

**Y/N's POV**

Once i arrived here in our headquarter, i straightly went to our meeting room.

I saw James, Daniel, Mark and John sitting already.

"Morning Young Lady"

Y/N: "Morning too." I smiled back and sat down.

"So what's the news about our enemy?"

John: "we caught some of their men, spying last night."

"They tried to go here inside but thankfully some of our men caught them."

Y/N: "do you by any chance find out what's their purpose?"

Mark: "we've found some F1 bombs on them. They got commanded to fire some areas here."

Y/N: "it's good that they got caught."

"Mark and John, check our weapons and bullets carefully. We need to prepare for upcoming attack."

They both excused themselves, leaving me with my partners only.

James: "about the deal Y/n. You've been focusing on that a lot."

"You forgot about your health already."

Daniel: "he's right. You're not eating properly, Sleeping late at night and Stressing so much."

"It's not good Y/n."

I understand them. They are both right, but i can't avoid it.

Y/N: "then tell me how to just calm down when they made a deal that was so hard to think of a decision?" I said, looking down.

Daniel: "don't think negative. Take your time to make a good choice that won't hurt your love ones."

"Especially Taehyung, your man. He loves you and you love him back. If you say yes to keifer, you'll lose Taehyung."

Y/N: "i'm trying to be positive. It's just hurting me because i'm having a hard times again."

"I never wish to be like this. I never want to suffer."

James: "Y/n come on. You're strong. We're here for you."

Y/N: "thank you." I sadly smiled

"I wanna be alone for awhile. You both can do what do you want for now."

I am now sitting alone in my chair that was placed in the center of the long table and in front of the big screen we used for meeting.

As they both left me, my phone started to ring.

It was unknown number but i answered it.

Y/N: "who's this?"

"Why so cold my love? It's just me, who wants to marry you." The other line said with a manly and agressive voice.

Y/N: "ohh come on Keifer, don't be so stupid."

Keifer: "why can't you just say yes to me? It will be for your country's sake Y/n. Think of it."

Y/N: "i'm thinking of myself too. I'm not that dumbass like you who's just thinking of yourself."

Keifer: "just decide well Y/n. You're not taking forever with you." He warned and hanged up.

I sighed heavily before standing and went to our weapons room to check it too.


Without taking a rest after doing many works again, i went alone to the office to call uncle.

Uncle: "Y/n, what's up?"

Y/N: "Keifer called.'

Uncle: "What did he said?" He seriously asked

Y/N: "convincing me to say yes to him." I sighed

Uncle: "Y/n, don't let his fucking words make you say yes to him!" He shouted angrily.

Y/N: "I am not Uncle. I'm staying strong for this! I'm convincing myself that i'll decide correctly. But he's correct too."

"It's for our country's sake if i'll go with him. But it's fucking my mind 'cause i don't wanna lose y'all!"

Uncle: "I said we'll help you decide Y/n. You're not going to make your decision alone on this."

Y/N: "Uncle....." I said as tears stream down on my face.



Dad, take me please.

"Finish your work first. We'll talk later." With that, he hanged up.

I stayed there, silently crying.

My head that was places on the top of the table with the support of my arms.

I'm tired already. Tired of everything.

Why do i need to live like this?

Thankfully i locked the door first. I don't want any of them here to see me like this.

After a few minutes, the big screen in front of me suddenly switch on.

I wiped my tears and looked up to see Uncle, Auntie and the boys.

Auntie: "Y/n my dear, what happened to you?" She concernly asked after seeing my red eyes and nose.

Y/N: "why did you call?" I sniffed

Uncle: "Y/n please, let's talk." He pleaded.

I looked over Taehyung who's looking at the screen with a sad reaction.

"Come here for awhile. We'll help you."

Auntie: "please do understand us."

Y/N: "i'll...."

"Be on my way."


As soon as i arrived, i went to the office to find them all there. Some of them were standing up.

Once i looked at Taehyung again, he's looking at me too with a teary eyes.

Y/N: "what happened to you?" I concernedly asked him.

Taehyung: "why didn't you tell me,"

"That you're about to get married if you say yes?"

My eyes became teary when he questions me that.

That question came from my man's mouth.

He knew it already.

Uncle: "i told him."

Y/N: "it's not like that Taehyung." I denied as he just sadly nodded.

Taehyung: "yeah i know."

"But you are hesitating. Hesitating to say No."

"Because it's for your country. The country you saved many times. The country you risked your life for. The country that will be the cause of your death." He sniffed as his tears fell down

Y/N: "Taehyung...." My tears were at the brim of my eyes now.

Taehyung: "no Y/n."

"I just wanna ask you this. You may think i'm selfish but...."

"Who will you choose,"

"Me or that boy?" He questioned me.

The tears i've been holding, stream down now. I can't believe this.

Y/N: "for real?"

"You are really making me choose too?"

"Do you know how miserable i am, thinking of that deal?"

"Do you know how i am struggling everyday to deal with it?"

"Do you even know that i barely eat my food and sleep for just 3 hours because of my work?"

"Do you even know how much i cried, thinking that i'll hurt and lose you if i say yes to him?"


"I'm in depression because he made me choose between the things i don't wanna lose, Yet you did the same." I cried

"Instead of making me strong, it's like there's more coming reason for me to say yes and go away with him. Leave everything behind and think of nothing at all." I wiped my tears.

But Taehyung just cried too.

Vic: "Y/n. There's a solution for that! How can you lose hope?! You never act like that Y/n."

Y/N: "because he made me choose between the most precious things of my life uncle!"

"If i chose him, this country that i've been protecting will be save including y'all."

"And if i didn't, i'll face death as he'll destroy everything!"

Auntie: "your father doesn't want the way you act now Y/n."

Y/N: "yes of course, he will never."

"He doesn't want his daughter to suffer like this. He doesn't want me to be like this. He just want me to be happy."

"But what happened?"

"I just want revenge for his death but why i have to go through this all?! I also never want this!"

"I just want to live peacefully. To be happy and content. I don't want to lose my love ones in this way."

"But i never got a chance to live what i want."

"Keifer told me that if i'll go away with him, we'll live happily."

"But a FORCE and UNFAIR marriage will never be happy."

Uncle: "we'll fight together. No one said that you are alone for this fight Y/n."

"You'll say No."


"I'm tired."

I slowly sat down at the floor as i burried my face on my knees.

"I'm tired of everything."

"I never consider myself even once."

"I sacrificed and risked everything already."

'Isn't it still my time to rest?"


That's the last word i said before i collapsed in the cold floor.