
"Very Pure, Very Ambiguous"

Ethan Parker, a struggling student, stands up for what is right and acquires a pair of magical contact lenses. Through these extraordinary circumstances, he meets Caleb Foster, the King of Assassins. Caleb passes on his legacy to Ethan, making him the fifth-generation King of Assassins. From that moment on, Ethan's life becomes rich and colorful.

rogers_caidyn · Urban
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44 Chs

 The Teacher Becomes an Older Sister

 "Amelia, don't you know that scaring someone like that can cause them serious problems?" Ethan Parker, realizing that Amelia had noticed his inappropriate thoughts, decided to drop his pretense: "You could give me a scare that causes impotence! Who's going to take responsibility if I can't find a wife in the future?"

Impotence? Amelia's face turned even redder, resembling a honey-dripping apple. What kind of student says such things?

But remembering what she learned in college biology, that sudden scares could indeed lead to erectile dysfunction, Amelia reluctantly said, "If you can't find a wife, I'll help you find one."

"But even if you introduce someone, if she finds out I have a problem, she definitely won't want to be with me!" Ethan Parker teased, seeing Amelia was taking him seriously.

Amelia hadn't considered that and was momentarily at a loss for words. Worried that Ethan Parker's preoccupation might affect his studies, she hastily said, "If it really comes to that, then I'll marry you myself!"

Amelia, still a naive girl despite being a few years older and a teacher, was easily tricked into saying she'd marry me, thought Ethan Parker smugly. If that Mr. Kim had half my skills, he'd have no problem getting Amelia to go out for a meal!

"How dare you joke with your teacher!" Amelia said angrily, noticing the fleeting smile on Ethan Parker's face.

"No, I was just happy thinking I won't have to worry about finding a wife. My mom will be thrilled to have such a beautiful daughter-in-law!" Ethan Parker said innocently.

Amelia was utterly defeated. Was she unsuited to be a teacher, or was Ethan Parker unsuited to be a student? Why did she always feel like she was falling into his traps?

Previously, Ethan Parker had fantasized about Amelia but never dared to express it. Now, with his newfound confidence and special abilities, he felt emboldened.

The campus was now dark, with only a few faculty offices still lit. Walking across the school field, Ethan Parker, taller than Amelia, looked like a couple strolling under the night sky.

After a few steps, Amelia seemed to realize the awkwardness and quickened her pace. But Ethan Parker caught up in no time. She had to quicken her pace again, but he stayed right by her side.

Not far in, Amelia was out of breath and had to slow down.

"Amelia, are you practicing speed walking?" Ethan Parker asked, pretending not to know the reason.

"Speed walking?!" Amelia almost choked. What kind of idea was that? She wasn't training for the Olympics!

"Isn't that it?" Ethan Parker persisted.

"No, it's just a bit cold, and I wanted to get back quickly," Amelia said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh." Ethan Parker nodded and draped his coat over Amelia's shoulders.

Amelia was stunned, feeling a warmth that went beyond the coat. Since moving to this city for work, she couldn't remember the last time someone showed her such genuine concern. All she usually got were flowers and invitations from annoying suitors, never real care.

Actually, it wasn't really the suitors' fault. Amelia never gave them a chance to show their true intentions.

"Thank you," Amelia said softly. Although she was a teacher and an adult, deep down, she was just a girl who needed care.

"Huh?" Ethan Parker, having acted on a whim, didn't expect Amelia to thank him. Emboldened, he said, "I'm a man! It's my duty to protect beautiful women!"

"Haha, a man? You're just a boy!" Amelia laughed.

"I'm not a boy..." Ethan Parker wanted to say he was well-endowed, but caught himself, remembering she was his teacher. Some jokes shouldn't be made.

"Alright, alright, let's say you're a man. But you're still younger than me!" Amelia said, not catching his drift.

"Amelia?" Ethan Parker suddenly asked.

"Yes?" Amelia responded.

"Can I call you 'sister' from now on?" Ethan Parker had a plan. He had read enough romance novels to know that first turning a teacher into an older sister, then a lover, and finally a wife was a plausible strategy. Given his special abilities, nothing seemed impossible anymore.

"This..." Amelia didn't expect such a request but remembered from her educational psychology studies that fostering a closer relationship with students could be beneficial. After hesitating, she agreed, "Alright, you can call me that when we're alone, but not in class. Otherwise, I'll ignore you!"

Amelia felt something was off as she spoke, realizing her tone was almost like that of a lover. Hopefully, he didn't notice!

Of course, Ethan Parker noticed the affectionate tone but didn't point it out. He knew not to rush things. Winning over a teacher required patience.

"Got it, beautiful sister!" Ethan Parker said happily.

"Drop the 'beautiful' part!" Amelia laughed.

"Yes, ma'am, beautiful!" Ethan Parker said seriously.

"Not sister, just beautiful!" Amelia insisted.

"Oh, I get it. You're beautiful," Ethan Parker said.

"I meant drop the 'beautiful' and just say sister!" Amelia said exasperatedly.

"You should've said so! Beautiful sister, I'll drop 'beautiful'," Ethan Parker pretended to understand.

"..." Amelia silently recited a calming mantra: Don't get angry, don't get angry, life is a play, getting angry harms no one but yourself...