
"Very Pure, Very Ambiguous"

Ethan Parker, a struggling student, stands up for what is right and acquires a pair of magical contact lenses. Through these extraordinary circumstances, he meets Caleb Foster, the King of Assassins. Caleb passes on his legacy to Ethan, making him the fifth-generation King of Assassins. From that moment on, Ethan's life becomes rich and colorful.

rogers_caidyn · Urban
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44 Chs

A Small Test of Skill

The next morning, the classmates were all surprised by Ethan Parker's new military-style haircut. William exaggeratedly gave him a thumbs up and said, "Wow, bro, did you change your hairstyle just to attract the school belle?"

"Get lost, I've decided to study hard!" Ethan Parker retorted with a smile.

"You? Study?" William's mouth dropped open. "Did I hear that right? Since freshman year, you can count the classes you've attended on your fingers, and now you want to study?"

"Haha, yes, to not disappoint a certain someone, I have to study hard!" Ethan Parker deliberately raised his voice. "And if I encounter any problems, that certain someone has promised to help me!"

Ethan Parker now felt confident. Ever since discovering his special abilities, he had a new understanding of things, and his personality had become more assertive. Originally, he was just a hopeless student, but now things were different. He felt a sense of superiority.

Ethan Parker didn't mean much by his words, but Ava Bennett took them to heart. Why was Ethan Parker acting like this today? Was he really studying hard because of her? Why was he doing this? Did he... have feelings for her? If he asked her for help, should she help him?

Oh, what am I thinking? Ava Bennett scolded herself. Maybe he didn't mean it that way at all!

Actually, Ava Bennett was overthinking it. The "certain someone" Ethan Parker mentioned was only understandable to her; the other students had no idea what he meant, not even William.

Anyone who has been in senior year knows that tests are frequent! A big test every three days, a small test every two days, and quizzes every day!

In this class, there was another test. The biology teacher walked into the classroom with a stack of test papers. Originally, Ethan Parker hated exams, but now he was enthusiastic because he wanted to test his special abilities.

Ethan Parker placed his biology book flat in his desk, preparing to execute his plan. He glanced at the biology book through the desk, seeing it clearly and saving the time of manually turning pages.

The test papers were handed out. Ethan Parker quickly scanned through them. The fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions were mostly conceptual and could be quickly answered by referring to the book. The calculation problems were more difficult, but he could copy from others!

Ethan Parker's eyes were fixed on the test paper—or rather, through the test paper, focusing on the biology book in his desk. He rapidly flipped through the pages with his eyes, completing the fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions. Checking the time, he found it had taken nearly thirty minutes. Clearly, his speed needed improvement. He would have to practice more to ensure he wouldn't run out of time during the actual exam.

Ethan Parker glanced around at the test papers of the students in front of him, fixing his gaze on Ava Bennett's paper. She had already finished all the questions and was meticulously checking her work.

So fast! Ethan Parker thought, marveling at how she had finished while he was still copying.

Not caring about correctness, Ethan Parker quickly copied the answers to the big questions onto his test paper. As he finished the last stroke, the class bell rang.

Ethan Parker let out a sigh of relief, having perfectly cheated on the test. It seemed his method was effective; with sufficient preparation, he could easily score high on the college entrance exams.

With his biggest worry resolved, Ethan Parker felt instantly lighter. Without the pressure of studying, his thoughts began to wander.

Now that he had special abilities, could he use them to make some money?

In novels, many protagonists become millionaires or even billionaires using their special abilities. Could he use his abilities to make some money too?

Ethan Parker started pondering his abilities. Being able to see distant objects had no practical use for making money. Even if he could see the moon, what good would it do? Besides seeing far, his only other ability was x-ray vision.

X-ray vision—what could he do with that? Gambling? That seemed like a good option, but this wasn't Macau, and he didn't have any capital. That idea would have to wait.

After thinking all morning, Ethan Parker still couldn't figure out any other uses for his abilities besides cheating on exams. But he wasn't discouraged; there was plenty of time, and perhaps one day they would come in handy.

That day, Ethan Parker astonishingly didn't skip any classes, and Ava Bennett didn't give him any trouble. Yet, Ethan Parker felt a bit empty. Usually, Ava Bennett was always keeping an eye on him. Now that she wasn't, he felt a bit unaccustomed to it.

Ethan Parker tore a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote on it: "I've decided to study hard for your sake! Ethan Parker."

After thinking for a moment, he tore off his name, folded the note, and had William pass it to Ava Bennett.

Lucas Reed chuckled mischievously and helped pass the note. Ava Bennett was working on some exercises when someone handed her the note. She took it, puzzled.

When Ava Bennett opened the note and read it, her face instantly turned red. Although there was no signature, she knew exactly who had written it!

What did he mean by this? Was he confessing to her? Should she tell him directly not to have any improper thoughts? But would that discourage him? He seemed to have decided to study hard now. If she ruthlessly crushed his hopes, would he become disheartened and give up?

Ava Bennett struggled internally for a while. She didn't know that Ethan Parker was just messing with her. Finally, kind-hearted Ava Bennett turned back and glared at Ethan Parker, then wrote on the note: "I hope you don't give up halfway!"

Receiving the reply, Ethan Parker was thrilled. She didn't reject him, so that was an implicit acceptance. It seemed she was quite reserved!

Feeling triumphant, Ethan Parker walked towards the faculty building. He hadn't forgotten that a beautiful teacher was going to tutor him today. Humming a tune, he approached Amelia's office. Just as he was about to knock, he heard voices inside.

"Amelia, I've booked a table at Sky Lounge for dinner tonight. I'd like to invite you..." A man's voice came from the office.

"Sorry, I'm not available tonight. I have to tutor a student!" Amelia replied coldly.

"Oh, come on, it's just a student. You can make any excuse to get out of it. Is it really that important?" the man said.