
[Being rewritten]

Gremmy lives on the streets and has never gotten anything good. Well, that is about to change. He stumbles upon a mysterious figure standing behind a table. The figure tells him that he can take one of the potions. Gremmy takes it and finds himself in the body of the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux. As he begins to understand what is happening he begins to make his own plans and refuses to be a pawn in the Quincy King's plans. _________________________________ The other account was also mine and I got a mess and decided to post it here. This is not a copy or something. It is mine.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

The cat vs the bee

In another part of the Seireitei, we find our Main Character sitting on a tree and looking at the two women in front of him. They look at each other for a moment and then ...

... both attack at the same time. 

Their kick meets in the middle before they separate and stand on opposing tree branches. Both of them smile at each other. Both think that they are going to win and get away without a problem.

Well ... they're both wrong. Because the cat has just dug her own grave and made the biggest mistake. She took Toji with her because she thought he was on the opposing side. 

That was her biggest mistake yet. The second one was telling the Ryoka that he was the weakest Captain. Today someone would bleed ... a lot.

"I see ... You haven't gotten any stronger, for someone who's spent so many years in hiding.", Soi Fon provokes Yoruichi.

"You on the other hand ...seems like you've let your skills get rather dull.", Yoruichi shoots right back.

"I've noticed there was a Shihoin clan symbol on the Tentoken flying cloak that Ryoka kid was wearing. You gave it to him, didn't you?"

"That's right. He was able to fly in order to save Rukia.", Yoruichi said.

"As the clan appointed to be the Tenshiheisoban Defender of the Realm, the Shihoin clan sure has become corrupt. The clan will lose its place as one of the Four Great Noble Clans if they find out you were supporting the Ryoka. The fall of a great family is not pretty, including the Shiba Clan."

"You sure are talkative today. Are you excited to see your senior that you've adored after so many years? Or are you expressing your usual pent-up anger? Well? Chief Commander of the Stealth Force?", Yoruichi taunted.

"Was it too much of a burden for you, being my successor?"

"Don't flatter yourself. Acting as if you're still my senior ... I'm the one who's in charge of the Stealth Force and the Punishment Force.", Soi Fon says and grabs her Zanpakuto.

"Your time has passed, Yoruichi Shihoin!"

Yoruichi is surrounded by members of the Stealth Force. 

"This is the difference between you and me now. As you already know, when the leader of the Punishment Force draws her sword, an execution battle is imminent. Any and all who oppose the leader must die. That includes even the former leader! 

You threw away the title, you have no place to escape, Yoruichi."

In an explosive movement, Yoruichi jumps into action and knocks down all members of the Stealth Force that stand around her. 

"You sure underestimate me. I did throw away the title, but ... there is another title I don't remember relinquishing.", Yoruichi boasts.

"Flash Master Yoruichi."


Soi Fon rips the sleeves off her uniform and then takes off her Captain's Haori. 

"Then you leave me no choice! I will strip that other title from you with my own hands!"

"The Keisen uniform, the uniform of the leader of the PUnishment Force. That attire takes me back.", Yoruichi says.

"Does it make you remember the past?"

"A little ..."

"Don't hold back ... Reminisce further. And compare ... which one of us is the better warrior?!"

"My god ... would you two start already ... you sound like some dudes that compare dick sizes or something. Stop babbling and begin. My popcorn is running out and I don't want to go get more before we're finished here.", Toji says from the side where he sits on a hammock with popcorn in his hands.

The two ladies don't care about him and instead attack each other.

They both exchange fast strikes with hands and feet. They both show why they are known for their Hakuda and Hoho skills. 

"It seems I've taken a hit... One for one. It looks like we're even, Yoruichi!", Soi Fon says after they separate.

"Have you gotten some trick hidden in your uniform? Your movements improved, Soi Fon."

"A trick you say? Is that what you think? Really?" 

Raising her speed, Soi Fon appears behind Yoruichi and activates her Zanpakuto.

"Sting all enemies to death ... Suzumebachi." 

She then stabs Yoruichi in the stomach after the latter attempts to escape, resulting in a rather deep wound as well as a butterfly-shaped stamp on Yoruichi's body.

"Do you not think that I might be better than you? Did you not think that maybe I was holding back earlier? You thought someone like me would never have anything to hold back against you? I told you not to flatter yourself. I'm stronger than you!

Pay the price of being away from the battlefront for a hundred years with your life, Yoruichi!"

"Yoruichi, do you remember the power of my Suzumebachi? The Homonka ... Its death mark etched onto the body of the target with the first attack. I hadn't perfected it when you were still around. 

But over the last hundred years, it has finally become complete! Better run away so as not to take a second hit, Yoruichi. The Suzumebachi's killing power is in the second strike! If I hit you in the same place twice ...

... You'll die!", Soi Fon explains her Zanpakuto powers in typical Bleach fashion.


Soi Fon uses Flash Step again and appears behind Yoruichi. 

"Here comes the second attack, Yoruichi!"

Soi Fon manages to hit Yoruichi on her back and shoulder. Yoruichi runs away and keeps moving to not allow Soi Fon another chance to hit her. 

Soi Fon chases after her, telling her that the Homonka used to last an hour, but now only disappears if she wishes. 

Yoruichi distracts her with Anken, two black blades and attempts to attack directly, but Soi Fon restrains her mid-attack and manages to inflict another wound on Yoruichi's cheek.



(Toji POV)

What a boring fight this is. First, they wait for all eternity to attack each other and throw insults at each other and then ... everything goes so fast. 

I'm not sure how long this will take but my mood is not getting better at this rate. What will I do when they're finished? I will have to fight Yoruichi as well, but then the little bee might also help her.

But to get a fight, she has to be in a fighting condition. 

"Do you understand now?", Soi Fon asks her, "I am better than you."

I have to agree with the chibi on this one. She seems to be more skilled than Yoruichi at the moment. Sure she has her Shikai activated but still ... she is winning right now.

Deciding to finish Yoruichi off with her newly created technique, Soi Fon activates her incomplete Shunkō. A technique she believes she came up with. But that isn't the case. 

"Do you know why that Keisen uniform doesn't cover the back or shoulders? It's because there's no need for it. When this technique is used in its perfected form, a dense Kido envelops the user's back and shoulders. 

By detonating it, the Kido power is forced to the arms and legs. In other words, once this technique is activated, any fabric on the back and shoulders would be blown off!", Yoruichi explains. 

Shocked and enraged by this revelation, Soi Fon continues to attack Yoruichi while recalling their past together, only for Yoruichi to completely overpower her. 

With Yoruichi's fist held inches from her face, Soi Fon finally breaks down.

"Why? Why didn't you take me with you? Lady Yoruichi ..."



(3rd Person POV)

"I think this is enough of that.", Toji says as he walks towards the two.

"Captain Fushiguro ... are you also going to fight me?", Yoruichi asks with a smile on her face.

"You know I wasn't going to initially. But now ... things have changed. You see imagine my surprise when one of the Ryoka comes to the Eight Divison barracks and then calls me the WEAKEST Captain, because some 'Mr. Yoruichi' told him so.", Toji says.

"I can see that you understand what I mean. That's good. You see normally I wouldn't care about such things but when a HUMAN who has had his powers for about a week max calls me that because you spout such bullshit, then I get unhappy."

Yoruichi was tense. She thought Toji was one of the weaker Captains, but he had to be somewhat capable as a student of Yamamoto. She wasn't in a good condition right now so ...

"Are you thinking stupid things again? Well then ... let us start, shall we?", Toji said.

He grabbed his Zanpakuto and unsheathed it. His presence changed right there. From the slightly goofy, chill guy to a dangerous and deadly man. 

In a burst of speed he flashed behind Yoruichi and cut through her body. He then sheathed his sword again.

Yoruichi was surprised as she just saw her life flash before her eyes. She touched her body and ... there weren't any wounds ... none at all!!! 

"How?", she asked.

"You see, I used to be the Lieutenant of Captain Unohana. There were two reasons for that. The first one was because of my Zanpakuto. See, Jūtai no Utagaki is a peculiar breed. It is not happy with the way reality restricts it, so it simply changes it.

Whatever Jūtai no Utagaki cuts or infuses with my spirit energy, is under its control and is susceptible to its power. The power to change any and all matter however I wish..."


What a broken power. So that was what pushed Fushiguro to the rank of Captain!! These were the thoughts of Yoruichi. 

"That's scary indeed. Then what's the second reason?", she asked.

"That's not important. The important part is that you're now healed and you have no excuse to complain when I hurt you."


"I will break you, Yoruichi Shihoin ... like a KitKat bar ..."

"... What?"

"Enough talk. We're going to fight now. Prepare yourself, girl. This has been long overdue.", Toji said and started to walk towards her. 

Yoruichi prepared herself. It seemed she had underestimated this man. Captain Fushiguro ... what a dangerous ability he had. But it seemed like he was arrogant and wasn't going to use his Zanpakuto. So she had a chance.

Yoruichi attacked first. She Shunpo'ed behind Toji and punched out multiple times. Her speed and strength were impressive but ...

... Toji was no longer there. 

His voice was heard right next to her ear.


Yoruichi was suddenly scared. This was ... unreal speed. Something like this was beyond mere Captain-level speed. She put some distance between them. 

"Why are you putting so much distance between us? I apologise for using the words of another but it is useful in this situation. 

If you want to make sure it hits me, then you should get close and punch or kick me. Or is it that you're afraid of letting even a part of me out of your field of vision by getting close? 

If that's the case, then it's a foolish thought. Distance only has meaning in a fight between equals. With you and I ... distance holds no meaning at all. 

Watch ... If I do this ...", Toji said and in the seemingly same moment the 's' was heard Toji already was in front of Yoruichi, "... my hand is almost instantly at your heart."



(Yoruichi POV)

My eyes widened and I was scared. For the first time in centuries, I was truly scared of something. What was this speed? How did he get so close to me without me noticing? 

"Are you doubting your own senses? Don't worry ... this is all real. I'm not like that prissy Sosuke. I don't need an illusion to get something done. And he wouldn't either.", he said. 

"Wait! Then you ..."

"Yes ... I knew..."