
[[Story Abandoned]]

Money... sorry am bad at writing synopsis ( Criticism much appreciated )

Veegomd · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Oi shut up!

Inside a classroom at the back left corner sits a handsome black haired student looking at the window, he looks at a beautiful green field and beyond that gr-


.... sorry about that reader, ahem,  beyond tha-

*crash* "damn... how strong can a fucking window be?" 

.... I deeply apologize reader I will deal with this immediately, HEY CAN YOU KNOCK IT OFF!

"huh?... did someone say something?"

yea someone did and I want you to stop making that noise! the camera turns to look at the disturbance and found a teenager wearing not the school uniform, but instead is wearing some jeans and a gray hoodie.

"why did you just suddenly narrate what you were doing... wait a minute? where are you? all I hear is just you're voice"

you can't see me because am a disembodied voice and I only narrate what stuff is happening so the reader can have a clear picture, but never mind me what the bloody hell are you doing?

"oh am breaking this window so I can throw this weird haired girl out of it!"

Wait weird haired girl? there in the middle of the classroom a beautiful blue long  haired girl who has an hourglass figure, a flat chest but has perfect thighs with black thigh highs on.

"do you really have to narrate every damn thing possible?"



WAIT! why the hell are planning on throwing one of the heroines out the window? and you shouldn't be able to move anyways! you're an NPC!

"so what if am an NPC? and she has a unique kind of feeling around her... oh well am still planning on throwing her out!"

OI OI OI you can't do that she's an important character to this sto-, the grey hooded man opens the window

"oh... aren't I just stupid, I could have just open the window! haha"

The grey hooded man walks over to the blue haired girl and picks her up

"wh- what's happening?"

It seems the blue haired girl can't see the grey hooded man carrying her in a princess carry, but she isn't the only that notices that she's floating, the whole classroom does as well!

"WHAT THE! Hey does anyone else see this!"

"why is Lily floating in mid air?!"


Lily clearly freaking out doesn't notice the fact that she's being carried toward the open window, except the protagonist who get's up from hi-, the grey hooded man rushes and throws her out the window...

"nice! thanks for narrating the fact he was going to save her! that could have really ruined my plans"

what have you done... 

First time writing and my body is already getting sores damn... well i hope you enjoy!

Veegomdcreators' thoughts