
Chapter - 12 Tall Tales

Doesn't look like this is going well…

Jack followed the group back to their leader in a very uncomfortable silence. The men positioned themselves with himself in the center of the group. It's probably to keep me from running off. Jack thought with a twinge of anger, a frown slowly forming on his face. He hated being coerced into anything. Calm down Jack, deep breaths, these guys shouldn't be too bad.

A few minutes passed before the group made it back to the front of micro mountain. The group leader noticed them immediately the moment they came around the corner. He also didn't miss the fact that the group was one member larger.

The group approached the leader who was clearly expecting a report. Completely ignoring Jack, the leader turned to Henry. "Report"

Henry stood straight and looked the leader in the eyes. "The area does appear to be ideal for a camp. The nearby trees on the east side are quite small and can be taken down in the future if expansion is necessary. The area is also quite close to the only river we've discovered so far. This could solve both our food and water needs sir. To top it off, this huge rock should work quite well as a landmark and scouting tower."

The leader remained silent for a moment. "Let's see what the other group finds before we set off back to camp." The man then turned around and began to walk in the other direction to better see the other group of scouts as they returned.

"Wait sir! Um… What about him?" Pausing the man turned back to see that Henry had jerked his thumb back in the direction of Jack, the man gave a short response. "Another rescue? We'll take him back to camp with us when we leave. We need manpower. This isn't the first time we've taken in idiots who thought they could survive on their own in this hell."

Jack felt the flames of rage and indignation ignite in his chest at those words. Who says someone couldn't survive out here on their own? He'd done it for at least a few days, albeit with a couple close calls, but he came out stronger than ever. Jack pushed the feeling down. Now wasn't the time for petty anger. He needed to reign in his emotions and get through this. Who knows? Maybe going with this group could turn out to be a good thing.

*Thump Thump Thump* The rhythmic thumping of men running could be heard from the other side of micro mountain. The group Jack was by were immediately alert and ready. Soon the second group of scouts came around the corner, exhaustion and fear evident on their faces. All of them were out of breath and barely stumbled towards the scout leader. "What happened? Why are you running?" Henry asked the leader of the second scout group.

The man continued to breathe heavily as he tried to catch his breath. A few moments later he managed to speak. "We *gasp* need to leave. Giant monster *gasp* near the river." The man returned to focusing on catching his breath.

A few minutes later the scout leader looked at the man who had just now caught his breath enough to speak clearly. "Tell me everything"

Exhausted, the man recounted what they'd seen, fear and hesitation clearly written on his face. "There was a clearing in the direction of the river. There's blood everywhere and at least a few dozen trees were completely pulverized! Whatever did that isn't something we can handle. We need to leave now!" *PAH*

The man's fearful shouts were cut short as the leader of the scout parties slapped him across the face. "You idiot, if there really is something out here that could do all of that do you really want to get its attention with all your yelling?"

The second scout leader calmed down and continued describing the scene.

During the commotion Henry threw a glance to Jack. In a quiet voice he asked what he'd been wondering since the start. "The bear?". Jack nodded. "Probably".

There wasn't a probably about it, Jack knew for a fact that the bear and the giant snake caused that catastrophe. Clearly the bear managed to get itself together after its deadly conflict.

Due to the lack of anything being said about a giant snake, it was also clear to Jack that the snake was either taken by the bear or some other horror of this forest. Jack hoped it was the former.

The scout leader didn't miss this interaction. Holding his hand up for silence, the second scout leader stopped his fearful ranting. "You. What do you know?" The man glared down at Jack waiting for an answer. Again, the man managed to raise the elusive anger from Jack's chest. I really don't like this guy…

Jack began telling his doctored version of the events a few days prior. "It's probably the giant bear I told Henry about. I was fishing in the river when it found me and chased me through the forest. I doubt I could have gotten out alive if it wasn't for something ticking the bear off. Pretty sure there was territorial brawl or something."

The man turned to Henry. "You believe this?" Henry squinted for a moment before seeming to make up his mind. "I think I do. At least it would make sense considering what we just heard."

The rest of the scouts didn't like this news. Some were shuffling in anxiety, some where sweating and a few had wide eyes, unable to believe what they'd just heard.

"Seems like it's time to head back to camp. Everyone pick up your gear and be ready to leave in 5." Despite seeming calm, the man continuously sent glances in the direction of the river.

After a short break for the scouts to gather their equipment and for the second group to catch their breath, the scouts set out in formation.

Changed format here due to suggestion.

TheRealExcreators' thoughts