
"The Living Child"

(This novel is based on true events of a person's life.) Jessie is a regular college teenage girl who seeks to live a normal life but unfortunately she is always discriminated by the people around her for the way she look, for her figure,her status in society etc. she faces this situation everyday as she goes out. out of depression she tries to commit suicide but was saved and she later turns to religion for protection and for encouraging herself to not give up on life and also to seek the answer she has been searching, but then she starts to feel that religion doesn't have what she is looking for, Therefore, in the end she runs away from home,so that she could live peacefully, and also seek the answer to the question herself, leaving behind the judgmental society. will she find out what she has been seeking for? read the novel to find out more of what is to happen to Jessie. #Rez Elu#

Rez_Elu · Teen
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The lagacy

In a distant forest two human figures could be seen tracking the hilly mountain. they were carrying bags and holding cameras.

"sam,can you tell me now where are we going to set our camp tonight? we have been walking this damm mountain for the whole day!!" said Ruby while perspiring as beads of sweat can be seen flowing down on her forehead down to her face.

"relax dear, I'm looking out for a good place with good views, then we can watch the sunset together, embrace you and talk about our dreams..." Sam said as he appears to be imagining this perfect romantic scene already happening.

"Sam!! I'm serious, it's gonna be late if we don't hurry, we never know the weather conditions around here, it might even rain." Ruby said while looking at Sam with a frustrated and a somewhat irritated tone.

"I got it dear, I'm working on it." Sam starting looking around for a place to set up their camp.

"Sam!....sam!! I found a hut here,check this out." Ruby called Sam as she spotted an old Hut just underneath a huge tree at the topmost of the mountain.

"who could be living here?dont you think it's little bit too isolated for any human to settle here? " Ruby ask Sam with a bit nervousness.

"I don't know who could be living here or who built this thing in such an isolated place." Sam said while observing the hut with some caution and curiosity.

"well, let's Check out, otherwise how would we know a thing about it? "said Sam as he grab Ruby's hand and walk towards the Hut.

"don't you think the atmosphere or the place is abnormally quite? "Ruby said as she hold Sam's elbow with nervousness.

" dear... dear... this is a forest a peaceful place with maximum tranquility, do you expect it to be like a market place? ha...ha.. ha.." Sam laugh as he was amused by ruby's nervousness.

As they reached the Hut they gently push the door open.


"light up the torch"

"ahhh...ahhhh... Samm!!! "ruby directly jumps on Sam's front and hugs him while screaming.

"relax dear, calm down,calm down, who was the one who said that she is not afraid of the Conjuring film?emmmhh??

Sam said teasingly as he look down at Ruby who is almost close to tears.

"Sam! it's not a time to joke around! let's get out of this damn place!!" "mommy i wanna go home" said Ruby still in Sam embrace.

"oh.. dear come on I just wanna check out,thats all. "Sam said as he look around the Hut.

" but there's a dead body sitting there Sam!! let's leave his place I'm scared."said ruby not daring to look at the dead body in the middle of the Hut.

"dear it's just a skeleton, what's there to be afraid of? I'm just curious to see what all these books are about. " Sam said as he curiously look at the skeleton and at the books covered with dust near the skeleton and some at the shelf.

" Sam what's wrong with you? this place could be haunted or worse even cursed!!" spat ruby with determination to leave this place.

"it's okay dear, I'm here,you just hold on to me. it won't take much time. I mean aren't you curious too know what this books are all about or who this person is to live or stay in such an isolated place all alone?"said Sam somewhat reluctant to leave this place without checking this place thoroughly.

"but what will we do even if we find out about this person? we can just report it to the police and let them handled it. "Said ruby still unwilling to stay in the Hut.

"of course we can do that but I wanna check out what this guy has been doing all alone here and I believe the answer is in the books. "said Sam as he walks closer to inspect the skeleton.

"Sam!! what are you doing!?" said Ruby anxiously.

Sam wave his hand at Ruby and said, " dear don't worry I won't do anything that puts me in danger. "

As Sam walks closer he could see the skeleton appeared to be that of a young one though he can't seem to determine wether it's a girl or a boy. there are still some remnants of torn cloths around the skeleton.

Sam also notice that the skeleton is sitting in a lotus or in a meditative position which make him reevaluate his earlier assumption that he may have suicide.

Sam also speculates that someone might have kill him/her, but be rejects this possibility because if someone kill him/her than why is it sitting in this meditative position and theres no sign of damage in the bones.

"strange indeed! maybe it really is a suicide like torturing oneself or taking poisons? " Sam muttered under his breath.

"Sam just make it fast! it doesn't matter how he/she died the police will find out the truth. I really don't find this place any peaceful anymore" Ruby urge Sam as she is still scared.

" dear ...calm down,dead don't come back to life." said Sam as he grab the nearest book close to the skeleton.

as he blew away the dust he could see that the books is old but maintain safely.

As Sam open the book he could see a beautiful handwriting and written in the foremost page was "A Man from birth to death choose his own world to live in.and this choice affects his entire life. "

As he turn the page he could see a different and a strange language."

but when he turns to the next Page he notice that it's written in English.which he could understand.

looking at the first page and reading it, now he knew it! i"f I'm not wrong it's a bio." it seems this person has written his/her life story on this book!."Sam muttered.

"Sam! it's already late! are we gonna stay here with the skeleton? " said Ruby who while by now is already mad at Sam.

"yes, it's already late and it will take us some time to look for new location better than this. so we better stay here for tonight!" Sam said nonchalantly while still inspecting the books.

"Sam are you really serious? staying together here in a small Hut with a dead person!? you've gone crazy Sam! " said Ruby as she sighed helplessly.

As Sam starts looking at the books,Ruby made fire and she still is stuck to Sam as she is still afraid to even peek at the skeleton,afraid that it might suddenly becomes alive again.