

In a world where magic weaves through destiny's tapestry, two souls find each other. Alexius Thompson, a wizard harboring a profound secret, and Draco Malfoy, heir of an illustrious lineage, cross paths, sparking a journey of friendship, love, and an unwavering quest for an enchanting future.

Shinzo11 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs



➛ WORD COUNT: 1391



   As dawn's gentle light painted the sky in hues of pastel pink and gold, the village of Oakbrook¹, nestled on the outskirts of Totteridge in Hertfordshire, England², began to stir.

   Birds added their melodious voices to the chorus of awakening life, and a soft breeze rustled through the ancient oaks that lined the village's meandering pathways.

   In the heart of Oakbrook, where cobblestone streets converged at a charming village square, there stood a centuries-old oak tree, its sprawling branches casting dappled shadows upon the flagstone path below.

   Beneath this tree, the villagers would often gather for local festivals and gatherings, where laughter and stories flowed like the clear water of a nearby brook.

   Amidst this quaint and tranquil setting stood a cottage of weathered stone walls and a thatched roof. A handcrafted wooden sign, bearing the inscription "Thompson's Books & Home," hung proudly above the front door.

   This cottage, the residence of Arthur Thompson, was a beacon of wisdom and knowledge in the village.

   Inside the cottage, the aroma of aged books, polished oak shelves, and a hint of fresh morning air filled the room. Large windows, framed by delicate lace curtains, allowed the soft, golden light of the rising sun to filter into the space, casting warm glows upon the antique wooden furniture and plush rugs that adorned the oakwood floors.

   Arthur, a man in his early forties with short-cropped salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard, moved about the cottage with a purposeful yet gentle grace.

   His hazel eyes reflected a deep kindness, and the hint of wrinkles on his face spoke of a life filled with experiences. He possessed a sturdy, comforting presence that made those around him feel safe.

   The heart of the cottage was undoubtedly its extensive collection of books, from ancient tomes to contemporary novels, each shelf a testament to Arthur's lifelong passion.

   The walls were adorned with framed literary quotes and vintage maps, evoking a sense of wonder and adventure. It was a place where stories lived, where knowledge was revered, and where the curious and the lost could find solace.

   As the morning sun continued its ascent, casting a warm and inviting light into the room, Arthur was engaged in his usual routine, arranging a display of rare books in the front window.

   He did so with meticulous care, each book telling a story of its own, inviting passersby to explore its pages and embark on a new journey.

   Outside, the village square came to life. The local tea shop had opened its doors, and the scent of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air.

   Villagers greeted each other with warm smiles, and children played near the ancient oak tree, their laughter a testament to the enduring spirit of Oakbrook.

   As the morning light bathed the cottage's interior, Arthur stepped back from window display, satisfied with his arrangement.

   His gaze shifted to the heartwarming sight beyond the glass panes—the village square, now bustling with life. He cherished these moments, for in this serene village, he had found a life of purpose and contentment.

   A soft creak caught his attention and he turned to the source to find his son, Alexius, who seems to have just woken up. His tousled golden curls reflects the golden glow of the sun while it frames his cherubic face.

   Alexius yawned and rubbed his his sleepy eyes to get rid of his sleepiness before groggily greets Arthur, who smiled at him in return. "Good Morning, Papa..."

   After that, Alexius went to take bath to start his day. Arthur just shook his head at his sleepy son before going to the kitchen to cook breakfast for his son.

   After an hour, Alexius is now completely awake and is cooking his own breakfast since he knew that his father's bookstore opens at around this time and there are many people, from outside the village who would come over and rent a book.

   He then plated his breakfast, which consists of a bowl of rice, scrambled egg, bacon, a small portion of veggies and a glass of milk and water. He then put all of his used things in the sink so he could wash it later.

   Alexius sat down and began eating, the veggies which he hated but needed, slowly disappeared from his plate and after eating his food, he slowly drank his glass of milk and water before he stood up and brought his dishes to the sink and began washing it.

   "Papa, I'm gonna play outside for a little while. I'm going to be back before dinner" Alexius told his father who was currently free. He saw his father, Arthur, looked hesitant and worried but soon he nodded and told him to be careful.

   Alexius smiled and kissed his father's cheek before walking out of his home, with his satchel where he kept his books. As the sunlight casts down on his figure, something shone from his hand.

   As Alexius reached the forest, where he usually got to read his books. However, he felt compelled to go further for unknown reasons. So he followed his instincts and go even further.

   After minutes passed by, inside a large clearing, he saw a blonde fidgeting and looking around anxiously before before their eyes met. Time seemed to freeze as Alexius sapphire eyes met the other's ice Grey eyes.

   Suddenly, a roar from a beast echoed and the peaceful forest became chaos. Birds flew away while deers and rabbits hide. Alexius looked around before running towards the stunned blonde and grabbed him before Alexius dashed towards his home.

  "Come with me!! Hurry!!" Alexius told the blonde, who despite being scared, just masked it with irritation before muttering to himself. "This better be worth my time".

   After what seems like hours, Alexius sped up once he saw his village. The blonde kid behind him began stumbling from the change of pace before he sped up to catch up with Alexius.

   When they were out in the forest, Alexius dropped on the ground face first and began breathing heavily, but a smile was present on his face. Meanwhile, the blond only held his knees while breathing heavily, not wanting to show how tired he was.

   After catching their breath, Alexius finally stood up. The blonde was about to talk when he flinched and looked at Alexius is surprise when Alexius cheered somewhat loudly.

   "What are you cheering about?" The blonde asked as he stared at the kid, Alexius, infront of him who kept bouncing on his feet with a small smile on his face. Alexius turned to the blonde kid and, accidentally, their eyes met again.

   Their staring was interrupted when a male's voice yelled Alexius' nickname. Alexius flinched and was about to turn around when he was scooped up in a warm and huge embrace. Alexius blushed in embarrassment, because an unknown kid had seen this scene but Alexius didn't have the heart to express it and just let Arthur hug him.

   "You made me worried! We all heard a beast's roar and I remembered that you were outside somewhere. Are you okay? Also is this kid okay?" Arthur began asking worriedly which made Alexius smile.

   "We're okay, papa!! It was so scary!!" Alexius excitedly spoke, which made Arthur chuckled sheepishly at 'scared' Alexius seems. His eyes then turned to the silent blonde who was looking anywhere other than Alexius and Arthur.

   "Who's this kid, Alex?" Arthur asked Alexius, who stopped talking and was about to answer when he froze as he realized that he doesn't know what the blonde's name is.

   "Uh...what's your name?" Alexius asked the blonde with a sheepish grin. The blonde didn't speak immediately and just observed him from head to toe before looking away.

   "...Draco Malfoy" The blonde, now known as Draco Malfoy, said after a few seconds of silence and hesitance. Suddenly, in Draco's peripheral view, he saw the taller boy, who the older man called, Alex, extending his hand for a handshake.

   "Well my name is Alexius Thompson. Nice to meet you, Draco" Alexius said, his sapphire doe eyes squinted as he let out a soft smile. Draco seemed stunned at his appearance, before he  slowly extends his hand and shook Alexius' hand.



   Unbeknownst to the both of them, their meeting is the start of their journey towards their future.

¹ Oakbrook – A fictional village that I created. It is supposed to be situated in the outskirts of the Totteridge Town in Hertfordshire, in England.

² Totteridge Town in Hertfordshire, England – A real place in England. You can look it up for more info since I don't want to provide a wrong one!!

┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍

Thank you for reading Chapter 1!! I hope it caught your interest enough for you to want it to continue.

Also Draco is 8 years old here, while Alexius is 9 years old. So may I ask if Draco was OOC?

Remember to comment if you want this story to continue. The deadline would be until November 20, so comment if you want it or not!!

Thank you again. Take care and Have a nice day, everyone!!

Love, Shinzo♡♡♡

Shinzo11creators' thoughts