
"Unraveling Solitude" dropped


Panda_Otaku · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 ( The Isolated Soul )

She was a quiet, introverted, and lonely soul,

She was like a delicate porcelain doll, fragile and breakable,

But inside her, a tempest of emotions churned. Her past had forged her into someone with incredible inner strength, hidden beneath layers of insecurity. No one knew the pain she carried.

Her university life was filled with an unmarkable sense of the mediocrity she had come to expect.

She was an average student, always sitting alone in the back of the classroom, blending into the sea of students, struggling to find her place in the world.

Her existence seemed like a shadow that lingered on the fringes of society.

Diya had always felt different from her classmates. Her family issues were a constant source of heartache.

She grew up in a broken home, where echoes of bitter arguments and silent tears filled the air. Diya felt like a pawn in their game, torn between two worlds, never truly belonging to either.

She was only 12,

Her parents' separation had left her with deep emotional scars. Her Father moved away, leaving her with her mother, who struggled to make ends meet. The separation took its toll on Diya's young heart and the bitterness she felt deepened her trust issues and anger towards the world.

Anger issues were another battle she fought. The frustration of her family life, coupled with the isolation she felt, had brewed a tempest within her.

The anger issues that plagued Diya often bubbled to the surface, making it difficult for her to form meaningful connections with others. She felt like a prisoner within her own emotions, isolated and trapped in a cycle of despair. Her loneliness only intensified as she struggled to find a genuine connection in a world that seemed so distant and unkind.

Diya would often snap at the slightest provocation, her destructive cycle, and she was well aware of it.

Her Love life was nonexistent. The idea of a romantic relationship felt like an unattainable dream. She remained single for 20 years, convinced that love was an elusive dream meant for others but not her.

Her self-doubt and fear of rejection held her back from reaching out to others, perpetuating her isolation.

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