
[ ON HOLD ] Savior Given by the Heaven ( M.Y.G × Reader) [PAUSED]

7 mix immortal kings got sent in the human world for over 100 years now because of the sin they commited H.F: "Y/N, i gave them a chance to comeback here in the fantasy world. It's been 100 years since they got sent there and i think it's already time to get them back here." "So i want you Y/N. We want you to be their savior and help them with lucifer. Fight for them. Save and help them and to also help them to comeback here." ---------- Y/N: "i'm from the Kingdom of Daesyn in fantasy world." Yeonjun: "i'm from the Kingdom of Nethilor in fantasy world." Taehyung: "IS THIS REAL?!!!" Y/N: "yes OUR KINGS." Taehyung: "you know us! Finally some here knew us!" Jin: "t-then w-why are you helping us? What is your purpose here?" Y/N: "i got sent here to save and help y'all. My mission is to bring back the 7 of you in our world. I don't know why father chose me to send here." ---------- **YOONGI AND Y/N'S SOULMATE STORY WILL BE INCLUDED!** ----------

Jeonxx_xkieee · Celebrities
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47 Chs




--Kingdom of Daesyn--

(Daesyn means Beloved)

**Y/N POV**

Hearing chirping from the birds everywhere, mades my precious eyes open up.

I got up from the bench of my beautiful garden as i rub my eyes and look around, seeing the part of the garden full of pink, orage and purple flowers.

"How long did i sleep?"

I murmured to myself and realizing that it's almost getting dark already.

"They didn't look for me even though i was gone for hours?!!"

What a unbelievable servants!!

Wow! Great!

I take my way, heading to the place where i belong. My mom for sure is looking for me.

As i reach the front door and the guards open it for me, my servants immediately approached me worriedly. Keep asking if i was okay and doesn't have any wounds or whatsoever.

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty! Where have you been?!"

They bowed as they say that and rushed to me, looking if i ever have something in my body. (I have many servants)

"Look how worried my servants are" i said looking awe to them "even though i was gone for hours, THEY DIDN'T LOOK FOR ME!!" i said in sarcastic tone now while glaring to them whose looking down.

"You're perfectly wrong my dear. They looked for you. They check every places in the castle but they can't find you."

My lovely mom said as she showed up.

"O-ohhh s-sorryyyyy~" i giggled to them as they smiled in my cute actions.

Of course i'm cute!

Also beautiful HA HA!

No one can deny it!

Mom: "now go and freshen up yourself. We will going to have a dinner with the Highest Father and the former king from the Kingdom of Avender." She slightly smiled now, compared to her smile earlier.

Y/N: "with the highest father?! Why?" I shockedly asked

Mom: "just go Y/N...you will know it later." She weakly smiled now and left.

Something's wrong...


--Kingdom of Avender--

(Avender means Strong)

As me, my mom, some guards and servants finally arrived at the Kingdom of Avender, the both side said our greets to each others and went to their huge dinning table.

**H.F means Highest Father**

**F.K means Former King (7kings' father)**

And everyone here in fantasy world call the highest father as FATHER only.

H.F: "how's your days Y/N? It's been so long since we got to have dinner together" He said showing his attractive smile ever.

Y/N: "i'm always doing well father. Yes it's been so long that's why we will take this as an honor." I sweetly smiled to them

H.F: "how about being the Queen of Kingdom of Daesyn?"

Mom: "she never fail to do her part as their queen" we giggle to her words.

F.K: "that's true. I always got a good news about her kingdom. It is so peaceful and great lives that her people has."

Y/N: "just doing my best to not disappoint them"

F.K: "and as i can see, you also never disappoint them about your beauty."

Y/N: "ohh come on mister, of course! I'm beautiful since birth!" I said as we all laughed to it but my mom smacked the back of my head


Mom: "you are too much now" she said to me with a face looking like she got disgust to me.

Arghhh this mother!

H.F: "by the way Y/N, we invited you here to tell you something...." he said as i looked at him, so eager to know what is it "your mom also know about this." He continued as i flickered my eyes to my mom.

F.K: "you remember my sons?"

Y/N: "your sons?" I knitted my brows, not really remembering his sons that i don't even know he has. "Do you have sons?"

F.K: "you didn't know them?!" He shockedly asked me while my mom is having a same reaction

Y/N: "actually i don't know"

H.F: "Y/N he has sons. 7 sons and they are also kings."

Y/N: "you mean the 7 kings here that got sent to human world???"

F.K: "yes they are. How can you didn't remember them?"

Y/N: "i'm not close to them and i am also sure they didn't know me since when they are still here i am just a princess in my kingdom...it's been also so long when they got sent."

H.F: "okay, so let's straight to the point." He said that mades me nervous this time.

I looked to my mom who's quitely looking down at her food. I also take a looked to the former king who's also just quite and looking nervous. I looked down at my food, waiting to what is he going to say.

"We want you to help and save them." The highest father said that made me suddenly looked up at him in shock.

Did i heard it right?

Help them?

Save them?


Y/N: "w-what? I-i don't get your point"

F.K: "Y/N....." he looked at me with a sad face.

H.F: "Y/N, i gave them a chance to comeback here in the fantasy world. It's been 100 years since they got sent there and i think it's already time to get them back here."

Y/N: "b-but you can just get them back here by s-sending one of your trustworthy person and using a magical portal so why me???" I asked. I am so freaking confused to what are they saying right now.

H.F: "it's not that easy Y/N and to add, they can't comeback here that easily 'cause some problem came up"

Y/N: "please be specific. I-i can't get your point. Explain it properly."

H.F: "i sent them there 100 years ago and the 7 of them became vampires. Not so long when i sent them, lucifer found out that i sent 7 kings from our world. I found out that lucifer is planning to take them with him and that's not part of my plan. I just sent them there to make them realize how wrong what they did. But suddenly that lucifer came out with a plan. I don't want the kings to be in the hell. I don't want them to be with that demon. Lucifer keep sending his devils to hurt the kings and force them to come with lucifer but the 7 kings was stronger to fight them too." he said

My attention was fully into him. I also wanna know the story about those 7 Kings.

"When i found out about lucifer, i immediately thought to give them a chance to comeback here as soon as possible since i don't also want them to end up to lucifer's hand...So i want you Y/N. We want you to be their savior and help them with lucifer. Fight for them. Save and help them and to also help them to comeback here. While saving and helping them, i also want you to make them feel the love again. They got so cold now. Their hearts were full of hatred, anger and so so cold....." He explained.

While listening to him, i got what their point now.

Why me? Out of every immortals here in fantasy world, why they chose me?!

Y/N: "s-so you are s-saying that you'll g-going----"

H.F: "i'm going to send you there. To the human world."

Y/N: "but why me? There's so many immortals here but why did you chose me? I have my mom here! What if i failed to protect them?! Father why me?!"

I asked him. My mom held my hand under the table. Calming me down while the former king was looking down.

H.F: "because you are strong Y/N. I know you for so long. I trust you. You are the stronger person that i know. I believe you." He smiled as i was slowly calming down to not pressure myself.

Y/N: "how come i am the stronger you know if i only have some powers....Invisibility, Telepathy, Teleportation, Regenerative power, Element manipulation, Transformation, Time freezing and Emphaty."

H.F: "of course i'll make you more stronger Y/N." He smiled and then the former king suddenly came to me and what makes me shocked is that he kneel down while holding my hands!!!

F.K: "Y/N i'm begging you. Please be their savior and help them. I don't wanna lose them. I miss them so much. Please Y/N please!" He said, already crying in my hands.

Y/N: "p-please stand up mister. Y-you don't need to kneel."

H.F: "so what's your answer Y/N?" He asked me again.

I keep quite for minutes then my decision is final now.

Y/N: "i-i'll agree" i said as they smile and the former king hugged me so tight

F.K: "THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!" He happily said that mades me giggle too and he later on break the hug and sat down again.

Y/N: "do y'all really trust me that much?" I asked then they nodded happily.

H.F: "i'll add some powers to you and keep a strong spirit inside you. That means you're not the same Y/N when i send you there. You will have a slight cold and bad personality. You are not the Y/N we know who's soft and so lovely...and there's something you are not allowed to tell the kings. Don't immediately tell them that i send you to be their savior. Don't tell them that you are from here. And also DON'T TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE A QUEEN. Let them show you their vampire personality and if it really worse, try your best to change them. If they hurt you, let them. Don't show your purpose to them so quick. I'm sure there's the right time. Trust me as i trust you." He smiled as i return it back. I looked at my mom who was smiling at me too but her eyes were telling me something.

There's still more....UNTOLD.

Y/N: "i can feel that there's more things that the three of you didn't tell me yet." I said, glaring at them.

Mom: "one of the reason why they also chose you because...of me and your father." She looked down while her eyes were closed tightly. I became more confused why they got to be involved here.

"It's like this will be our punishment too.....a long long ago, me and your dad did a mistake too. We didn't get the punishment that time 'cause there's a war that happened with the kingdom of Avender and that war, your dad got killed by one of the royal family and as i told you, the one who killed him is the 7 Kings' mother." She explained

I didn't get mad nor shocked when she mentioned the one who killed my dad 'cause mom already told me when i was still young.

H.F: "now that i can give their punishment, it's look like you'll be the one to take it and your mom will also suffer because you were not around her and she don't know what will going to happen to you....and sadly, one mistake you make, one line of your mom's life line....your mom will only have 10 life line and her life will be depends on you so be careful sweet heart." He again said.

Hearing that mades me get sad and made my eyes teary. I quickly turn to my mom and took her hands to mine, holding it gently.

Y/N: "mom look at me...you trust me right? You know me well. I love you so so much so i'll do my best. I don't want to lose you too. You are the only one i have. I'll do my best to not make mistake. I want you alive and be with me forever so i'll really really make sure to not make any mistake. I will do everything for you hmmm? I promise that to you." I said to her while rubbing her hands, while i'm crying. She's just looking down while crying too.

Mom: "i'm sorry my dear Y/N. I'm sorry because you will be the one to take this instead of me. I'm sorry because i'll be the one who suppose to do everything to make you safe always. I'm sorry my baby." She cried hard as we both hug.

Y/N: "there's nothing we can do mom but to obey it." I calmed her and later on we both are okay now.

"So when are you going to send me father?"

H.F: "right now my dear." He said

Y/N: "am i alone?"

H.F: "no of course! I don't want to send you there alone. You need someone who will be with you and to also protect you....in short your SPIRIT BUDDY."

(Some of FF's called it Spirit Animal)

Y/N: "really?! Who?! From what kingdom?! Is it girl or boy?!" I excitedly asked that mades them laugh

H.F: "it's a boy Y/N"

Y/N: "ohhh then who is HE?"

H.F: "Prince Yeonjun from the Kingdom of Ravaryn." He smiled that mades me smiled so excited too.

(Ravaryn means Beautiful Darkness)

Y/N: "really?! You gotta be getting father! Please say you are not!" I said that mades them laugh at me when someone suddenly interrupted us.

"No he's not, Your Majesty." Someone said as i look at him who's smiling and he bowed.

Y/N: "YES!!!!" I happily said with my fist lifting up and down. "You are good at choosing father!"

Yeonjun: "it's my honor to be your spirit buddy, my queen." He smiled so sweet that mades me melt.

He's been my so close buddy for so long. This guy is so sweet, lovely, caring and funny. I love him so much! Not as a man but as a buddy only.

Here's my first long chapter of my new story!♡

I hope you all will like it, love it and support it!

Enjoy my new story my dear kookies!!♡♡♡

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