
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

What does it mean to be father and son? II

We both got up at around noon going to the kitchen with empty stomachs.

He went to open the cupboard and I went to open the refrigerator.

"You find anything we can eat?"

I look at the half-full refrigerator but only find various vegetables, cheese, and other random food I have no idea how to prepare.

"No. How 'bout you?"

I glance back and find him in the same situation as I was. A half-full cupboard but nothing to eat. I couldn't help the laughter that rose from my stomach at his infectious chortle. Just like that we laugh like the night before, not knowing who started laughing first but it does not matter.

We soon agree to just get whatever we want to eat and just go with that. I get some whip cream, waffles, chocolate melt, cheese, almond nuts, and some ham and place them on the table. I look at what he got and saw some bacon, Oreo's, gravy mix, and a bag of chips. Yep we'll make do.

Tony lowered his eyes onto the food and burst with an idea.

"I got it, what if we cut a hole in the ham, stuff the cheese and wrap it with bacon."

The edges of my lips twitch upward at the though of all that cheese and meat.

"That would be nice."

"Then lets do that, what's you're idea?"

"What? ummm. . . We could make a waffle boat coated with chocolate... And we could crush the Oreo's and mix it with the whip cream to put it inside."

"That's my boy! then how do we make the boat?"

". . . we could stack a few waffles and cut holes in the top ones?"

"We could use some cheese to stick the waffles together."


We spent about an hour in the kitchen making out ideal food, sneaking bites here and there. After glorifying our disgusting yet beautiful creation we finished in in less than 10 minutes. It was the greasiest, most diabetes inducing meal in my life and I enjoyed it.

"Hahahaha your stomach got bigger!"

"Hahaha you should see yours!"

"You know, I've never heard you calling me dad. Could you ummm... call me dad"

! . . . that's right, he did adopt me, to technically he's my dad. And I wouldn't mind having him as my father.

"Sure. . . , dad."

I guess Tony really isn't that bad after all. I've never had this much fun with my father when I was Draco. I've always acted and spoken proper to please my father, and I did it so much, I carried it over into this life. Around Tony, I completely forgot about doing any of that. I could joke around like a gryffindor with no repercussion. I could let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding on to. I could be free.

I guess being Tom isn't as bad as I first though, I could live like this.

Soon after our conversation started going to all different kinds of topics, leading to us going to his tool room. He showed me a prototype for a better arc reactor but he still doesn't know what to put in it. As it turns out, he did use Palladium- but as I suspected, he really was dying. First there was a shrapnel lodged near his hear and the next he had palladium poisoning. . .Maybe there's something I could do about that.




Pepper's P.O.V.

I looked everywhere for Tony before finding him in his mansion in Malibu, he disappeared yesterday at around noon and has been gone for about 24 hours now.

What I didn't expect was to see Tony bonding with his son, finally. For some reason he never tried to get close to Tom before, as if he was afraid of something. But I'm glad he got past whatever it was that was troubling him.

Though their conversation wasn't one you would usually find a father and his 7 year old son talking about. It was sweet that they had something special to them, even if it was stellar nucleosynthesis and not baseball.

I returned an hour later carrying two mugs. One was coffee and the other hot chocolate. Only to see them snoring on a small sofa behind their work table. I went back to the kitchen to put the two mugs in the fridge if they want to drink it later, and returned with two blankets.

Draping both around them to keep them warm, I smile at the cute sight of father and son. I was worried they would never get along as Tony wasn't one to be a family man. I really am glad they got to bond.

I got the arc reactor part from here /how-iron-mans-arc-reactor-probably-works-1661613682 and here science/item/7048-how-iron-mans-stark-arc-reactor-would-work-in-real-life. When I first read it I though Ryan Carlyle's theory was brilliant! There are also added thoughts from Janey Tracey so all the credit of the smart sciencey stuff goes to them!

The people who got the cheese-glue on waffles, you guys are awesome, just like the guys who though of it!




*22nd of December*

Everyone is screaming at each other in the house and by everyone, I mean Pepper, this girl named Maya Hansen, and my dad. What lead to this, I have no idea but I think my dad did something stupid again. I was in the kitchen looking out to them in the living room

Pepper: "We are leaving the house!"

Tony: "-just because-"

Maya: "guys."

Tony: "I should know. What?"

Maya: "Do we have to worry about that?"

I glance at what she was pointing at, the TV and on the TV is. . . our house? is that a missile heading towards us? We barely had enough time to turn our heads before there was a big explosion. The force pushing me back, behind the counter which shielded me from most of the destruction.

I heard a clang and a grunt from my dad, then the sound of several helicopters getting closer.

"Tom! - Tom." Hearing my dad call me name, I used all the power in my body to stand up, supported by the counter that is now severely damaged.

"I'm alright dad!"

I looked up and saw the concrete ceiling above Tony start to crack.


A red and gold figure ran across the room, shielding my dad before he got hit by the falling debris. It was Pepper! thank Merlin.

A short conversation passed their lips as they got up, but then 3 more missiles hit, less destructive than the first but unmistakably dangerous. I saw him fly across the room once more, but this time, the couch broke his fall

"MOVE! Right behind you."

I ran as fast as my legs would allow but the floor split open in front of me and my dad. Pepper turned around looking shell-shocked.

"Get her, we're gonna find our way around."

I stared at the gaping hole on the ground, losing my hope at getting out alive.

"Stop stopping, get her, get outside. Tom follow me. Go!"

We ran across the floor as one more missile hit.


The floor tilted, shoot they destroyed the beams. I kept running but my foot landed on a lose debris on the ground causing me to lose my footing and fall, sliding down the floor. Shoooot! I'm gonna dieeee!

Right before I flew off the edge of the cliff, a hand grabbed and around my waist and lifted me up.

"I got'cha."

[Sir, this path is clear of destruction]

Tony put his hands together before bringing it down. He must be calling his suit. He crawled away from the onslaught of bullets behind us, but I was too frozen to move except hide behind the beams.

No, I cant just do nothing.


a white blue light came from my hand and extended out into a sphere around us. This shouldn't be happening Protego is usually invisible. I remember! Dumbledore used a spell to protect Hogwarts before, I must have accidentally cast a smaller version of that in my desperation.

I looked up and saw metal pieces flying in the air before affixing themselves on Tony. A missile came flying towards us but instead of hitting the concrete it hit my shield, exploding outwards.

Tony looked around at the light blue ripples of light which was my shield as it was cracking. Fractures traveling meters long and a few inches wide.

"What the?-"

Bullets came flying in the tens per second, most were deflected by what was left of the shield before it finally ran out of magic. He held his fist towards our attacker, before looking to the left at the piano that was sliding towards me.

He blasted it off just a few feet short from me as it flew into one of the helicopters, sending it crashing down


I got up and ran to him, not expecting him to carry me and hurl me across the room. One of his robot arms lifting me by my shirt as it flew me across the floor to one of the holes in the wall leading to the forecourt where Pepper was supposedly at.

As soon as my feet touched the ground outside, the arm flew back.

I was frozen as I waited for Tony to come flying toward me. My knees wouldn't stop shaking as I stood waiting. The seconds seemed like hours.

No, what I'm doing now isn't any different from running away. I could go back. I could Levitate Tony across, I could fire at the other helicopters. I- I don't want to run anymore, I don't' want to lose my new father!


I took my first running step towards the falling building. looking up, I saw one of the helicopters hurdling towards the house followed by two explosions. I heard hundreds of kilograms of concrete crumbling and crashing into the waters bellow. But I was still so far. . . so far, I can't make it.

I run in my fastest speed, but everything seemed to be in slow motion. I heard one more missile go off, and was knocked backwards by the force of the blast wave. I could feel the stress waves pass through my body, traveling through tissue and organs. Making me feel sick before a stray piece of debris flew straight towards me.

My vision goes white as I felt a something tear through the muscle below my right collarbone. There was a ringing in my ears as I hit the ground, with muffled screams in the background.

I pass out from the pain with the lingering scent of gunpowder and concrete dust on my nose.

Dad. . . p-please make it. . . I don't want to lose anyone anymore.

Please. please. . . please.