
"The Gates"

I started rewriting this, you can read it but text is going to change soon Chapters won't be released for some days

The7th · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New, pleasant memories

" Where am I? Who am I? Uh, who are you? " - The main character asks with a soft voice, he just woke up.

" You're nowhere, well, at the moment. You don't remember yourself but your knowledge remained. As for me, I'll tell you later. " — Unknown person answers him. He carries our MC through space and uncountable amount of stars were accompanying them. They flew quickly, but despite the high speed it was possible to see the surrounding celestial bodies. An unknown person, with MC in his arms, was approaching an unknown solar system. To a populated and green planet to be exact.

" Alright, we're here. I'm going to decrease my speed, be careful and hold on tight " — The unknown says, MC hugs him to not fall.


They successfully landed in the thicket of the forest; there was a lot of grass and trees. And where they were located there were no trees. It's as if they didn't grow here specifically to fly here. On this planet, in this place, it was still early morning. There were drops of dew on the leaves of the plants and on the grass, these droplets sparkled in the rays of the rising sun.

" Oh right, you still don't know my name. You can call me 7th. My real name is kinda difficult to memorise, especially for someone like you " — The seventh introduces himself

" I'm sorry, as you know, i don't remember my name and everything related to me " — the MC says sadly and lets go of his head with a guilty look

" No-no-no! Don't blame yourself, that's my fault I forgot about that. Why don't you make a name for yourself? Maybe... look around and come up with something? "

" Okay.. "

There were a lot of insects around, butterflies, bees, ants, dragonflies, spiders, mantises and many more!

" Hmm.. i think Mantis is a good name "

Thought to myself MC, hoping that 7th will like it too

—7th? What do you think of 'Mantis'?

—Very unusual, I like it. Are you sure this will become your name?


—Alright then, let's start our journey, Mantis?

Mantis just noticed that he had been sitting on the grass all this time, now his clothes were a little wet due to the dew. 7th, standing next to Mantis, extends his hand, helping him get to his feet. Together they leave the forest and approach civilization closer to day.


While walking:

—May i ask you why you called yourself "7th"? Is there a story behind it or it's just something you came up with?

—Well, there is a story, but it's too early for you to hear it. Let's talk about later?



They finally reached the village, found a place to live and a job. Apparently this planet is not yet very developed, as if it were still in the Iron Age. But even so, the planet was not polluted, people cared about cleanliness. Only one thing struck Mantis: problems with education. No matter how much they traveled together, there were so few schools that they almost did not exist. Therefore, Mantis decided to become a teacher in this world and wrote books and textbooks with his own hands using his knowledge. 7th helped build schools and set schedules. Over several hundred years they developed this planet and became the greatest contributors to development. In another couple of hundred years, people on this planet can already get by without Mantis's and 7th's help. So despite how well they have taken root here, they need to move to another world. But this is good news for them, because here 7th again taught Mantis to use magic, energy and even flight

'Energy is a personal ability of a being, everyone has their own. If you accumulate a lot of energy, you can use strong techniques, And if you pour energy into a strong enough object, you can strengthen it or even change it.'

All this time Mantis had some kind of golden ax, it was amazingly well made. He felt some kind of attachment to this ax, but did not understand what kind, so he decided to keep it. Still, good weapons are not so easy to find

Before going to another world, Seventh asks:

" Hey, you do remember how to fly, right? I think i told you once. "

" Oh yeah, you've teached me to fly but I'm still not sure if i can fly to a different world with my abilities " - Mantis says putting his hand on his head and slightly smiling

" That's fine, you can hold my hand so you won't lose me. And when you feel tired i can carry you just like i bring you here " Seventh smiles back

Time has come, they helped this world and Mantis understood magic, flying, energy, weapon welding and many other things here. That world was a perfect spot for them, but everything has it's end

—Are you ready to go?

—Yeah, i think..

—Don't forget your axe, don't bring too much items.


—Alright, let's go on some real adventures now. Hold my hand

Seven extends his hand and Mantis places his, and they left this place together, maybe they will come back here someday again together

Or maybe with even more friends

Or alone

Or never

Who knows?

They just hope for a chance to return and live there, among nature, on a hill where they will meet both sunrises and sunsets.

But they have to go