
"Uchiha Resurgence: Last Embers of the Ninja World"

In the solemn morgue, where the fallen members of the Uchiha clan lay in silence, he awoke to a haunting reality. A mysterious voice, barely audible, whispered beside his ear, stirring his confusion. "Saving the ninja world—what does it have to do with me?" As a second survivor and a remnant of the Uchiha clan. Watch his journey and tactics to survive. ........................................................ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Note: Book cover is not mine I taken it from pinterest so If original book cover creater wants to take down the cover from novel . he can just DM me or message in comments, I will withdraw it. Daily 2 chapters or more updates.

Anubhav_Bharshiv · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 39:Competition among geniuses!

The administrator observed Shinji quietly for a moment, noticing his furrowed brow. With a slight smile, he shook his head and remarked, "Young man, mastering B-level ninjutsu isn't as simple as it seems!"

While Shinji outwardly frowned, inwardly he had already begun deciphering the principles of the Shadow Clone Technique.

Executing ninjutsu and comprehending its intricacies were two distinct skills.

This differentiation was especially pronounced in techniques like transformation and shadow clones, which demanded meticulous attention to detail.

Without a deep understanding and precise chakra control, Shinji knew his execution of the Shadow Clone Technique could easily be discerned by perceptive and experienced ninja.

Conversely, elite practitioners of the technique, like those who had inherited advanced pupil arts through bloodline succession, could craft clones indistinguishable even to those with keen eyesight.

In the original timeline, Naruto had famously employed the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique in front of formidable wielders of advanced pupil arts during critical battles, a testament to its potency.

Suddenly, footsteps broke the archive's silence.

Startled from his concentration, Shinji looked up to see Sasuke, also arriving to borrow ninjutsu scrolls.

Sasuke quickly noticed Shinji in return.

Their eyes met, each registering surprise in the other's gaze.

Casting a glance toward the Shadow Clone Technique scroll on Shinji's desk, Sasuke turned to the administrator and declared, "I'll borrow the Shadow Clone Technique scroll."

The administrator, casting a peculiar glance at both Shinji and Sasuke, promptly handed another Shadow Clone Technique scroll to Sasuke.

Taking the scroll, Sasuke seated himself at a nearby table and began perusing its contents.

"This guy..."

Shinji couldn't help but feel bemused.

He realized Sasuke likely mistook him for the individual who single-handedly subdued the Kyuubi, fueling his vengeance and clearing his previous clouded judgment.

Shinji found a silver lining in Sasuke's newfound focus and clarity.

But just as Shinji prepared to resume his study of the Shadow Clone Technique, another set of footsteps echoed through the archives.

This time, both Shinji and Sasuke glanced up to find Neji approaching.

Neji appeared momentarily taken aback upon spotting Shinji and Sasuke, then approached the administrator and requested, "I'd like to borrow the Shadow Clone Technique ninjutsu scroll."

The administrator's demeanor brightened noticeably. After a brief survey of the trio, he offered Neji the Shadow Clone Technique scroll with a smile.

Observing Neji's choice, Sasuke shot a competitive glance, his expression less than amicable.

Undeterred, Neji met Sasuke's gaze evenly before finding an empty seat and settling in.

"Do you know why I've chosen to learn the Shadow Clone Technique? It's all in this scroll!"

Shinji found himself increasingly at a loss for words.

He had sought to learn the Shadow Clone Technique as part of his strategic preparations, yet now found himself unwittingly embroiled in a rivalry with the newcomers.

Soon, a hush settled over the archives.

Yet, while Shinji focused sincerely on mastering the Shadow Clone Technique, Sasuke and Neji seemed to split their attention between their studies and discreetly appraising each other's progress.

At noon, when the museum closed, each returned their scrolls in silence before departing.

As Shinji lingered behind, he couldn't help but lament inwardly, "Originally, my study of the Shadow Clone Technique should have gone unnoticed. Now, with these two involved, I fear it may attract unwanted attention. It seems my endeavor this time is destined to 'fail'."

Just as he contemplated this, something unexpected unfolded before him.

A Root ninja materialized, blocking Sasuke's path.

Moments later, an ANBU operative intervened, shielding Sasuke from the Root ninja.

Tension mounted until Danzo emerged from the sidelines, striding toward Sasuke. "Everything you desire lies with me. Join my ranks!"

An ANBU swiftly interjected, "Danzo-sama, Hokage-sama has ordered Sasuke remain within the confines of the academy for now."

Danzo's expression turned frigid before he pivoted away, declaring, "Remember, only I can grant your wishes."

"It's the same old story. Doesn't Danzo have anything new to say?" Shinji muttered under his breath, eyeing Sasuke warily.

The prospect of Sasuke joining Root didn't bode well for Shinji. Should Danzo secure Sasuke's allegiance, attention might shift his way.

Yet, just as worry began to gnaw at him, Sasuke smirked, "With my Sharingan, nothing is beyond my grasp!"

Shinji's expression darkened. "Perhaps my concerns were unfounded."

Neji, meanwhile, averted his gaze, clearly disinterested.

Not far off, Danzo, having departed earlier, now listened intently to a report from a departing Root ninja.

Upon hearing it, Danzo's eyes flashed with fury. "He really said that?"

"Yes, sir."

The Root ninja affirmed.

Danzo mused aloud, "So, it was this kid who stole Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan during the massacre."

The Root ninja inquired, "Should we continue monitoring Sasuke Uchiha, guarded as he is by ANBU appointed by the Third Hokage?"

Danzo's tone turned cold. "Continue monitoring. We must discover where he's hidden Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan. There must be secrets hidden within those eyes!"


In the days that followed, Shinji, Sasuke, and Neji frequented the archives to study the Shadow Clone Technique diligently.

As Shinji had predicted, Sasuke's association quickly drew attention.

Soon, rumors circulated throughout the village of Uchiha and Hyuga prodigies competing to master advanced ninjutsu.

Imagine the spectacle: three young academy students vying to master a B-level technique typically reserved for Jounin.

The buzz intensified when villagers began placing bets on who would master the Shadow Clone Technique first among the three.

Despite inquiries about their progress, Shinji, who had already secretly learned and practiced the Shadow Clone Technique extensively, now contemplated his next move.

In his apartment, he bit his finger, drew forth Yukimaru, handed over a parchment, and issued a command, "Execute as instructed!"

End of chapter.