
[ The serendipity ] bl

" he doesn't need a throne or a crown because he is not a king, but a god. " demons on the loose and the great god Kronos on his way to claim what he was supposed to , millions of years ago and all the hell breaking loose because of one person who had killed many in his mission to find his purpose. despite this , ezekiel - a simple mortal working in a museum , finds himself in path of danger and destruction. a very charming and mischevious god , vincent takes his part of the job to keep him safe until its needed. He gradually gets to know his fellow mortal and friendship turns into a deeper bond but nothing is just the way it looks as the killer is among the gods and vincent is not the only one fancying the fellow mortal. oh , isn't it the lovely two gods fighting over a mere mortal? tw- b4ood,g4re,murder.

D4ZA3 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

- strange guy

bright sunshine was thrown onto my face, making me groan in displeasure. My eyes halfway fluttered open, and my head throbbed with pain as if I had been in a really bad car accident and my head had been hit severely. I blinked a few times before opening my eyes fully and decided to take a good look around my surroundings which were blurred earlier.

no no. 

can't be. 

my eyes stared at the curtains which gracefully fell over the floor, the floor of pure marble but blood red, the lavish bed I had just been dozing off now, Its fluffy feather-like sheets which earlier provided me with the warmth I needed to survive in this crisp atmosphere. As I was provoking my consciousness to let me know the details of yesterday's events, I was hit by a severe headache again. I held to the chair kept beside for support as my body fell, to the exquisite floor beneath me.

emerging from the darkness, a hand reached out to me in an attempt to catch me as I fell. my eyes, which were closed due to the expected fall down, opened abruptly and tried to focus on the image in front of me. I saw a person, who towered above me and held me in his arms - like anyone would hold their dear ones lovingly - not wanting to let go of them, ever. wait, a person, a guy. I opened my eyes fully, eager to meet the eyes of the guy who just caught me falling right now.

He was the same person as before, but how did I know him? I focused my sight on him and it hit me. The events from yesterday, The man who kidnapped me. I shivered under his touch as his slender fingers traced down from my forehead to my jawline. my headache was suddenly gone, I wondered how.

" hush, you are safe now " He said, softly in his husky voice.

pulling myself together, I rejected the idea of letting him get into me. I aggressively pushed him away, my hands pushing his shoulders backwards. I fixed my loose shirt and realized that I wasn't wearing the same shirt as before, my shirt was changed-

" you pervert, you asshole I am going to kill y-" I said as I rushed up to him clutching his shirt collar.

"Try me. " I hated this guy already.

" look please just let me go. people are trapped there and they need help, please . . " my hands left the silky cloth fabric and my eyes stared pleadingly at his blue ones.

he unfazed, looked at you and said, "They are okay, out of danger but you are', pretty boy. but nuh uh. "

" w-w what do you mean by that?" I replied, stuttering as I saw him approaching me with a rather questionable look on his face. 

" you are going to stay with me for a while" he said blankly , no hesitation or any covering up flirtations -- just a blunt answer. 

I was trapped now. He looked directly at me, his god-like figure, so dangerously close to me almost as if tempting me. so close, his breath reminded me of milk and berries. His muscular arms were on both of my sides, not letting me out of his presence.

" i-i i . . " my mind seems to stop functioning, leaving me helpless.

just then, a lady approached us and I was thankful the interruption took place. he smirked, looking at me as turned away to face her.

"Vincent, it's time," she said, her tone sharp and uninterested.

" of course, Kazumi. I was just introducing our guest around here".He replied, his smile couldn't hide his visible flirting through the tone.

" sure looks like it, Vin. "

" kazumi, listen. it will be a while before I come back so why don't you show our guests around here? I bet he will like it here, won't you Ezekiel?"

did he know my name? I internally yelled this to myself and tried to sustain the urge to not leap at him right now, though anyway, I was no match for him.

"Hm. " she hummed in response. She looked neither interested nor happy about this. I couldn't help but wonder if it was just me or if you too think that people here are just as insufferable as those wannabe mean girls I read about in fanfictions. 

I watched Vincent walk away and was relieved. kazumi approached me, the floor must be truly blessed by her presence perhaps.

" you, come on now. you don't want to be late. "

"Oh, uh okay, " I said anxiously. my mind was still in chaos as the sudden change in my life seemed to be too unrealistic for me to handle. I mean, well you tell me. how would you feel if you witnessed someone save you from the murder attempt and then the same person kidnapped you ( in a way)?

we walked through the lavish halls of what seemed like a really big castle. the temperature in the LLS was slightly warmer than in the rooms. In some rooms, there was an eternal fire burning one room and almost burned my hand, when accidentally opened the door of that room. I was, later on, scolded by Kazumifor for my irresponsible act. there was a strange aura I could see lurking around somewhere nearby and every time turned back to see them it with nothing but clear air. Of course, I am in Hades's castle after all.


no one's point of view.

disregarding the cold temperature the man was present in, he looked at the blood-spattered corpses of 110 men he just killed. the bodies were drenched in blood, their own and the as well, major injuries he suffered but at least they all died, didn't they? the ferocious beast stared at the hands from whom he had killed thousands, maybe millions of men like them, now were blood-soaked. sensing someone's figure approaching him, he backed up and started running towards the end of the tunnel and swiftly jumped from the fence at the end of the path. he looked at Vincent for one last time and smirked, before finally disappearing into clear air.

the underworld god internally screamed at himself for letting the unknown man get away again, for 4th time now. It was getting quite frustrating, being so close to putting an end to the brutal killings but well, there is so much to that than just a psychopath on the run.