
[BL] Hunter X Hunter

After a covenant that allow him to come in to another world, he lost all his memories of who he was. With a blank start and a new world he sets out to find the thrill of battle after fighting for his life with an unknown creature. BL=Boys Love, if anyone needs clarification about what it means. Disclaimer: I don’t own Hunter x Hunter all work belongs to its owner.

TherogueNPC · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Home x Game

I was reading another story, sorry guys, It was really interesting. I'm sure you guys understand what that's like.  


Jett once again found himself in a boat, his last experience while not so bad still left him with no desire to ever get in a boat again, yet he couldn't help it if he wanted to get to his destination. He could only distract himself by surfing cyberspace, a habit engraved into him by the social norms and society of his previous world.

While scrolling through various things he notices a peace of news of a certain city. A research facility was attacked by an unknown lizard-like creature. "Gon, look at this..." Jett called out to Gon talking to Killua about Whale Island and what it was like. 

"What is it?" Gon asked. 

"A strange lizard creature attacked a research facility and killed all the researchers, after later investigation the corpse of a similar creature they were researching was taken," Jett read. Jett couldn't help but get a strange feeling of foreboding as he showed Gon the picture that was captured by the cameras in the research facility.

"Is this that creature you said you fought on the island," Killua asked looking over Jett's shoulder. "It looks the same but the picture of this thing shows that is a lot bigger than the one I killed," Jett answered. 

"What do you think it was doing..." Killua asked. 

"Well from what is said here it looks like it attacked the facility in search of that other lizard's corpse, but I'm more worried about how it was able to track it down since it died a long time ago. This thing was somehow able to track its kin down across oceans..." Jett left the rest of what he was thinking unsaid, but Gon a natural hunter filled in the rest.

"If he can track down a corpse, then it can track down the one who killed its kin," Gon said.

"Yes, that means I have an unknown person trying to capture me for some reason, now I may also have a strong creature after me," Jett said.

"Wait, look here..." Killua said pointing at something on the screen.

"They sent a hunter after the creature, it says they are trying to capture it alive," Killua said reading the article.

"That's good, but the one I killed was able to learn Nen the moment I hit it with a Nen infuse punch. Hopefully, the hunter they sent after it kills it instead of trying to capture it," Jett said. 

"If it ends up scaping it may come after you," Killua said. 

"Yeah, that just means I'm going to have to be more vigilant, hey look is Whale Island," Jett said seeing the Island come into view at a distance. 

As soon as they saw the Island they stopped their conversation, memories of the grandmother who took care of him appeared in his mind. He needed to go a pay his respects to her. 

"I'll see you guys later, I'll leave first I have something to do," Jett said before they could dock Jett disappeared from the boat and appeared fifty meters in the air for a moment then he was gone again, those in the boat except for Killua and Gon stared with their mouth open.

"What was that about?" Killua asked Gon.

"His probably going to visit his grandmother," Gon replied looking in the direction that Jett disappeared to. 

Gon and Killua arrive at Gon's house after getting off the ship, his aunt Mitto tries to snap Gon's hunter's license in two after holding it in her hands for a few seconds. This part of the story went exactly as in the original storyline, where Killua questions what he would do later. Later in the night Gon's aunt gave him a box left behind by his father Ging. Killua easily discovered how to open it, they were going to play the cassette tape but Killua suddenly stopped. "Do you think we should include Jett maybe he would think of something after listening to the cassette," Killua said. 

"No we should leave him alone for a while," Gon said, atypical of his usual selfish nature, but Killua could guess that from time to time he could be sensible. So they listen to the cassette without Jett but later would go looking for him. 

Jett was training in the clearing where he met Gon for the first time. He had to train, he had someone figuratively pressing a knife to his throat. Someone was after him because of his curiosity to search for information about his birthmark, but he didn't regret it. If he could find out information about it, it would be worth it, not only would it solve the mystery of his body, but he felt that knowing would improve his Nen somehow, he didn't know why, it was just how he felt.

He also may or may not have a large lizard coming after him at any time. So he had to train, he had to think of new moves that he could use to attack. However he had a problem one of his Nen was still sealed, he could feel that the seal on his Nen was slowly fading but it was doing so slowly, it was like a large burning candle melting in the fire, the seal would eventually break but it would take time. 

One of the moves he was trying to come up with, or more like recreate it was the Rasengan. Nen and Chakra are both life energy so he was sure he would be able to recreate it. The compression of energy was simply enough, the Nen techniques already had a way of doing that, and even holding the energy together was part of the advanced Nen techniques. 

It was when he was training to recreate the technique that both Gon and Killua came to find him, but they weren't the only ones. Jett found it kind of funny that all three came at the same time as if it was stage to happen that way. He didn't say anything about the third person, he wanted to know if Gon and Killua would notice. From what he could see from Killuas body language he noticed already. He couldn't notice anything from Gon, Jett only saw him smiling and waving at him, but he was surprised when Gon suddenly hung him and whispered. 

"Someone is hiding behind a three to the right," Gon said. "I know," Jett replied. 

"I'm assuming you guys didn't come to find me just because you miss me?" Jett said without giving away that he noticed they were being watched. 

"I did miss you," Gon said without even stuttering at the cheesy line. Jett also didn't think anything about it, Gon was honest with his feelings like any other enhancer. 

"We also found a hint about where Ging could be," Gon exploded with enthusiasm. 

"Oh? that's good, what did you find?" Jett asked.

"Gon's dad left him a memory card for a Joy Station, we ordered the console, and it arrives tomorrow, we're going to see if the memory card has any saved data on it," Killua added, showing the ring and memory card to Jett. 

Jett already guessed that anything left behind by a double-star hunter couldn't be simple. Jett used (Gyo) to see the ring and discovered it was emitting Nen. Killua a trained assassin notices Jett's actions, he is learning and he is doing it fast. He also uses (Gyo) and looks at the ring and memory card, the memory card is just as ordinary as it looked, the ring on the other hand is different, he had already noticed the script in the ring before, but didn't know what it was, because this time around Wing didn't tie a string around Gons finger with the script. 

"Is Nen," Killua said as he looked at the ring. 

"Yeah, it is. Is interesting it means that whoever made this ring is a Nen user," Jett said. 

"I think the script in the ring also has something to do with it, the same script was in the box that Gon's dad left behind," Killua added more information. 

"Umm, they probably have something to do with Nen. In many cultures script, symbols, and other forms of writing represent power, I'm assuming this script has some power that holds Nen," Jett deduced, but it wasn't without bases. In all forms of culture that had some kind of energy power they always had some way of spoken and written form that allowed the energy to be controlled, contained, or take a different meaning. In Naruto it was sealing Jutsu, in Bleach it was either Kido or Hado with magic it was runes. 

"Would you like me to tell you..." a man's voice said as they talked but they were ready, as soon as they heard the voice all three of them disappeared from their spot in the blink of an eye and were at the side of the person who spoke. 

"Who are you," it was Jett who asked. Killua was to the man's right his hands were transformed and pointing them at her throat, Gon was on the left he was in a battle stance Nen was glowing on his hand ready to attack. Jett had appeared behind the man, he had created a Nen blade and was also holding it to the man's throat just like Killua. 

"Are children this scary nowadays," the person said rhetorically. The person now sounded female, the voice before had sounded male, and her form was covered with a cloak so their gender couldn't be identified. It seemed like she or he was trying to throw them off or at least that was what Jett and Killua thought, until she took off her cloak and her long pink hair fell to her waist. 

"My name is Jess, you may remember me by the bullet that almost killed you," Jess said. 

"..." They didn't say anything. 

"Harsh, but understandable..." Jess said again.

"I was watching you from a faraway distance, far enough that you wouldn't notice if someone was looking, the reason it was you, Jett, at first I wanted to kill you so that man didn't get you and become stronger, I tried to kill him before but I fail every time, he had to many people and they are all Nen users. After I failed to kill you I watched, you were strong even after getting so close to me I wasn't able to shoot you..." Jess started to explain herself. She figured that she should come out and say everything from the beginning, the children in front of her were dangerous, especially to her right and at her back. She could feel that if she moved even an inch she would die. The one on her left was also dangerous but her experience told her he would hesitate to kill her, he was her best way out. Although escaping wasn't her goal at the moment, after she saw the kid Jett fight she knew she found an ally against that man. 

"I then watch you fight that man...I can tell you everything I know and I can even tell you about those Items you have.." she said. Gon and Killua looked at Jett this was about him so he had to decide. 

"Try anything, you will die," Jett said coldly. All three of them backed down but didn't let their guard down.