
[BL] Going Back All Over Again and Again

Kevin woke up in a hospital for the third time in his 17 years old body. He glanced at the mirror and saw his young and innocent face indifferently, the turn to looked at his younger brother that betrayed him on his last life. Then closed his eyes unwilling to live his days anymore. ... But once the sun rose up, he still opened his eyes just to see his childhood sweetheart already taken over by a stranger. Kevin : "..." Surrendering himself to fate, he closed his eyes again. But not even a minutes passed when he opened it again, because he heard a sound calling him from below his bed. "Meow~" He looked down to see his cat squatting down staring at him with it's big silver eyes. Then it opens its mouth. And unbelievably said a word. Ash : "Don't looked at that 'body stealing bitch', Kevin. I'm here!! Kevin : "..." He closed his eyes again, still can't believe his sweetheart turn into his cat... Worst of all... It was a male cat!! ... Ash : "It's fine Kevin. This way, I can top you whenever!" Kevin did not want to open his eyes at all! But he did not know when, but his cat suddenly turned into a big man and swiftly pushed him to bed. Ash : "It's fine Kevin. I won't be able to do this, of I'm still a girl. At least I'm taking initiative right~" And so, without opening his eyes, Kevin succumb to his fate and let his destiny follows that path that he failed to venture in from all his past lives. *** TRIGGER WARNING: ((PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)) DEPRESSIVE CONTENT AND SOME DISTURBING SCENES AND NARRATIVE 。◕‿◕。

Aachiin0914 · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 16 : Twins*

As the stars sings silent lullaby, the silver light penetrated the large window gently touching the young man sleeping peacefully under the covers of the soft blankets.

Then, from under the blankets, a small bump slowly moving towards the edge, coming out from underneath.

Puff. A round soft grey bundle emerge.

Ash stretched his body as he stands up while looking around the room. His eyes sharp and cautious. When he saw the dark room, he was very anxious. Ash stayed within Kevin's dream for so long, he felt a little disoriented. He though, he was still; inside a dream. Kevin's dreams were all very realistic, that it seems like the real world, so, when Ash saw the familiar dark room that he missed, Ash felt a little overwhelm and he can't get used to it immediately. But then, from outside the window he saw the moon.

Sighing, Ash turned to looked at the young man gleefully sleeping by his side. Seeing that, the big cat can't help but smile. His mouth shaped 'w' grew more noticeable, and his silver eyes turned soft and gentler.

Hearing Kevin's gentle and even breathing, Ash finally heaves a sigh of relief. He walked closer and rub his nose against Kevin's cheek. Then, stared at Kevin again. But, somehow, as Ash gazed at the sleeping beauty at the bed, his grey fur puffed out. Looking like a frightened cat, he hid under the covers of the blankets again.

Shifting his position under there blankets, Ash eyes glow in the dark. His eyes watched the sleeping Kevin with burning gaze. But it was just for a moment. Using his paws, he covered his eyes shut.

Ash wanted to scream loud. He was shy, Ash was super shy. At the same time, he was feeling envious.

Sighing, he came out of the blankets again. With wide dewy eyes, Ash went closer and lick the corner of Kevin's lips.

As if he felt something, Kevin reached out his hands and embraced the soft and warm bundle of fur. Settling himself under all those furs, Kevin quietly fell under the sleeping spell again.

On the other hand, Ash can't help but feel shy once more. He wanted to bury himself and hide, but his desire to be with Kevin won.

Nevertheless, as he thought back, he can't help but cheer.

They were getting married! There was a day when the two of them was about to get married!

Letting out an affectionate purr, Ash closed his eyes. Savoring the conversation, he had with Kevin in that nightmare, Ash let out a soft meow.

He felt a little regret though. He wishes he could remember those past too.

Oh well. It doesn't matter anymore. Those nightmares, Ash won't let them happened again.




Tap! Tap! Tap! Vigorous tapping rang across the dimmed room with only the light from the computers are lit up. Ronald sat in front of his three computers, wearing a huge prescription glasses, and a cigarette in between his lips Wordlessly, his hands flew unstoppable on the keyboard. Within Roland's glasses reflected sophisticated codes that keep emerging on the screen.

The usual gentle smile on his face was now gone. His eyes were serious and his lips thinned. Roland sips on his cigarette and let out a puffed of smoke, but his fingers and hands still didn't stop. He keeps working on his computers with full concentration, until his cell phone rings.

"~♪♪" hearing his phone, Roland halted his hands for a second, but continued by the next seconds. Using his left hand, he took the cigarette off his lips after taking a hard sip and extinguished it on the ashtray resting on the small cabinet beside him. While his right hand, still continue typing away on the keyboard.

His cell phone as still ringing. Right after getting rid the cigarette, picked up his still ringing phone, without looking who the caller is, he answered it in loud speaker. He put it down on the table and continue typing with both hands.

["Took you long time to answer. No, more like, didn't expect you to answer my call. Should I consider myself lucky. "]

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Roland couldn't help but frown. His hands froze, and he stopped typing. He wanted to directly hang up the phone, but while he was thinking of doing that, the person on the other end already guesses what he was doing.

["Want to hang up on me? Don't think about it, bro. I call in peace, and for the sake of the world."]

Roland frowned even more. "You have been working at Valentine Corp for so many years, and yet despite of that, it seems that the young master just wasted his time educating you."

A chuckled sounded from the other end, Roland gritted his teeth, thinking the other just took his words as amusement and didn't take it to heart. This man is always like this. Nevertheless, he can't deny this man's ability. If one could ignore this person's incredibly irritating personality then, without a doubt, Roland could say that this man is outstanding.

A chuckled sounded from the other end, Roland gritted his teeth, thinking the other just took his words as amusement and didn't take it to heart. This man is always like this. Nevertheless, he can't deny this man's ability. If one could ignore this person's incredibly irritating personality then, without a doubt, Roland could say that this man is outstanding.

["Heh. At least the young master spend time educating me, unlike you. Did you get that kind of privilege?"]

Annoyed, Roland typed more aggressively on his keyboard. "If you keep talking nonsense, I really going to hang up. Speak. Why did you call? If you want some news, then forget about it."

["When did I say I called you to asked for the young master? I called to remind you to be careful. But it seems that it wasn't necessary. Still, I warn you anyway. That slag thrash is still looking for his son. And very vigorously. Should I tell you that the company isn't doing really good?"]

"You don't need to."

["of course, as expected of Roland, the loyal butler and the right-hand man of Kevin Valentine. Oh, should I add your job as Adrianne's lap dog in your resume?"]

Roland hand twitched when he heard Simon's last words. He stopped tying and pinched his knitted brows. This is why he hated talking to this d*mb*ss. He really knows how to talk.

"What do you want?"

["You know what I want, Ronald. It's been, what, almost a month since the boss disappear. What did you tell me? You said it was not serious and that he just hit his head. I hit my head once, no twice. My head was stitched but I didn't need to be hospitalized. I understand that boss is the boss. But I knew he wasn't that fragile. I only need news, an update! Is that hard?! He's my boss too, you know."]

Roland was silenced and didn't know what to say. He hated this guy, but it was his fault for not contacting him these past few days. This ma was still his little prince's subordinate. In fact, they were the same.

They were both picked up Kevin. Not just him and tis d*mb*ass, there are others as well. But he didn't really like this guy. Especially this guy has a tongue that always poke on the edge of the knife.

["Roland, my man~ you should know how hard my work is. That thrashed scum is crazy enough, do you want me to turn insane as well. Believe me, Roland, if I really turned crazy because of the boss' father then I guarantee, I will bother you till you can't differentiate what 0 and 1 anymore. I will be a nuisance in your life!"]

"No thanks, you are already one." Sighing, Roland rubs his temples and stared at the screens that's filled with 0s and 1s, and can't help but fell his vein thumping on his forehead. "Fine." Roland swears in his heart.

"You don't need to ask nor call me anymore. By the looks of it, the young master doesn't have plan of going back any more. If you want to resign, then resign! You know where the others are. If you have any more question just ask them."

["W-what? What do you mea-"]

"Oh. By the way." He added, cutting off Simon who was still confused and didn't let him utter another word. "Adrianne, that punk. You don't have to worry about him anymore. If you still weren't certain about what to do, just ask him. Or just head towards the others. I'm sure they will give you time enough for you not to feel bored." And then he hanged up, and with a speed impossible for others. Roland blocked Simon.

Heaving a deep sigh, Roland looked at his unfinished work and somehow lost his mood to continue. Checking the time, it's already 7 o'clock in the evening. "…its time for dinner", he murmurs.

Just as Roland was about to go out of his room, to prepare for the little prince's dinner, his phone began to ring again.

"~♪♪" Roland really wanted to curse. He thought it was Simon again. But then, he remembers he blocked that d*mb*ass number already.so, without another choice, he takes a look who have guts to call him at this time.

And it turns out, it was his sister. his twin sister, Rebecca.

Another head ache. 'What is she planning now?' While wondering that, he answered the call. Roland have yet to put his phone by his ear, he could already hear loud noises coming from the other side.

Frowning, Roland impatiently asked, "Where are you now? Don't tell me, you in those messy places again. I told you not to contact 'those' friends of yours again. Hey. Can you hear me? Rebecca!"

The other side still didn't respond, but Roland can hear music, cheers and shouts getting louder and louder. He checks the time again; his patience was already spent talking to Simon. Roland don't want to deal with his sister now. Roland almost ended the call, when he heard his sister's overly cheerful and intoxicated voice.

["...Haiyooo~ Bruder~"] her words were unclear, adding the chaotic background noise, Roland don't know what she was saying. She seems, drunk. No, it's not seems, she definitely is.


["Broda! Come're will yah!!"]


["My fwendss…"]

["YEAH! GOOO!!!!"]

["they wanted to get to know you."]

Roland head ache even more. ["You know, I'm poooopular nooow~ Yeah! Come On! They wanted to this run way queen's twin brother. There's many girls here, I know you will like it!!"]

"No." decisively refusing, Roland walks out of his room. "I still have to prepare dinner. So, I'm hanging up."

["What the hell!! You're still serving that broken man!"] Roland knew his sister is drunk, but her careless words really infuriate him. His hand holding the phone tightens.

"Don't forget who brought us back from that dumpster, Rebecca." He couldn't help but remind his sister again.

["I DON'T CARE!! I DON'T CARE!! WE HAVE MONEY ALREADY! You could leave that mansion anytime you want. Why the bloody f*ck do you all insist on being a servant, when we don't really need to anyway!!!"]

Click. The call was hanged up.

'What' s wrong with people today?' Roland felt weirded out. The little prince just came back from the hospital, and these people decided to trouble him today out of many days there are in a week. He can't help but suspect that they planned it to destroy his day.

Still, her sister 's words have a point. No one really ask them to stay. Their parents insisted to work even though they already have enough money to be able to live comfortable for a lifetime without working. But Roland knew, their parents just wanted to repay the little prince kindness from those past years when they were still stuck in the mud.

Roland could still vividly remember that time. It was like a movie, at the same time like a dream.

In the dark evening of October, the red and yellow leaves of falling maple rain into the ground as the cold wind shout the coming winter. Roland with very thick clothing, like a snow man wearing rainbows, walked humbly as he went through another tough night in his part time jobs.

With thick eye bags, pale and thin body that barely ate anything, he carried himself as he walked along the pedestrian. He still needed to go to his last job at the bar, so, even he was already exhausted and tired, he had to endure. As a boy and as the eldest of the twins, he wanted to help his parents. He didn't want his sister, Rebecca to shoulder the pain of working different jobs every day or to quit school. That's why he persists. While, his twin sister was going to school, leisurely completing her high school, diploma Ronald was doing jobs from all corners of the alleys.

Mr. Rich, their father came from a very poor family. He fell in love with our mother because of one loaf of bread. Mrs. Rich was a baker, who work at her parents' bakery. On the other hand, their father is nothing but an orphan who dug garbage to feed himself and his little brother. Almost starving to death, their father was saved by a fresh half- baked bread my mother baked for her first try. That bread was supposed to be thrown at the trashed at that time, because it can't be serving to customers nor can be eaten.

Who would know, this half-baked bread will be the thread that would tie their fates together?

Mrs. Rich's parents were kind people. They only wished for their daughter's happiness. Though their father didn't go to school, or don't have a decent background. Doesn't have a house or property in his name, they accepted him. They got married and mother borne twins; Roland and Rebecca. They lived happy and simple life as one big family.

However, that didn't last long. Mrs. Rich's parents died in a fire at the bakery. It was arson, and the culprit was Mr. Rich's younger brother. After that younger brother was imprisoned, Mr. Rich received a million-dollar debt notice. It turns out that not only did that younger brother burned is brother's family bakery and killed his parents in law, he also cheated his brother by using his name when he came to debt companies for money.

The twins were only 15 years old when that happen. After graduating middle school, Roland quit school and didn't think of going to high school any more. He went around doing jobs. However, because he was still a minor, no one wants to hire him. There were those, that have low pay part time jobs, but it will take forever to pay their debts if Roland took those. So, he went down towards alley where everything illegal occurs. There he could earn hundred dollars in just one day.

He had seen everything there, but his family, of course did not know. He worked for an underground boss before and barely escape unscathed. However, that's already in the past.

That night, Ronald already reached his limit and collapse on the street. As if no one saw him, they all evaded his fallen body that was burning with fever. He thought he was going to die that night, but just like what happened to all TV dramas his sister like to watched. He even thought it was very cliche.

Why would one commit their entire life for just one person just because that person have them bread to eat? His parents were also the same. When he was a child, he like to asked this very question to his father, but didn't understand his answer.

Now he knew the answer.

With his blurry and persisting consciousness, Ronald was approached by his prince. A beautiful boy, wearing elegant and exquisite clothes, with a thick book in his embrace– like a prince that got lost and found some puppy shivering in the corner of the street. Ronald was picked up by little Kevin.

When Ronald woke up again, he was at the hospital. He didn't know what happened, but his prince already hired his parents as a worker in their mansion. He also paid their debt full and Ronald was able to study again.

Of course, that was just the summary, but the thing is, Ronald too, was in a situation where he was in deep loyalty towards Kevin, his savior, like any yakuza/ gang TV series. The melancholic prince, that smile despite having full bloody wounds on his hands from the strict training brought by his tyrant father– he is Ronald's master.


Basking under the dimmed light of the disco ball. With the music playing as loud as it could, and with people dancing like waves in the ocean– there Rebecca stood within the center unmoving, wearing an extremely angry face.

Today, a second-generation nouveau riche invited many stars and models for his birthday. Rebecca, who was crown as the new runway queen, was of course invited as well. More so, this nouveau riche is one of 'those' friends Roland speak of, so she has to be here.

Everyone in the circle knew, the famous Rebecca have a twin brother, but no one had seen him before, even a picture. Roland who could walk freely at the internet of course easily erase everything about him on the internet. So, they only knew bits and pieces from rumors and from Rebecca's mouth.

Tonight, after Rebecca lost to a drinking bet, that very nouveau riche dares her to call his brother right here and there. Rebecca, muddled by alcohol called his brother, just to be harshly rejected. She lost her cool and throw a tantrum.

There's a rumor that Rebecca is one of those- a princess who just wanted to experienced life as a celebrity. They say she lived in a big mansion and is very wealthy, and she really is. Nevertheless, as if there's a big force stopping the media from digging her background, it was never really confirmed. In the end, all curious inquiries cease.

After being refused and dismissed by er brother in front of many people, Rebecca felt her face ache. She felt that she loses face in front of her friend. her mood to party was destroyed and she doesn't want to dance nor drink anymore. She strode out of the dance floor and went straight to the bathroom.

Rebecca felt her inside burned. She really wants to ripped open the head of those three wanting to know what they are thinking. She wanted to move out for a very long time. Though she was living in a mansion, did she own it? No! She has bought condos and apartments using her own money, but it was wasted, since she can't even live there permanently.

She was already this old, but her idiot brother watches her closely and strictly, and it wasn't even for her own sake, ah!

Rebecca really ant take it anymore. She isn't like her brother and parents who fell a debt of gratitude towards those two young masters. Rebecca just felt suffocated staying there. That mansion seems like a cage to her. She wanted to destroy that cage and get out, like a free bird.

But she doesn't have that capabilities.

Looking at the mirror, Rebecca saw her sexy and exquisite face. She wore thicker make up today, her lips are blooming red, and so is er dress. She wore a very sexy neck sleeves mini dress, for this bar party. This dress almost exposes all her hidden parts, but she likes it.

Every time men look at her with obvious desire, she felt happy. The same goes towards girls, who look at her with envy and hate. She felt proud.

It was only then that she felt like she belongs.

After calming down and let the influence of alcohol leave, Rebecca went to retouch her make up. All this time, many girls already went in and out of the bathroom. Somewhere still conscious and aware of their surrounds, while some were already delirious because of alcohol. Rebecca didn't care about them, nor she spare them a glace.

While Rebecca was busy drawing her brows, inside of her bag, her personal phone suddenly rang. It was a very distinct ringtone she set for people in her brother's circle. Though, she has numbers from her brother's friends, it was just for the sake of courtesy, and of course, connection. Because every friend of her brother were all big personalities.

She took her from out of her small bag, and was greeted by surprise. Gazing at her phone, she read the name calling her all over again.

She laughs scornfully as she let her phone rings.

"Why is the bitch calling me now?" She knew this bitch hates her. No, more like, she doesn't even appear like a speck of dust in her eyes.

That's why, she was really surprised. Why is she calling her?

Should she answer?

Hesitating a bit. She still answered. Before the music died down, she swipes her phone to answer.

"What do you want, Ashley Lawrence?"

Finished binged reading ", "BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie" and finally have time to write– or not!

I found an amusing and interesting comedy BL again –"I’m a little cutie not a bossy CEO" – they almost have similar title right. But they're not the same!! This one is a comedy!

I just started reading and was just staring searching for the raw, since there's only 14 translated chapters.

Hehehe. I can't stop reading.

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