
[BL] His Omega

Hu Yetao is surprised to discover that he is a rare male Omega. He assumes his pull towards Oscar Wang because the Slytherin is an Alpha, but there is more at play here than even Hu Yetao knows. This is a twist on the Alpha/Omega-verse. HOGWARTS AU Oscar Wang x Hu Yetao Warning; As we all know, Hogwarts doesn't belong to me. Readers' discretion is advised...

Rifa_Coolheart3303 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 92

Hu Yetao swallowed, keeping his eyes on the ground as he obediently followed Keyu through the room - which suddenly felt too crowded and too hot - and out through the glass doors to the huge stone patio.

There was a warming charm on the area but the air was still refreshingly cool on Hu Yetao's heated skin as he followed Keyu to one of the empty stone benches and sat down.

Keyu withdrew his wand and conjured a glass of cold water while Hu Yetao inhaled the frosty air deep into his lungs with relief.

"Thanks." Hu Yetao gratefully took the glass and gulped the cool liquid before handing it back. "Sorry about that."

Keyu vanished the empty glass and then waved his hand dismissively. "It's fine Yetao. All jokes aside, you do need to take it easy for… for a while."

"For the next nine months?" Hu Yetao whispered with a wry smile.

Keyu smiled back. "Yeah, something like that."

"Well, I think I'm okay now." Hu Yetao exhaled determinedly and stood up - and then immediately buckled at the knees.

"Whoa!" Keyu quickly jumped in to put his arms around Hu Yetao, holding him upright. "Steady there Yetao."

Hu Yetao blinked the spots from his vision, holding tight to Keyu's waist for balance.

"Silly Omega," Keyu murmured, pushing a few locks of hair back from Hu Yetao's forehead.

Hu Yetao swallowed and met Keyu's suddenly intense gaze. "Er…"

Unable to help himself, Keyu leaned in and inhaled Hu Yetao's neck before softly pressing his lips to the warm skin. "Salazer, you smell so good…"

Hu Yetao heart jumped and his brain told him to push the Alpha away, but his body… his body was saying something else as Keyu kissed his sensitive skin.

Hu Yetao couldn't hold in the breathy moan as Keyu's hand wandered down his back to cup his arse and bring his hips up into the solid line of Keyu's thigh. Hu Yetao flexed his hips against the firm muscle and was instantly hard.

Fuck, it had been so long since he'd been touched in this way and his body was craving it so fiercely; the desire overpowering any other rational thought. It was like sensory overload and he was instantly dizzy with want.

Zhou Keyu groaned as Hu Yetao started to rut against him, holding him tighter and pushing his erection against any part of the delicious Omega that he could.

"More… please, more…" Hu Yetao gasped, groin throbbing and body lighting up from the inside.

Keyu ripped his mouth away from Hu Yetao's neck and swiftly pulled him around to the other side of the tall hedge next to the bench.

As soon as they were out of sight of the ballroom windows, Keyu lowered Hu Yetao to the snow-dusted ground and covered his body with his own.

Hu Yetao dazedly moaned his approval, his legs coming up to wrap around Keyu's hips as Keyu ground down into him, sliding the hard lines of their erections against each other.

Hu Yetao's body was singing its approval as Keyu's lips descended on his neck once more, causing him to writhe on the ground in bliss.

Zhou Keyu sat up, straddling Hu Yetao's thighs as he began to wrench at the zip on Hu Yetao's trousers.

"Yes…" Hu Yetao hissed in approval, voice sounding foreign to his ears.

As soon as Keyu had Hu Yetao's trousers open, he shoved one hand down into his pants and wrapped his fingers around Hu Yetao's warm, hard cock.

Hu Yetao arched up with a whimper that was part pleasure and part unadulterated relief.

Keyu leaned down to mouth at Hu Yetao's neck again as he firmly stroked him with one hand.

"Fuck, Hu Yetao," he murmured against his skin. "I want you so much, want to make you cum so hard…"

Hu Yetao closed his eyes and thrust up into Keyu's tight fist, moaning at the touch and the words; at this Alpha wanting his body so badly, wanting to give him such incredible pleasure. And Hu Yetao just wanted to take, take, take.

His body was screaming for it and had been for weeks.

"Oh Hu Yetao, I could cum just from this," Keyu continued to murmur in an aroused stupor. "Wanted this for so long… Love you so much…"

Those three little words were like a bucket of ice water over the flames of Hu Yetao's arousal.

Hu Yetao's eyes flew open and his body stiffened, stopping its incessant thrusting. "Stop," he commanded, instantly horrified by his behavior and what he'd been about to do, but his voice came out as a whisper,r, and Keyu was too far gone to hear or to even realize that Hu Yetao had stopped thrusting into his hand. "No - stop!" he demanded, the voice quickly growing stronger as his head cleared and his body swiftly came back under his control.

Keyu frowned down at him in confusion, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated.

Hu Yetao felt a flicker of unease at the very strong hand that was still pinning him down by the shoulder. "Keyu," he said very firmly. "Let go of me."

Zhou Keyu's frown deepened as he slowly released Hu Yetao's quickly softening cock, but instead of moving off of him, he lay down more fully, keeping him in place with his body.

"But I know you want it Hu Yetao," he said, rolling his hips uncomfortably into Hu Yetao's droopy cock. "I'll take care of you; Oscar isn't up to the task…"

Hu Yetao's unease quickly turned to anger. "Get off of me," he demanded, uncaring of how much noise he was making.

Keyu's confusion only seemed to grow. "You can't change your mind."

Hu Yetao's eyes s widened in outrage. "I can do whatever the fuck I want with my body Zhou Keyu - now get off!"

Keyu's expression turned cross as he frowned, gaze hardening and losing some of its haziness, but Hu Yetao could see that he was still driven by his thick-headed Alpha nature.

"But you're an Omega," he said, frustrated and hard against Hu Yetao's hip. "You're made for this."

Hu Yetao's temper flared hotly and he jerked his body, trying to jostle the heavy Alpha off of him. He'd had just about enough of this. "Bollocks," he exclaimed furiously. "I don't want you to touch me."

Hu Yetao was ready for drastic measures, but he couldn't move his arms enough to get to the wand tucked into the waistband of his trousers. He practically growled in frustration. "Get the fuck off me!" he roared, vocal cords straining.

Zhou Keyu blinked, and Hu Yetao could see that his words may have finally started to register with the other man.

Before Hu Yetao could say another word, Blaise was gone, and Hu Yetao was hit with a waft of cold air in his wake; as though a large bird had just flown over-top of him.

Hu Yetao scrambled to sit up and turned around.

Oscar was on the ground, on top of Keyu, one hand on his throat and the other pointing a wand directly between his eyes, his face a mask of feral rage.

Hu Yetao zipped up his trousers as he hurriedly struggled to his feet and then ran over to kneel in the snow next to his mate. He wanted to place a hand on Oscar's shoulder but was afraid of startling him and suffering the consequences of having Oscar accidentally reacting violently.

"Oscar, stop," he said quietly but firmly. "You don't want to hurt him."

"Like fuck I don't," Oscar snarled, silver gaze locked on Keyu and hand tightening reflexively around his throat.

Keyu swallowed and was blinking rapidly, obviously coming out of his lust-filled haze to find this startling reality staring down at him.

"No, you don't," Hu Yetao repeated steadfastly. "It wasn't his fault. Well, not entirely."

"What does that mean?"

"Oscar-" Keyu started hesitantly.

"No!" Oscar shouted, pushing his hand further into Keyu's throat and causing him to choke off in surprise.

Hu Yetao gently wrapped his hands around Oscar's forearm and eased the pressure a little, his eyes glued to Oscar's intensely focussed expression. "Oscar, look at me. Please?"

A muscle in Oscar's cheek jumped as he stared down at Keyu before very slowly dragging his eyes away to look at Hu Yetao.

Hu Yetao nodded in encouragement, feeling as though he were convincing a man to back away from the edge of a cliff. He took a deep breath and let it out, stealing himself for what he had to tell his mate. "I encouraged him. I wanted him to touch me, and when I returned to my senses, it… it was hard for Keyu to stop."

Hu Yetao cringed at the absolute hurt that stared back at him from Oscar's eyes.

It looked like a million thoughts were going through Oscar's head as he dropped Hu Yetao's gaze and then eventually turned back to Keyu, still lying wide-eyed beneath him.

He eased up his hand around Keyu's throat but kept his wand in place.

"You weren't stopping when Hu Yetao asked you to," he finally said, tone low and heated.

"I… I know," Keyu stammered, swallowing. "I don't think I would have… I wouldn't have hurt him."

Oscar's flinty eyes narrowed in warning. "You might have taken him against his will."

Zhou Keyu opened his mouth but didn't know what to say to that as he stared wordlessly back at his housemate.

The hurt was back in Oscar's eyes as he finally lowered his wand and slowly rose to his feet. "You… you'll have to get better control of your emotions if you're to… to live with us."

Hu Yetao's eyes widened. "What? No!, Oscar, that isn't what this is."

Oscar turned to him with a frown as Hu Yetao stumbled to his feet, panicked. Keyu remained where he was, watching the exchange in wary silence.

"But you wanted him," Oscar said, frowning.

Hu Yetao swallowed and took a step towards his Alpha but Oscar didn't look as though he wanted to be touched, so he stopped, hands dropping awkwardly to his sides.

"I… I was desperate for anyone's touch," Hu Yetao tried to explain, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "These fucking pregnancy hormones or… or whatever they are, were driving me crazy and I needed some relief."

"Why wouldn't you just come to me?"

"I tried!" Hu Yetao exclaimed fervently. "You've been so tired and cross lately."

"If you had told me…" Oscar trailed off and suddenly glanced at Keyu as though just realizing he was still there. "You can go Zhou Keyu, this doesn't concern you any longer."

Keyu got to his feet in a hurry, looking relieved as he dusted the snow from his clothes.

"Oh and Zhou Keyu?" Oscar added threateningly as Keyu made to leave. "If I ever find you near Hu Yetao again, I won't hesitate to use my wand."

Zhou Keyu held up his hands in surrender as he backed away. "No problem."

Hu Yetao stepped aside to let him pass, not making eye contact, his sole focus was on his mate. "Oscar, I'm so sorry," he said as soon as the other Slytherin was out of earshot.

Oscar exhaled hard and ran a shaky hand through his snow-flecked hair. "Do you know how close I was to losing control Hu Yetao? I've never…" he trailed off, voice rough and uneven, the emotion tearing at Hu Yetao's heart. "I don't wish to discuss this right now," he said quietly, not meeting Hu Yetao's gaze. "Let's just go home."

"All right," Hu Yetao replied tentatively. He knew he wasn't solely to blame for what had happened; a culmination of weeks of over-wrought emotions and stress, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for the look of devastation on his mate's face.

Oscar turned and strode past Hu Yetao without making eye contact, and then he unexpectedly slowed to a stop and glanced over his shoulder.

Hu Yetao's breath caught in his throat and he rushed to catch up, taking ahold of the hand which Oscar had extended back to him.