
"The Fractured Circle"

It was a strange incident that happened with my college classmate. It all started with a gunshot on the farm. The villagers rushed to the scene and found a dead man holding a gun. They immediately informed the police station, and soon the police arrived at the farm. The victim was identified as John, an average college student. Everyone was in shock, but the police concluded that it was a suicide. However, I don't believe it. John was not the kind of person who would kill himself."

"Looks like I'll have to call her," I said to myself. I dialed her number, and after a few rings, she picked up. "My love, something happened here, and I need your help," I said. "I can't explain it over the phone. Can you help me solve this case?"

"I know, my love. I trust you," she replied. "Let's find out what really happened. We'll start by checking his phone, emails, and social media sites."

there was a group of friends who shared a deep bond. We were Jesse, Daisy, Seth, Zoe, Ava, and myself, Prince. We were inseparable, spending our days together, laughing, and creating memories.

However, tragedy struck when one of the girls from our group, a girl with a radiant smile and a heart full of kindness, passed away unexpectedly. Her name was not just a name; it was a symbol of joy and friendship. Her absence left a void in our lives that could never be filled.

As time went on, our group began to drift apart. The boys and the girl who had left us all too soon seemed to be at the center of this separation. The reasons for our parting were as elusive as the wind, leaving everyone wondering what had gone wrong.

I couldn't help but feel that there was more to this story than met the eye. I decided to embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind our fractured friendship. Armed with determination and a gut feeling, I knew that I had to start by talking to Zoe, one of the girls from our group.

One day, I approached Zoe and greeted her with a warm smile. "Hi, Zoe. It's been a while," I said, trying to hide the urgency in my voice.

Zoe looked surprised but returned the smile. "Long time no see, Prince. What brings you here?" she asked.

I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to ask the question that had been weighing on my mind. "Well, I've just been busy, you know. But I wanted to talk to you about Jesse's death. It's been on my mind a lot lately," I said, my voice filled with genuine concern.

Zoe's eyes filled with sadness as she nodded. "It's a tragedy, Prince. It broke me to hear the news. I would have never thought that he would... you know," she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

I nodded, understanding the pain in her words. "Me too. But I can't help but remember that we split up before all this happened. Do you mind telling me why?" I asked, hoping to find a clue that would lead me closer to the truth.

Zoe sighed, her gaze fixed on the ground. "It's hard to explain, Prince. We just... drifted apart. Our interests changed, and we started hanging out with different people. It wasn't anything special, really," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

I knew that there was more to the story, but I didn't want to push Zoe any further. "I understand, Zoe. Thanks for sharing," I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

Zoe smiled weakly. "No problem, Prince. I'll see you again soon. I have to get home quickly," she said, her voice trailing off.

I watched as Zoe walked away, her figure disappearing into the distance. I knew that I had to keep digging, keep searching for the truth. The mystery of our broken friendship was far from over, and I was determined to find the answers.

Then i called her

Me : Babe I'm sending you Zoe roll no you can you give me information about her 

She: okay love

She: here I've texted you everything i could find about her

"By the information I received from the babe, Zoe belonged to an upper-middle-class family. She was an extrovert who liked making new friends and hanging out at night. I was pretty sure her parents didn't know much about her because both of them were in the professional or corporate world, but I liked to call them they were in a rat race. Zoe may have looked careless, but she always had above-average grades, and I was pretty sure she came here to get a job placement.

Little did I know that my quest would take me down a path filled with twists and turns, secrets and revelations. As I delved deeper into the lives of my friends, I would uncover hidden truths and confront my own demons.

Will I be able to solve the mystery? Will I find the connection between Jesse's death and our fractured friendship? Only time would tell.

To be continued...