

[Timeskip: 100 years later (90 years left until canon)]

"Hey! Danny, you Have to put the log right there not there!" I said to a Golem with a lean body and looked more humanoid but with smooth rock skin.

I call these Golems my Civilian type golems, my future citizens. And my Defence golems would be like Frank. I have created 5 types of Golems. Civilian, defence, Attack, speed and flight. These golems will be the make up to my future kingdom. The Kingdom of Gaia. I wanted to be original, not just use what my Kingdom looks like the dirt kingdom or whatever. I prefer the Kingsom of Gaia.

"Sorry my King, I am just citizen type golem.. I don't have the proper strength to lift up this log.." he said looking at the Log. It was just enough for a fire.

I looked at him blankly, "Danny, Stop bullshiting, any of my Golems have at least enough strength to crack a boulder with a punch."

He deflated and picked up the Log with ease and walked away to the giant camp fire I had situated in the middle of the island.

I rub my face tiredly. Citizen type Golems are the most physically lazy golems in my arsenal. They would easily do a retail job or a office job. But manual labour? They would try and get a way out by anyway possible.

"Just ninety more years." I said with a grin. I flex my bicep. "These muscles shall attract all the girls to me.." I said patting my bicep.

I looked up at the stars that were lighting up the dark sky.

Today was bonfire night. We do this every year at around winter time, In Ooo, the seasons don't change much they only get a bit hotter or a bit colder. Thats why you naver see finn in anything but his adventure outfit, though there are bits of Ooo that are cold as hell, Ice kingdom for example.

I begin to walk to the middle of the island and see about twenty different Golems gathered around a giant bonfire.

"Hello future citizens of the Gaia Kingdom! Tonight we hold our annual cerebration at the near end of a year!" I announce getting cheers from the Golems.

I made it so my Golems have a life span of 150 years old, this is so they learn to live their lives as preciously as possible.

Frank for example is now an Elder he only has 40 years left until his death of old age. He Instructs the Defence Golems of my future kingdom.

When Golems age they look older, Defence type Golems for example shrink and become more weak. civilian type golems just age like humans would except have about 50 more years to their lifespan.

Throughout the rest of the night we laughed and celebrated the near end of a year, We drunk Mercury which is our version of alcohol, highly poisonous to organic species like humans but to us? A nice night haha.

I sat next to one of my five elders Frank and patted him on the back.

"Listen Frank, I am sorry that you and your fellow Elders have to live on this island for the last of your years.. I truly am." I said slightly buzzed from drinking five pints of Mercury.

"Hahaha, it's okay My King, I am just happy to watch that Youngsters grow into fantastic Golems." He said with a smile.

"I know that but.. I am sure you would have wanted to see the world more." I said and he shakes his head in the negative.

"No, I am happy living a quiet life with my family." He said smiling.

I made it so Golems could have children, Frank for example had two kids when he was 70.

I smiled and nodded and relaxed and watched the sparks of embers dancing around the sky from the Bonfire.

[Timeskip: 40 years later]

I am currently standing above a hole in the ground. "We gather here today to pay our respects to the a great defence golem and man in general." I said with a sad smile.

Around me were 7 people all family of Frank. "We are going to give his body back to The great Mother Earth, Gaia. My mother shall put his soul to rest and he shall become one with the Earth and land itself.." I said getting faint smiles from the Golems around me who had slight tears coming out of their eyes. Their tears were liquid Iron..

This was true, Each of my Golems are my creations I made them and they gained souls of Earth, So death has no right to take them away from me.. he tried, Mother showed him her wrath that day. How did a golem die you may ask?

Well it was a civilian type golem he was Murder by a golem I had created wrong.. When his soul was about to become one with my mother, He came. He tried to grab the Soul to bring to the underworld. My mother didn't like that, She sent her Will throughout his body scaring him shitless. He formally apologised to me and disappeared.

I looked around to the family of Frank and pointed my hand with the hole that contained Frank.

A Red and golden Orb came out from the hole. This was a Core. It contained a Golems soul, I made it when the Murder happened. I believe a Golem should only die when they have lived their 150 years.

A Orb in birth is a pure golden colour but when half of the orb is perfectly mixed with red then that is the end of a Golems lifespan.

I point my finger at the orb.

"Frank, may you rest in the paradise that is Earth.." suddenly the orb began to disintegrate and turn into golden light, this was Franks soul. The soul flew around us for a couple seconds then moved into the ground where flowers grew upon his entering of the earth.

I smile and crouch down and the Frank family copied my actions.

I kiss my palm and placed it on the ground. "Mother, keep him in peace." I said and got a comfortable feeling from my mother.

The hole where Franks body is Buried fulls up and Beautiful roses grow on the area…

I walked to my Cabin that day with a bittersweet smile…



Rip Frank.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.
