
[BL] Going Back All Over Again and Again

Kevin woke up in a hospital for the third time in his 17 years old body. He glanced at the mirror and saw his young and innocent face indifferently, the turn to looked at his younger brother that betrayed him on his last life. Then closed his eyes unwilling to live his days anymore. ... But once the sun rose up, he still opened his eyes just to see his childhood sweetheart already taken over by a stranger. Kevin : "..." Surrendering himself to fate, he closed his eyes again. But not even a minutes passed when he opened it again, because he heard a sound calling him from below his bed. "Meow~" He looked down to see his cat squatting down staring at him with it's big silver eyes. Then it opens its mouth. And unbelievably said a word. Ash : "Don't looked at that 'body stealing bitch', Kevin. I'm here!! Kevin : "..." He closed his eyes again, still can't believe his sweetheart turn into his cat... Worst of all... It was a male cat!! ... Ash : "It's fine Kevin. This way, I can top you whenever!" Kevin did not want to open his eyes at all! But he did not know when, but his cat suddenly turned into a big man and swiftly pushed him to bed. Ash : "It's fine Kevin. I won't be able to do this, of I'm still a girl. At least I'm taking initiative right~" And so, without opening his eyes, Kevin succumb to his fate and let his destiny follows that path that he failed to venture in from all his past lives. *** TRIGGER WARNING: ((PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)) DEPRESSIVE CONTENT AND SOME DISTURBING SCENES AND NARRATIVE 。◕‿◕。

Aachiin0914 · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 19 : Peaceful Days (3)*

Kevin stayed in his room all day, every day. Even when Adrianne came to visit him, Adrianne could only see and talk to Kevin if he will come to his room. Kevin became a lazy bum, who is like a NEET that didn't get to see the sun all day.

Of course, there's still Ash. Every day, Ash did his best to make Kevin leave his bed and get out of his room. To no avail every time. All Ash could do is to challenge Kevin to a game often and bet for it. But who made Kevin, this genius be good at everything? And who made Ashley, this former sunflower that was as good as Kevin, be inside the body of a male cat. Kevin wins every challenge, leaving the big proud male cat disheartened, like the whole world just dupe him to bet his only money to lose.

So, as of this day, after losing for the 7th times in a chess game, Ash can't help mope in the corner of the room planting mushrooms.


Looking at the big cat that was doubting his whole life at the corner of the room, Kevin eyes can't help but flash a smile. Actually, Kevin wanted to laugh, but it seems that his face went stiff and his lips refuse to curl up. But there's no denying that within this two day, Kevin was happy and enjoying his time, even though he was just staying inside his room.

"...Ash" the big cat's cute tiny triangular ears twitched, when he heard his Kevin called his name. But he still didn't turn nor answer his call. Ash remember that he was still sulking. So, even if Ash really wanted to coquettish rub his body towards the other and even purr under the other's hand, this big cat will endure.

Despite, being inside the body of a male cat for two life now, Ash still remembers his life as a woman before. Ash can still remember his experienced chasing his Kevin and fight for his attention from his brother before. And Ash is sure that, Kevin will stubbornly be stood more firmly, if he pushes Kevin much harder. That's why, Ash needed Kevin to take the initiative.

Nevertheless, Ash couldn't deny that fact that he was severely shot hard after being beaten 53 times in a row.

For two days, Ash challenge Kevin into games, riddles, puzzles, he knew. But never did he gain any upper hand nor did he almost win against this man. This really broke his pride.

And just then, as he was planting mushrooms in the corner. He remembered that this man experience more than he had. He lived more lifetimes than he lived. That's why he was sulking now.

No matter how much you look at it, this lazy person carries a whole lot of golden finger!



After Kevin find out his big cat's identity, somehow, he kind of understand what he thinking. Though, he still can't understand what Ash is trying to say every time he meows, nevertheless, Kevin still somehow gets it. After all he knew his sweetheart for many lifetimes now. Except from the last time, those previous loops, his Ash was just the same. And right now, Kevin was seeing his sweet heart in this cat. He didn't even think about how his love target is pointed in a wrong species. Kevin didn't love Ashley for her appearance, Kevin love Ashley who ever she is. More so, Kevin's morals were long gone after those repeated tragedies.

Though Kevin was fond of Ashley's petite body and angelic face, but that was before. When that mysterious woman, stole Ashley's body. Every time Kevin saw that woman, he was feeling disgusted that he can't stand facing that woman just for a minute. And even touching her made Kevin wanted to puke.

After all, he knew what that woman did behind Adrianne's back. Even now, Kevin was still thankful that his Ash soul didn't come back to that filthy body.

Don't blame Kevin for thinking like this. Back then, when he witnessed that woman participating in an orgy with his own eyes, he already given up getting that body back.

Just thinking about that day makes the hair in his body stand. He can't help but feel cold. Those were one of his worst days in that life. And he can't help but think how could he not notice his big cat back then.

When Kevin start questioning his past action from his insane past, of course it will follow by many more how, whys, and what ifs that will make him more depressed. Especially, after seeing his big cat still ignoring him, after calling him several times. Kevin heart sank and his body feel cold and his body shivers. His heart beat erratically and he suddenly feel anxious.

'What if Ash didn't come back?'

He already ignored 'her' while being trapped in that cat's body for decades. He recalled that stupid cat that always cling on him, wanting to be brought everywhere he goes. But he was too busy, too preoccupied with those problems that he never has any room to noticed those obvious signs.

Thinking about it, if his Ash really is gone and never came back, then he...really couldn't live anymore.

Fear rush like tidal waves within Kevin's body. His forget to breath and his heart almost stop beating. Kevin's mind goes blank, but he was afraid. And without thinking anything anymore, his body moves on its own. He stood up from his bed and quickly run towards the sulking cat.


Hearing a quick step behind his back, Ash is ecstatic. His ears quickly perk up, unknown what is going on inside his Kevin's mind. His was feeling so proud, his silver eyes shimmers like stars. Ash turned his head to glance at his back without moving his furry body. He opened his mouth and he meow smugly, as of saying that he won this time.

But to Ash's surprised, Kevin hurriedly brought Ash to his tight embrace and swiftly run back to the bed again.

Ash did not know what happened. He was stunned and shocked and could only watched Kevin brought him back to the bed. Kevin stretched out and came inside the blanket. He tightly clung to his cat and curled his body under the covers, as if hiding himself and his cat from the outside.

"Meow~" Ash have an idea what had happened. This past two days, Ash observed Kevin and he knows that he was very insecure and anxious. More than that, he was also paranoid. Couple with his depression, Kevin often experiences relapses whenever he is left alone.

In the last life, as well. Kevin suffered from this kind of relapses, but it is more severe than now. And Ash was somehow thankful for that.


Because, before, Kevin's episodes were sometimes aggressive and dangerous. And Ash is afraid that it will happen again. His presence is a great help, but it is not enough. Ash tried to distract Kevin from his thoughts by playing games. Though, Ash really wanted to have a light and happy conversation with his Kevin. With his cat form that could only meow and purr, it was impossible.

So, every time this kind of thing happens, all Ash could do, is become Kevin's cat pillow. Although, Ash only knew bit and pieces of Kevin's life after undergoing many loops. Ash knew Kevin's biggest regret was 'her'.

His presence will assure him. His body heat will calm him down. And his call will wake him up.

"Meow~" Ash lean over and licked Kevin's chin. Just like this, Ash will comfort his beloved.

'It's okay. I'm here. I'm here.'

After a while, the tight arms that were coiled around the big cat's body, loosened. Kevin's body calmed down and his body straighten up a bit and no longer curled up like a baby. And a little while after that, the two came out of the blanket.

Kevin stayed laying down to his side, but he was no longer clinging tightly around his big cat. However, his black eyes stayed unblinking towards his sweetheart's figure.

Using his paw, Ash wanted to cover Kevin's eyes. He was really embarrassed and feeling shy. He is now in a cat's body but he could still receive Kevin's heated gazed. He reaches out his paw, but was immediately intercepted. Kevin, caught Ash soft paw and squeezed it gently. He, then brought it to his lips and kissed them softly.

Seeing that, Ash has an urge to hide somewhere. If not for his furry face, he bet that his face is now burning red like a tomato. He can't believe what's happening. Ash felt Kevin's soft lips from his paw. His warm breath brushed pass his fur, making not only his paw itch, even his heart.

As Kevin, kissed his big cat's paw, his eyes never left his Ash.

Gulp. Ash felt his mouth dry.

'Gosh! Kevin looks erotically beautiful right now!'

He wanted to turn or shift his gaze somewhere, but he can't help but be mesmerized by Kevin's appearance, right now.

Kevin's eyes were black and dark, but the corner of his eyes was red, as if he just cried. However, he doesn't look like someone who was bullied. More like, Kevin looks like a succubus that is seducing Ash to bid whatever he desires. He kissed the big cat's paw, as if wanting to suck his soul.

'This doesn't seem right!! I already given up long time ago. What's happening now?!!'




Let's have a mini cat theater!!

Ash: "Oh shut up!" Shit! Why does it feel so hot?!

Kevin, that made the temperature high: "Look at me. Why are you adverting your eyes."

The grey cat that turned into a burning tomato: "K-Kevin let go of me."

The oblivious Kevin, that keep raining the soft paw with kisses: "Why?"

The grey cat that keeps burning until smoke came out of his head: "S-stop. Don't look at me like that."

The confused Kevin: "...like 'that'? Tell me, how do I looked at you?"

The light bulb author that was peering through a certain cat's brain: "...hehehe...that's right, Ashy Ash, the grey cat Ash. How did Kevin looked at you?!"

Ash: "Shut up! Go away!"

Author: "Why are you so hot tempered? I didn't do anything."

The fuming cat, Ash: "It's your fault! I still can't speak! I could only meow here, meow there, and meow everywhere!! And when can I have your promised tall, handsome body?!! Looked at my baby right now! That is a look that wants to be push down! But with this furry body, what could I do?!

The overjoyed author: "Good! GOOD! Did you hear that little Kevin?!! He said he wanted to push you down!!! Hehehe~

The said person that who appeared to looked like some who 'wanted to be pushed down': "..." I just kissed your paw. It's not like this is the first time. Why did it turn out like that?

Ash: "I didn't said that stupid author!!"

Author: "you did."

Ash: "I didn't!!!!"

Author: "You DID!!!"

Kevin, who step back from the conversation : "..." I was just calming down from my episodes, why did the topic became like this??

Irritated Cat: "Fine. You win! I did, are you happy now!!! But author if you didn't update fast then I will forever be stuck in this fucking body!!!!!

Author:"hehehe...(٥↼_↼)" ...can't help it, I'm so addicted to fantasy-romance novel, right now. What can I do? (^~^;)ゞ

Author: "Right! Mommy Villainess! Royal Secret: I am a Princess! Written by sola_ cola! They were so good, that I became the Author's fan right away!!!"

The big cat that was just ignored: "..." (눈‸눈)

Kevin, who is long gone to travel towards the fantasy world of dream land: "...". Zzzzzzz

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