
~chapter 1~

Seamoon woke up to a bright white figure before her. "What do you want Frozepool, I'm sleeping.." Seamoon mumbled with her eyes still leaked open. "Wake up sleepyhead." Frozepool snickered. "Arghhhhh..." Seamoon groaned. Frozepool looked at Seamoon with a cold stare.

"Oh yeah, Glider has some new scroll-ls." Frozepool said with a persuading tone. Seamoon almost immediately bounced up. "What are we waiting for then?!" Frozepool laughed, "That's what I thought." Seamoon grabbed Frozepools talons and yanked her out of the room. Frozepool froze in place and looked at her with a smug grin creasing the corners of her snout.

"You know you I'm too heavy, right?" Frozepool laughed. Seamoon didn't respond instead puffed her cheeks out. Suddenly, a brownish dragon stepped out of the corridor just next cave opening. "Guys, can you be a little less loud? I'm sleeping.." he muttered while playing with loose rocks on the cave opening. "Sorry, Earth." Frozepool stood tall over both of them.

Earth mumbled something under his breathe while slowly trudging back to his room. "Now come on," Frozepool quickly and suddenly said while grabbing both her claws. Seamoons scales lit up while Frozepool gave her a toothy grin. They both walked through the corridor carved with cave openings. Frozepool pulled her into one unexpectedly.

Seamoon looked around the room filled with scrolls. The wall glistened with shiny crystals. "Wow, Glider never showed me this!" Seamoon exclaimed with a tint of curiosity. "Because she was afraid you would freak out about how pretty this room is." Frozepool walked over to a shelf. She looked at the scrolls titles until she picked one out.

"This one." She looked at Seamoon and gave her the scroll. All about phyrria. Seamoon bounced up and down while Frozepool was playing with her talons. "You can take it back to your room." Frozepool glanced at Seamoon, with an uninterested face. Seamoon nodded with a huge smile and ran out of the room, squealing.

"I'm sooo excited to read this book!" Seamoon shouted while flying in the air, rotating in place. Seamoon landed on her nest and rolled the scroll open. The Continent,---

------ Timeskip

After she read a portion of the scroll, she got up and packed her Pouch with snacks and the scroll with the map of Phyrria. She confidently trotted out of her room, with her eyes closed in pleasure. She made her way to Frozepools room and yelled, "Alright, we are going to Phyrria everybody!" Frozepool looked at her with a confused expression.

Uhh, this is the part when they gasp and tell me how brave I am.. She looked awkwardly at Frozepool until she finally spoke. "Are you out of your mind!?" Seamoons smile faded into a deep frown. "We can't go to Phyrria! Do you know how dangerous that place is? There is alot of dragons who probably want to kill us." Frozepool argued. "B-but-" Seamoon stuttered.

Earth walked inside of the room. "She is right, we can't go. Glider will be worried about us too." Seamoon grabbed her pouch and stomped her way out of the room to her room. "Well, I'm gonna go anyways! Nobody cares what they think." Seamoon shouted at her scroll.