
My Costar has something to tell me

Xie Bian refuses to elaborate, and only demands that Yao Shen get to the Wuji pavilion at once, because the ghost is growing more annoying by the second.

"I'm getting really tired of our evening plans being interrupted," he grumbles, while putting on some clothes. He has walked all over Youdu in his pyjamas often enough.

Xin Hulei, who's also getting dressed, offers him an enigmatic smile. "I'll make it up to you."

And just like that, Yao Shen isn't that bothered anymore.

He opens a doorway for them, and the next moment they step into Youdu. 

The sky above their heads shimmers in its perpetual twilight, and the faint scent of fruit that has gone ripe in the sun fills their nostrils.