
[BL] My Master , Your Wolf

The man that gets on my nerves is Karlen.Just as I reincarnate he is the one my heart desires.I don't want to fall in love with my enemy! I , Sigurd , reincarnated in Artara kingdom and seems that my destiny is to be the hero who will save the kingdom.That's not my plan however.I want to live normal and to be a florist.

redlady · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

No bathroom ?!

Sigurd opens his eyes and tries to move carefully. His back was better. He sits on the edge of the bed. His stomach growls. Since when was he a morning eater?

He is in front of the mirror in his short pants and topless upper body. The marks are still visible. The ones on his neck concerned him the most. Hiding them would mean to wear a scarf. Outside, everyone was wearing their shirts half open.

He frowns while touches the marks gently. The mark is of a beast. He remembers the Wolf god. Are people from here like that?

He will ask Nissa later.

He is dressed up. The leather boots, a pair of pants, a long sleeve shirt and a fur scarf that is covering the marks are the clothes he chose , pushed from behind, thinking of all the marks on his body.

He steps on the balcony. No wind. Just a suffocating heat that is making him hate the animal who did this to him even more.

He is sweating as he goes down the stairs. There was no bath in the room. How is he going to bath?

The animal seemed to have washed his body excluding his insides. When Sigurd cleaned the floor, he used all the water in the bucket that he found in the corner of the room. Now what to do?

He appears in the kitchen with a big frown on his forehead.

Yrsa, Nissa and Kai are already eating.

"Morning …." He mumbles pulling a chair.

"What is with the scarf? Are you that cold?"

Yrsa makes a worried expression.

"No … I just like it so much."

"You are sweating!"

Nissa is touching his back and smiles. She wears a summary shirt . Sigurd things that being a girl has its advantages.

"A have a question."

The family looks excited to answer.

"Where are you washing when you feel sweaty or dusty …. You guys do not have a bathroom."

"I don't now what's a bathroom but I know where we are washing."

Kai responds before putting more apple pie in his mouth.


Yrsa looks towards Kai and smiles. That was more of a smirk though.

Nissa is preoccupied to cut the pie in a star shape. No one wanted to tell him where was the 'bathroom'.

"When do you want to go?"

Kai glances at him while he focuses to choose the bigger slice of pie on the plate that Yrsa places in front of him.

"Can I go alone?"

"Why would you want to go alone? It is dangerous."

Yrsa seems displeased with his request. She moves the plate of pie in front of her.

"Why would it be dangerous? The village is peaceful."

"You do not remember much, do you? How do you think you died?"

Sigurd finishes his plate of food and takes a piece of pie that Yrsa hands over the table.

It was true he had no memory of that day.

"Mind telling me? I should know this for my safety."

"I am sure you don't remember about our genes."

Sigurd is all ears. He munches at the delicious pie and is curious to see what this world had special.

"I don't have time to tell you in detail but the basics are enough for now."

"I'm waiting."

Yrsa starts to explain him the natural flow of maturity of the people in Artara. When a baby is born is a human. However, when the child riches the age between twelve and eighteen it begins to show its second genes. The gene are inherited from the parents or given by the Ancestors. The two genes are Wolves and Masters. Wolves can transform in wolves whenever they want and Masters are having an Aura that has powers. Yrsa explained also that usually a Master and a Wolf would form a pair to protect the Wolf mate. By having the Master put on the Wolf an Aura mark that would keep other Masters unable to have an upper hand if it were to be a fight between them. The mark was invisible for others Wolves and the Wolf in cause.

"You are not a Wolf, yet. I am saying that going alone is dangerous for you as a human that does not have it's second gene awaken. Even Wolves will be able to harm you."

"Fuck! Means I am completely helpless. Pathetic!"

Nissa is touching his hand looking with sad eyes.

"Do not be mad! I will train you!"

She rages in a triumphal pose.

"Whose hand did I die?"

"It was …... You tied to stop a fight between two Wolves that were fighting. They pushed you into a tree and … your body was fragile …. that is how you died."

'I was really such a pussy?!' He clenches his fist in frustration.

Kai is trying to keep his tears from falling. It was him who found Sigurd's body dead next to the tree.

"Time to wrap it up! Jan!"

Yrsa stands up.

"If you want to go wash, wait for Karlen. Talis sent me a letter this morning. He wants to come for some private lessons before the actual camp is starting. He is a Master. Stick close to him."

"Like hell! I will take care of myself!"

"Don't be stubborn!"

Yrsa yells at Sigurd as he stands up and wants to leave.

"I will go with Nissa!"

"You cannot go with Nissa! She is a wolf but still not strong enough to protect you if a Master ties to fight you two. DON'T BE A BURDEN FOR NISSA! LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY!"

Yrsa is glaring at him and makes him freeze in place. She was angry. He never saw her this mad.

She is right. Nissa can be harmed because of him.

Yrsa comes closer to him.

"You will go with Karlen. I want you alive."

She is extremely serious. Sigurd cannot find the courage to oppose her. He was once dead. Is not like the wants to die again either.

"Madam, I arrived."

A calm Karlen shows up in the door of the kitchen. He is having a shirt that exposes his chest. His hair is tied up in a ponytail.

"You are fast."

Karlen is handing a package. Yrsa takes it and puts it on a chair.

"You came here for training. Today I have some work to do. Why don't you go to take a dip with Sigurd and Nissa. You can spare with Nissa."

"I understand."

"Also …. You can put your clothes in the room next to Sigurd's."

Sigurd clenches his jaw at the sight of the 'Master' he is suppose to depend on. He wants to say something but Nissa drags Sigurd to the stable. She senses that it is better to keep them apart till Sigurd calms down.

Karlen is waiting for them on his horse under the tree planted at the entry. Sigurd is still struggling to control Arvak who seems to feel his clumsiness in handling the reins. But he does not let it show.

"Follow me hunters! Today we will cool down."

Nissa is leading them through the village and turns left going through the forest.

Sigurd is behind Karlen who is behind Nissa.

He is looking at Karlen's back and frowns. His shoulders are wide and his muscles are visible through the thin material.


Sigurd looks at his slim legs and wonders in how much time will he be able to put on muscles. He knows this type of body. A black hole for food.

Looking at his body reminds him of his marks covering his pale skin. He needs to avoid Karlen.

After few more minutes Nissa stops talking and a cold air is felt. A river is flowing in two pools that are parted by a stone wall. It was relaxing to bath leaning on the smoothed edge.

That is not what Sigurd thinks. The terror is seen on his face as he things of a solution.

"The water is so cold!"

Nissa is already in the pool, swimming.

Karlen on the other hand is getting naked. He folds his shirt. The boots are put next to the shirt. He turns and looks at Sigurd.

"Are you fine?"

Sigurd flinches. Was that the only think he can say?

"Go in!"

Karlen comes closer to him. Sigurd confronts him with a glare.


"I will turn my back. Promise to not look at you."

Sigurd looks in his eyes and decides to trust him. He was not a bad guy. Karlen takes his pants off and takes his short pants on from the backpack.

Sigurd waits and when Karlen is turned with his back at him in the pool, he takes his clothes off , leaving on him the scarf and his short pants.

The water is revigorating. Must be the power of a resistant body that he does not feel cold.

Usually, the river water is very cold. That caused him a cold for few days after drinking it when he was going with the gangsters in a mission.

He felt his sore muscles from riding recovering while he was leaning on the edge. Nissa was also on the edge of her pool and they could see each other.

"Isn't it awesome to come here everyday."

"It feels good."

"Your scarf is hilarious!"

"Shut up!"

He smiles back and relaxes more closing his eyes. A breeze is blowing his dry hair. The heat is forgotten. The shadow from the big trees hides the fierce sunlight. The birds are chirping.

If only Nissa was less noisy! She was enjoying the water like a kid.

Sigurd is glancing sometimes at Karlen to see if he keeps his promise.

Karlen is washing his long hair and the body. Sigurd closes his eyes to not be seduced by the guy he finds irritating.

'Is not like I will fall for a hand of muscles!'

With his eyes closed he tries to relax more. He wants to train after so his back needs to recover.

. . . . .

In silence, Karlen is minding his business. After he washed his hair, he wants to leans on the edge too. He turns and glances at Sigurd who has his eyes closed and is stretched on the stone.

'He is so peacefully when he sleeps."

Karlen gets close to Sigurd who was sleeping like a boss. The fur scarf was giving the impression he is not in his right mind.

He is breathing is slower. Karlen is examining his face. Sigurd is having this red hair that got his attention the first time he met him, his lips that are plump when kissed and his eyelashes are long like in that night when he slept on his chest. The love bites on the neck are discovered when the scarf tilts. Karlen smiles.

'That's way he wanted to hide….'

He releases unintentionally his scent. He promised to himself to not develop feelings again.

Not being able to hold back he kisses his forehead.

Nissa catches him in act and smiles at him. She is already dressed and waves at him to come. Karlen is getting out and in a hurry dress up. The smirk that replaced her smile right after, makes Karlen wonder if it is a good or a bad omen.

. . . . .

Sigurd is awakened by the crashing sound of two people fighting with swords.

He wraps the scarf better and changes his clothes.

The changing clothes were in Karlen's backpack. He puts the wet pants on the branch that is in the light and that has Karlen's and Nissa's cloths put on. The sound guides him on a small path and he finds them.

It is an open field. He sees also a cabin farther away. He approaches and watches the two fighters.

Karlen is attacking Nissa with an upper hit and Nissa blocks it. She rotates and her sword is at the base of Karlen's neck. By the sweat, they must have fought a little.

"Listen! You need to move faster. Also, catch your hair!"

"Yes, Master!"

It was his first time seeing Nissa fight. She could have killed him for sure.

"I am rooting for you, Karlen!"

Sigurd is mocking him. Karlen does not seem to be bothered.

"What about me?"

Nissa is visibly displeased by Sigurd's support towards Karlen.

"If you want a hair cut why fighting Nissa? I can cut your cute hair with a sword too."

Sigurd continues the bullying hoping Karlen would react. He ties his hair in a bun.

"Come. " Karlen calm voice announces Nissa that she can attack him.

Nissa is rising her sword and focuses her eyes on Karlen. He will sure attack her from above. How about a sparing without much swing. She attacks him from above and tries to make him block all her attack without having an opportunity to swing his sword much. Karlen is blocking a side swing and blocks it using more force.

Nissa backs off and comes fast to him dodging his blocks. That's way it was good to keep Karlen's swings short and quick. She is under him and she wants to aim for his neck stopping this way the fight. Nissa looks in his eyes and at his limbs. In a flash she jumps back.

He predicted her move and wanted to pierce her with the sword instead of a swing that she could have made her move faster. He comes to her and Nissa shifts from left to right and with a big leap she kicks the sword out of his hands. She is in front of him with her sword pointing his neck.

"In fights you can use other techniques too. Not just a sword. Especially if you fight an animal."

Karlen is breathing hard. He nods.

"However, I see you know how to predict moves a little. That is good."

Nissa smiles.

Sigurd does not dare to go against none of them without being invited.

"Sigurd is your turn."

She is smiling from ear to ear. Sigurd picks up a sword and realizes that it is heavy.

"Let's see what you remember!"

Nissa grips her sword and delivers and upper swing. Sigurd is dodging and a sharp pain reminds him of his back pain. She swings her sword and he dodges all of it avoiding straining his back. A part of the scarf is cut.

She changes her techniques jabs him from left and she hits his sword making her fly. Without much thinking he grabs her hand and throws her over his back as well hits her sword with her knew in the same time.

The throw was his specific was of fighting. He threw thousands of mobsters.

Nissa is arching her back and flips back on her feet. She laughs uncontrollably.

"You are the first to throw me like that, brother! You never fought before. You were against it. How did you did it?"

"The answer is simple: I just wanted to show to this big guy what you meant by improvising."

Nissa hugs Sigurd and ruffles his hair.

"Stop it! Are you a fucking monkey? Where is your pride as a fighter?!"

Sigurd is gritting his teeth at the pain he feels in his lower back after the throw.

"You did well, bro. I think you have potential."

"Of course, I have potential!"

Karlen is thinking of the fight leaning on his sward. Sigurd surely had a back pain because even now he is trembling when Nissa is clinging to him. Karlen assumes that Sigurd knew he could not block Nissa's powerful swings. He acknowledges Sigurd's technique, to dodge and use a move she was not expecting, as interesting and worth learning from it.

"Karlen, what do you think of Sigurd's way of winning without using his sword?"

"It was a good scheme."

Nissa is patting Karlen on the shoulder and then grabs Sigurd who is puffing his feathers like a peacock.

"I am hungry! Let's go eat at home!"

"I want to wash again!"

Karlen puts the swords in the long cabin. It is made of wood and as he closes the door, he joins them going back to the pools.

"What's with the cabin?"

"Is used by the hunters who come here on training. The cabin will be full in a few days."

"It's about the camp Yrsa said in the morning?"

Nissa nodded and continue to cling on his arm.

"Who trains the hunters?"


"Tell me already!"

Karlen is amused by their relationship. If only he and his sister would be the same…..

"Why are you smiling? You know too?"

"Of course."

"Why am I the only one who doesn't know anything?!

Sigurd is pouting mumbling mad of his situation as a new comer.

"Well, it is going to be me, mom and the leader of the hunters."

"There is also Thyra coming."

"You are right and I forgot the leader of the army who will visit the camp."

Sigurd is listening and wonders what kind of people will the leaders be. Since he is already done with the people he knows till know excluding Kai. He wishes that will be people that are the opposite of Yrsa at least.

With the camp coming up he thinks to train with them.

"This camp will be fun! I will fight with all my power!"

"You mean 'you will execute all of them '? Think of the poor people before waving the sword."

Sigurd gives her a forehead flick.

"You need to talk to mom if you want to join the camp."

She rubs her forehead .

"I will talk to her. You know what? I will join even if she disagrees."

"If she disagrees, I will train you. Do you want?"

"What do you mean? I will be in your care, sis."

"Is the first time you called me your sister."

Nissa is dropping her head. He is in a bind. Was he not suppose to call her sister?

"Are ... you fine?"

Nissa lifts her face and few tears were on her cheek but also a big smile is present. Sigurd sighs.

"I am the happiest! He called me sister! I AM HIS SISTER!"

She screams and runs happily around him. Sigurd slaps his forehead.

"I am speechless."

'Where does she take all that energy from?'

Sigurd feels a little dizzy from the heat. He needs to hurry to enter the forest before he will faint.

Karlen sees that Sigurd's legs are wobbly and comes closer.


She runs to the pool. Sigurd is left behind with Karlen.

"Why don't you run?"

"I don't want a hug from her."

"Do you want a hug from me?"


Sigurd is laughing. When he turns his head to Karlen as he was whispering 'maybe' , he feels weakness in his knees and his vision blurs.

Karlen catches Sigurd. Karlen supports his back and lifts him. He was light. Like a bride, Sigurd is carried by Karlen. He is almost running.

Karlen is in the forest and Nissa is getting out of the pool.

"What happened?"

"He fainted. It is because of the fight and the heat combined."

"Let's strip him and put him in the water."

Karlen puts him near the pool and opens the pants.

"You can go. I got this."

Nissa is smirking and understands what Karlen wants.

"Sigurd will kill you because of this."

"... it doesn't matter."

"Are you into him?"

"… no."

"Sure. If you say so."

Nissa is going in her pool. Karlen puts the short pants on Sigurd and takes off the shirt and the scarf. He lifts him again and goes down in the pool. Having Sigurd in his arms is a rare thing. He stares at the marks and feels strangely proud. He gives of scent. He closes his eyes. From his hands Aura is oozing. Sigurd is covered in Aura.

The color returns on Sigurd's face. Karlen sighs.

'He will wake up soon.'

He gets him out of the water and wipes the water on his body. Changes his clothes and puts the scarf on his neck. He changes his clothes too and starts to make air with a leaf.

When Sigurd wakes up the tow were over him waving some leaves.

"What! You are going to start a tornado! STOP!"

They stopped.

"You fainted."

She was worried. Sigurd is putting her head.

"I am fine. I just hope I will not catch a cold from leaves. Where the fuck did you got them from?"

Karlen points the source.

"Karlen carried you."

She was persisting with her puppy eyes.

'What does she want?'

"He even got you naked and gave you a dip in the pool."

Sigurd feels like fainting again after what Nissa says.


Sigurd glares at Karlen.

'Where is that sword? 'Karlen can not leave after seeing the marks on his body.

"Come here!"

Sigurd is screaming at Karlen and Nissa is keeping him from hitting the poor Karlen.

"Calm down. Shouldn't you thank him? What did he do wrong?"

Sigurd can not tell her and swallows his rage. Of course, he will still not thank him. He would have rather died in the sun than Karlen seeing his body.

He prays for holy patience and avoids Karlen as they prepare to leave.

He glances at Karlen from time to time. He doesn't seem to care about the love bites on his body. If that's so… he will not tell anyone anyway.

Just as he decides to let go of this matter the horse is rising his tension.

"Stay still! You damn horse!"

Sigurd is losing his patience with Arvak who doesn't stay still. Nissa and Karlen are having no issue with their horses who would get down for them to mount on.


The irritation is seen on his face when he stops and glares at Arvak hoping that the horse will stop from running away from him. It was like his subconscious rage towards Karlen is shifted towards the horse.

Karlen takes the reins from his hands. He pats the horse and it works, Arvak is staying still and enjoys the attention he receives.

"Mount on."

"I could have mount without your help! Just so you know!"

Sigurd mumbles.

It is hard to say thank you to the person that helps and angers you.

The way back to the 'castle' is in silence. Nissa is not talking. She probably hit the bottom of her energy. Sigurd is tired and is like new. He rubs his back.

'That water heals….'