
"The German Navy"

Admiral Graf Spee, December 13, 1939, off Montevideo, wounded and scuttled; Bismarck, May 27, 1941, 400 nautical miles west of Brest, sunk in battle; Scharnhorst, December 26, 1943, off the North Cape of Norway, sunk in battle; Tirpitz, November 12, 1944, Langanes Bay, Trondheim Harbor, capsized after being hit by British Tallboy bombs; Gneisenau, March 23, 1945, Gotenhafen Harbor, scuttled; Admiral Scheer, April 9, 1945, sunk in Kiel Harbor during a British air raid; Lützow, May 4, 1945, near Swinemünde, scuttled; At the end of the war, only the forlorn Prinz Eugen was docked at a pier in Copenhagen. A young time traveler attempted to change all this, unaware of the myriad hardships ahead on his journey... Confronting history, learning from it! ... American Mahan said: A country cannot simultaneously develop its land power and sea power. The Queen of England said: At sea, I am the boss. The German leader said: We can end the war with just the army and air force. The Americans laughed, for they had become the sole victors of the war. All had become history, but the appearance of a young time traveler caused a new shoot to grow on the Tree of Time. He changed the fate of the Third Reich's downfall, ushering in a new era of naval power...

sckyh · War
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