
17. ...And Back

Sil was walking back to the capital, as he knew what to do after a little chat with Geode.


Kil flew into a flying nest of Beakclaws, as half sleeping in her way to her master. Beakclaws were colony reptiles, that formed whole nests lying on their backs, where the queen laid eggs. They fiercely attacked Hilfi, wounding her wings, as she begun the free fall. The lizards quickly gave up the chase, and returned to their migration north. Sil's presence was felt quite nearby, so after swift, light landing due to the weight altering, she headed to his direction.


Vile reached the gate, as her life force has been fading all her way thro the darkness, white light kept growing on sight. She sat and waited for eternity… Someone was calling her, someone precious, but it wasn't enough. With gentle breath, which preserved little spark of life left, Vile kept waiting hoping for nice dreams to come, but only darkness remained, as the brightness was overcoming the night.

No life without death,

No light with no dark.

Everything fades in dread,

wish I could finally embark…

Death closed in as the light filled all void.

"It's time for you to give up your fools errand, I'm taking you to destiny."

She turned, then followed the figure, feeling all her worries fade, as her mind vaporized gently…


Sil finished disposing of lives that mattered nothing to him. He ran to the corpse of his only love in his short life, opened her eyes tenderly, whispered her name, and started ritual, that came to his mind on its own.

At the end he spoke Vile's true name, in language of creation and destruction, then left a kiss on cold lips.

The scene lasted for a while, as Sil could not move, bound by the power he wield, as only mercenary left drawn his crossbow. With his hands shaking he pushed the trigger.

He missed.

But got plenty of time left.

The string crackled, then bolt was placed with a snap.

But the lethal projectile never left its guide.

Kil arrived, swiftly biting off his head, then watched as geyser of mana dimmed the sunlight.

Vile's body was overflowing with essence, as a horn rose out of her forehead and many tails entwined the two. Her eyes were recovering shine, as her soul was absorbed by mended vessel. As her consciousness returned, she returned the kiss, then both of them fell on the ground. Kil decided to embrace them with her wings, stretching muscles to provide heat, as the night embraced the three.


Geode was watching as his family returned from death, feeling warm on his heart. He knew no conceal would work from now on, as all pantheon knew about the three.

He laughed ironically knowing the burden laid on his children's fates, as picking barrel of eleventh essence seasoned with all soothing herbs known to all creation. He wanted at least some proper sleep before all the storm that awaited them, him included, as all gods knew about him as well.

The Frost was coming...

Much will happen next.

Yu may have wondered why any hostile god haven't appeared, now it's set in motion.

Wish you pleasure as reading the following.

ludoziel0303creators' thoughts