu struggled more as the masked person walked inside, their build towering over the tied up male.

The kidnapper tied a brick to his ankle with red threads. It was surprising, how those threads didn't snap.

"Who are you? What do you want with me!?" Qi Qiu kicked the masked person, struggling to wiggle over to the deck. His side was wounded, complimentary work of the person he was trying to escape from.

The masked person grabbed his shoulders, and the black-haired male struck ruthlessly at the area between the legs.

The person doubled over, and Qi Qiu quickly ran the fastest he could with his bonds.

Looking around, there was nothing but sea. The water was a murky black, work of the stormy skies.

The masked person grabbed him, then started pulling him towards the deck.

As he was dragged to the edge, Qi Qiu thought of what would become of his fortune. It would probably be given to his dear little sister. Poor Qi Rui, she was only five years old, and her only guardian would disappear, never to return. The thought made Qi Qiu grit his teeth.

He was thrown overboard easily. It was like he was a feather. Qi Qiu held his breath, trying his best to untangle the brick tied to his ankles.

Qi Qiu managed to do so, bruising his arms and legs in the process. His side ached more with the salt water, and his limbs softened like jelly.

Sinking slowly, Qi Qiu only hoped his sister was safe.

[End of Prologue.]

I don't know where I'm going with this novel, buuut~

I'm the best at designing unreasonable people, so look forward to them!~

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